Front-End Web Development

Front-end web development is all about how the world sees your project. Finding the right front-end web framework can be difficult for developers. As a result, Packt Hub provides the latest news and updates around tools like Angular and React to keep you up to date. From JavaScript‘s latest updates to the evolution of how browsers such as Firefox and Chrome display your code, we’ve got all the latest news and insights in one place.

Load, Validate, and Submit Forms using Ext JS 3.0: Part 3

Loading form data from the server An important part of working with forms is loading the data that a form will display. Here's how to...

Load, Validate, and Submit Forms using Ext JS 3.0: Part 2

Creating validation functions for URLs, email addresses, and other types of data Ext JS has an extensive library of validation functions. This is how it...

Making Progress with Menus and Toolbars using Ext JS 3.0: Part 1

Placing buttons in a toolbar You can embed different types of components in a toolbar. This topic teaches you how to build a toolbar that...

Making Progress with Menus and Toolbars using Ext JS 3.0: Part 2

Embedding a progress bar in a status bar This topic explains how to embed a progress bar in a panel's status bar, a scenario found...

User Interaction and Email Automation in Symfony 1.3: Part2

Automated email responses Symfony comes with a default mailer library that is based on Swift Mailer 4, the detailed documentation is available from their web...

User Interaction and Email Automation in Symfony 1.3: Part1

The signup module We want to provide the users with the functionality to enter their name, email address, and how they found our web site....

Search Engine Optimization using Sitemaps in Drupal 6

Let's get started. As smart as the Google spider is, it's possible for them to miss pages on your site. Maybe you've got an orphaned...

Keyword Research for Search Engine Optimization in Drupal 6

SEO is necessary—you've got to do it if you want to rank well for keywords. Simple in concept, keywords are actually very complicated things....

Developing an Application in Symfony 1.3 (Part 2)

Building the database The last step is to create the database and then create all of the tables. I have created my database called milkshake...

Developing an Application in Symfony 1.3 (Part 1)

The milkshake shop Our application will be designed for a fictitious milkshake shop. The functional requirements for our shop are: Display of the menu, job vacancies,...

Must Read in Web Dev

Learning Essential Linux Commands for Navigating the Shell Effectively 

Once we learn how to deploy an Ubuntu server, how to manage users, and how to manage software packages, we should take a moment...
