How To Get Started with Redux in React Native
In mobile development there is a need for architectural frameworks, but complex frameworks designed to be used in web environments may end up damaging...
Bootstrap 5 to replace jQuery with vanilla JavaScript
The upcoming major version of Bootstrap, version 5, will no longer have jQuery as a dependency and will be replaced with vanilla JavaScript. In...
Shapefiles in Leaflet
This article written by Paul Crickard III, the author of Leaflet.js Essentials, describes the use of shapefiles in Leaflet. It shows us how a...
How to use Bootstrap grid system for responsive website design?
Bootstrap Origins
In 2011, Bootstrap was created by two Twitter employees (Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton) to address the issue of fragmentation of internal tools/platforms....
React Storybook UI: Logging user interactions with Actions add-on [Tutorial]
Sometimes, you end up creating a whole new page, or a whole new app, just to see what your component can do on its...
Using Native SDKs and Libraries in React Native
When building an app in React Native we may end up needing to use third-party SDKs or libraries. Most of the time, these are...
Mozilla and Google Chrome refuse to support Gab’s Dissenter extension for violating acceptable use...
Earlier this year, Gab, the “free speech” social network and a popular forum for far-right viewpoint holders and other fringe groups, launched a browser...
Using React Router for Client Side Redirecting
If you are using React in the front end of your web application and you would like to use React Router in order to...
Using Socket.IO and Express together
In this article by Joshua Johanan, the author of the book Building Scalable Apps with Redis and Node.js, tells us that Express application is...
What’s new in ECMAScript 2018 (ES9)?
ECMAScript 2018 - also known as ES9 - is now complete with lots of features.
Since the major features released with ECMAScript 2015 the...