CMS & E-Commerce

Staying up to date with changes to platforms like Magento and Wordpress can be difficult. Packt Hub strives to provide the latest news around CMS and E-Commerce sites, to keep you up-to-date.

Working with forms using Ext JS 4

Ext JS 4 is Sencha’s latest JavaScript framework for developing cross-platform web applications. Built upon web standards, Ext JS provides a comprehensive library of...

Getting Started with Inkscape

Inkscape 0.48 Essentials for Web Designers Use the fascinating Inkscape graphics editor to create attractive layout designs, images, and icons for your website   Vector graphics Vector graphics...

Core Data: Designing a Data Model and Building Data Objects

To design a data model with Core Data, we need to create a new project. So, let's start there... Creating a new project To create a...

Searching Data using phpMyAdmin and MySQL

In this article by Marc Delisle, we present mechanisms that can be used to find the data we are looking for instead of just...
Apps on phone

What is the future of on-demand e-commerce apps?

On-demand apps almost came as a movement in the digital world and transformed the way we avail services and ready-to-use business deliverables. -E-commerce stores...

Adding Flash to your WordPress Theme

Adobe Flash—it's come quite a long way since my first experience with it as a Macromedia product (version 2 in 1997). Yet still, it...

Creating Blog Content in WordPress

(For more resources related to this topic, see here.) Posting on your blog The central activity you'll be doing with your blog is adding posts. A...

Creating Views 3 Programmatically

(For more resources on Drupal, see here.) Programming a view Creating a view with a module is a convenient way to have a predefined view available...

Designing Site Layouts in Inkscape

  Inkscape 0.48 Essentials for Web Designers Use the fascinating Inkscape graphics editor to create attractive layout designs, images, and icons for your website The first...

Buttons, Menus, and Toolbars in Ext JS

The unsung heroes of every application are the simple things like buttons, menus, and toolbars. In this article by Shea Frederick, Steve 'Cutter' Blades,...

Must Read in Web Dev

Learning Essential Linux Commands for Navigating the Shell Effectively 

Once we learn how to deploy an Ubuntu server, how to manage users, and how to manage software packages, we should take a moment...
