Abstract Cubes Formation

Intel introduces cryogenic control chip, ‘Horse Ridge’ for commercially viable quantum computing

On Monday, Intel Labs introduced first of its kind cryogenic control chip codenamed Horse Ridge. According to Intel, Horse Ridge will enable commercially viable...

Netflix open-sources Metaflow, its Python framework for building and managing data science projects

Yesterday, the Netflix team announced to open-source Metaflow, a Python library that helps scientists and engineers build and manage real-life data science projects. The Netflix...

Amazon re:Invent 2019 Day One: AWS launches Braket, its new quantum service and releases...

At day one of the ongoing Amazon re:Invent 2019, there was a flurry of announcements made for AWS. Most importantly, AWS announced the preview...
EU slaps Google with $5 billion fine for the Android antitrust case

EU antitrust regulators are investigating Google’s data collection practices, reports Reuters

Google is facing another antitrust investigation from the European commission even after paying record fines last year due to its questionable data collection and...
Security lock data

Julia Computing research team runs machine learning model on encrypted data without decrypting it

Last week, the team at Julia Computing published a research based on cutting edge cryptographic techniques. The research involved cryptography techniques to practically perform...
Tiki torches burning

10 key announcements from Microsoft Ignite 2019 you should know about

This year’s Microsoft Ignite was jam-packed with new releases and upgrades in Microsoft’s line of products and services. The company elaborated on its growing...
cloud data center

Google will not support Cloud Print, its cloud-based printing solution starting 2021

Last week, Google notified its users that Cloud Print, Google’s cloud-based printing solution will not receive any support after December 31, 2020. The Cloud...
Open AI

OpenAI releases Safety Gym for prioritizing safety exploration in reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning (RL) agents explore their environments to learn optimal policies by trial and error method. In such environments, one of the critical concerns...
Tiki torches burning

NVIDIA releases Kaolin, a PyTorch library to accelerate research in 3D computer vision and...

Deep learning and 3D vision research have led to major developments in the field of robotics and computer graphics. However, there is a dearth...
Baidu headqaurters

Baidu adds Paddle Lite 2.0, new development kits, EasyDL Pro, and other upgrades to...

Yesterday, Baidu’s deep learning open platform PaddlePaddle (PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning), released its latest version with 21 new products such as Paddle Lite 2.0,...

Must Read in Mobile

Understanding the Foundation of Protocol-oriented Design

When Apple announced Swift 2 at the World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) in 2016, they also declared that Swift was the world’s first protocol-oriented...
