Cloud & Networking

Cloud and Networking are the two fastest growing technology sectors of recent years. With the latest news from the world of Cloud Computing including the likes of Google, Azure and AWS, as well as the latest DevOps news, the Packt Hub team write about the biggest stories as they develop.

Apache Continuum: Ensuring the Health of your Source Code (Part 2)

The build definition As we have seen in the Continuum build life cycle overview earlier, Continuum uses build definitions for building the projects. We can think...

Apache Continuum: Ensuring the Health of your Source Code (Part 1)

Knowing when your build breaks First, let us define a continuous integration, or CI server. A CI server is an application that is used to...

Useful Maven Plugins: Part 2

The Build Helper plugin Within Maven, there are a number of common tasks which plugins can perform to alter the current project for changes occurring...

Useful Maven Plugins: Part 1

Nobody can tell exactly how many Maven plugins exist today—since, like dependencies they can be retrieved from any specified remote repository, there are likely...

Scalix and Security

Basic Security and Firewalls An administrator installing a Scalix server in a productive environment must make some considerations before setting up his system: Is the server...

Creating a VB.NET application with EnterpriseDB

Overview of the tutorial You will begin by creating an ODBC datasource for accessing data on the Postgres server. Using the User DSN created you...

Working with SBS Services as a User: Part 2

Managing files One service that SBS 2008 provides for users is a secure place to store files. Both web sites and file shares are provided...

GoboLinux: An Interview with Lucas Villa Real

GoboLinux is popular for its filesystem hierarchy which breaks away from the traditional Unix Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS). So basically you wouldn't find any...

Why Do We Need Specialist Security Distros?

I talk with Ryan Berens, from Guardian Digital makers of EnGarde Linux, to understand their role in the Linux distribution space. EnGarde is distributed...

Oracle SQL Developer Tool 1.5 with SQL Server 2005

Installation and a review of some new features Installation The program can be downloaded from the following URL. In the present case the Windows option...