13 min read

Nobody can tell exactly how many Maven plugins exist today—since, like dependencies they can be retrieved from any specified remote repository, there are likely hundreds to choose from, and likely even more that have been custom written for use within the infrastructure of particular organizations.

A common practice for frameworks and tools that require build integration is to publish a Maven plugin to accomplish the task—and it is becoming increasingly common to encounter this as a standard part of the getting started section of a project you might hope to use. However, there are also a number of plugins that would be considered general purpose and handle some extended build cases in a wider variety of projects.

While this won’t come close to covering all the plugins you are likely to encounter, with these common tools in your arsenal it will cover many of your Maven build needs, reducing the need for you to write your own plugins.

The Remote Resources plugin

Most projects will use the Resources plugin at some point, even if it isn’t configured directly—it is standard in the default life cycle for any packaging that produces some type of artifact, bundling the resources found in src/main/resources.

However, what if you wanted to share those resources among multiple projects? The best approach to doing that is to store the resources in the repository and retrieve them for use in multiple builds—and that is where the Remote Resources plugin comes in.

First, we should note that this is not the only alternative for handling the scenario. The Dependency plugin’s unpack goal is also quite capable of unpacking an artifact full of resources directly into the location that will be packaged.

However, the Remote Resources plugin offers several advantages:

  1. Re-integration with the resources life cycle so that retrieved resources will automatically be processed in any goals in the process-resources phase.
  2. The ability to perform additional processing on the resources (including the optional use of Velocity templates to generate the resources) before inclusion.
  3. A specific bundle generation goal for creating the resource artifact in the first place.

These advantages can make the plugin very effective at dealing with some common scenarios. For example the inspiration for the creation of the plugin, and one of its more common uses, is to place aggregated license files within the final artifact.

There are other scenarios where the dependency:unpack goal remains more suitable. It is best to select the Remote Resources plugin when the files will be incorporated into the resources life cycle and the Dependency plugin when the files will be utilized independently.

Let’s look at how to create a license file for our Centrepoint application. We will do this in two steps—the creation of the resource bundle that provides the generic resources for any project by the same organization, and the processing of the module resources.

Creating a Remote Resource bundle

Remote Resource bundles are regular JAR files packaged with additional information generated by the remote resource plugin’s bundle goal. Creating a module follows the same process as with other JAR files.

In the example application, we will create the module outside of the Centrepoint multi-module hierarchy, so that it could (theoretically) be used by other projects from the same organization. This could be anywhere in source control, but we will assume it sits side-by-side with the effectivemaven-parent module in the workspace.

$ mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=license-resources 

As this is not going to be a code project, the src/main/java and src/test directories can be removed from the generated content. We then continue to add the parent project to the POM, so the result looks like the following:


<name>License Resource Bundle</name>

We will add the Remote Resources plugin shortly, but first let’s create the resources that will be bundled. These are added to the src/main/resources like regular resources.

Consider the following Velocity template file, src/main/resources/LICENSE.vm:

## License Generator
#macro(showUrl $url)
This software is distributed under the following license(s):
#foreach ($l in $project.licenses)
 - $l.name #showUrl ($l.url)
#if (!$projectsSortedByOrganization.isEmpty())
The software relies on a number of dependencies. The individual
licenses are outlined below.
#set ($keys = $projectsSortedByOrganization.keySet())
#foreach ($o in $keys)
From: '$o.name' #showUrl($o.url)
#set ($projects = $projectsSortedByOrganization.get($o))
#foreach ($p in $projects)
 - $p.name #showUrl ($p.url)
#foreach ($l in $p.licenses)
 License: $l.name #showUrl ($l.url)

For those not familiar with Velocity, the purpose of this is to first iterate through the project’s licenses and list them, then secondly iterate through the project’s dependencies (grouped by the organization they are from) and list their license. The $projectsSortedByOrganization variable is a special one added by the Remote Resources plugin to assist in this task.

Before we can move on to use the bundle, we need to add the plugin to the bundle project like so:


This goal is required to generate a bundle manifest, the contents of which tell the plugin which resources to process when it is later called on to do so.

With this all in place, we can now install the bundle into the local repository, ready for use:

license-resources$ mvn install

If you were to inspect the contents of the generated JAR file, you would see both the LICENSE.vm file in the root, and the bundle manifest in META-INF/maven/remoteresources.xml. You would also find that the Velocity template is unmodified—the contents will be executed when the bundle is later processed in the target project, which we will proceed to look at now.

Processing Remote Resources in a project

Using the resource bundle we have created is now quite straightforward. We start by adding the folllowing to the build section of modules/pom.xml file of Centrepoint:

</configuration> </plugin>


Here we have added a list of resource bundle artifacts to the configuration for the process goal, in the familiar shorthand artifact notation of groupId:artifactId:version. It has been added to the modules POM so that the license is included in the JAR files, but not included in the other non-code modules such as the documentation (which already generates a copy of the license from the reporting plugins).

Normally, you should use a released version of the license bundle, not a snapshot as we have here (as we have not yet covered the release process!). Since the bundle is configured directly and not through a dependency, the Release plugin will not detect this unresolved snapshot later.

Now, if we build a module such as store-api, we will see the license included in the root directory of the JAR file with the following content:

This software is distributed under the following license(s):
 - The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
The software relies on a number of dependencies. The individual
licenses are outlined below.
From: 'Apache Maven 2: Effective Implementations Book'
- Centrepoint Data Model
License: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
From: 'Google'
- Guice
License: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0

This is a good start, but we don’t really need to include our own artifacts in the list, so we go back to the plugin declaration in modules/pom.xml and add another line of configuration:


Regenerating the above artifact will alter the license to remove the dependencies from the project’s group.

A different case is the final distribution. As this is not part of the modules hierarchy, first we need to include the plugin definition identical to the one added previously.

In the sample code for this article, you will notice that this has been taken a step further with the version and common configuration pushed into a pluginManagement section of the Centrepoint parent POM, and just the execution of the plugin goal remains in the modules and distribution POM files.

We can now build the assembly as usual:

distribution$ mvn clean install

Upon inspecting the generated assemblies, you will not see the license file included yet. This is because the Assembly plugin does not pick up Maven resources by default, as it does not participate in the normal life cycle.

To include the license file, we must alter the assembly descriptor distribution/src/main/assembly/bin.xml and add the following file set:


The directory given is the standard location in which the Remote Resources plugin stores the resources it has processed, so if you decide to configure that differently in your own projects you would need to change this to the corresponding location.

Upon building the assembly again we will see that the license has been generated, and that it includes the licenses of dependencies outside of the Centepoint application. As you can see, the distributed application depends on Jetty (also under the Apache License 2.0), which includes some portions of Glassfish (under the CDDL 1.0 License).

While the above technique can be very helpful in constructing some useful information about your project and its dependencies, it cannot be guaranteed to produce complete licensing information for a project. The method relies on accurate information in the POMs of your dependencies, and this can sometimes be inaccurate (particularly when using public repositories such as the Maven Central Repository). If you are redistributing your files, always confirm that you have correctly recorded any necessary licensing information that must accompany them!

The Remote Resources plugin is also capable of covering other scenarios that are particularly suited to license handling or more generally recording information about the project it is being processed for. These include:

  1. The supplementalDataModels configuration option that allows you to fill in incomplete or incorrect metadata for a project dependency before the resources are processed (to avoid particular problems as described above).
  2. The appendedResourcesDirectory, which allows you to store the above models in a separate file.
  3. The properties configuration, which allows the injection of other build properties into the Velocity templates.

However, with this in mind, remember that the Remote Resources plugin is often just as suitable for any type of reusable resource, even if it is a static file.

The Build Number plugin

In Maven Mojos, the goals within a plugin are always designed to be simple tasks. Their aim is to do one thing, and do it well. A good example of this is the Build Number plugin. This simple plugin has one goal (create), with one purpose—to obtain a suitable build number and expose it to the build through properties or a file.

While the plugin focuses on exposing the current Subversion revision, it is capable of generating an incremented build number (stored in a specified properties file), and a representation of the current system date and time. This feature can be very useful in identifying the exact heritage of a particular build. The build number generated by the plugin is different to that used by Maven to identify snapshots or artifact versions. While it is possible that you might mark your version using the information it generates, this plugin is typically used to record information about a particular build—whether it is a snapshot, or a release—within the artifact itself as a permanent record.

Using the plugin is straightforward. By adding the goal to the project, the Subversion revision and a timestamp property will be exposed from the point that it is run onwards.


In this example, we execute the plugin in the generate-resources phase so that the properties are available to any resource processing. Note that the values could be used with the Remote Resources plugin that we have just seen.

There are two things to take into consideration with this configuration, however. Firstly, not all source builds will be Subversion checkouts, but the plugin does not verify that. To work around this potential problem, you can put the goal into a profile:

</activation> <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>buildnumber-maven-plugin</artifactId> ...

This particular activation check will cause the profile to be used within a Subversion checkout (that is, if .svn exists in the current directory), and to skip the plugin if not. In this case, the properties will not be set (or the file will not be created), so the code using these must take that into account.

Secondly, how the values will be accessed needs to be given careful consideration. For example, it is unlikely that you want to create a convoluted build processing step to filter the value into a particular JSP file to appear in a web application. For the sake of keeping the build simple (and speedy), it is best to write the values into a single file that the application can then load from its classpath.

This can be achieved by creating a filtered resource that contains references to the values. The advantage of this method is that it is automatic if you have already configured filtered resources, and automatically ends up in the classpath of the application code that can load the file as a resource.


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