iOS Programming

iOS is a constantly evolving operating system. With regular updates being rolled out at Apple’s WWDC, the Packt Hub aims to keep you up to date. We take a look at the latest developments, not only in Apple’s own apps, but iOS programming with tools such as Xcode and Swift.

Toy Bin

In this article by Steffen Damtoft Sommer and Jim Campagno, the author of the book Swift 3 Programming for Kids, we will walk you through what an...

Integrating with Messages App

In this article by Hossam Ghareeb, the author of the book, iOS Programming Cookbook, we will cover the recipe Integrating iMessage app with iMessage...

Your First Swift Program

 In this article, by Keith Moon author of the book Swift 4 Programming Cookbook, we will learn how to write your first swift program. (For more resources...
Mobile phone in hand

AI on mobile: How AI is taking over the mobile devices marketspace

If you look at the current trends in the mobile market space, a lot of mobile phone manufacturers portray artificial intelligence as the chief...
mobile analytics

Why your app needs real time mobile analytics

What’s every mobile developer’s worst nightmare? The mere idea that their app has fallen into obscurity and it doesn’t have a single user engagement or...
web application

Progressive Web AMPs: Combining Progressive Wep Apps and AMP

Modern day web development is getting harder. Users are looking for relentless, responsive and reliable browsing. They want faster results and richer experiences. In...
Apple iOS 12 beta 2

Apple USB Restricted Mode: Here’s Everything You Need to Know

You must have heard about the incident where the FBI was looking to unlock the iPhone of a mass shooting suspect (one of the...
mobile development

What’s the difference between cross platform and native mobile development?

Mobile has become an increasingly important part of many modern businesses tech strategy. In everything from eCommerce to financial services, mobile applications aren’t simply...

Project Fi is now Google Fi, will support multiple Android based phones, offer beta...

Google has officially announced that its Project Fi will be rebranded to ‘Google Fi’. They have also expanded Fi’s support to multiple phones like...
Apple iOS 12 beta 2

Google Project Zero reveals an iMessage bug that bricks iPhone causing repetitive crash and...

A zero-day vulnerability in Apple's iMessage, which bricks an iPhone and survives hard resets was recently brought to light. A specific type of malformed...

Must Read in Mobile

Understanding the Foundation of Protocol-oriented Design

When Apple announced Swift 2 at the World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) in 2016, they also declared that Swift was the world’s first protocol-oriented...
