Web Design

Catch up with the latest Web Design news and updates on the Packt Hub. We provide news around the latest developments on tools like Bootstrap, jQuery and CSS.

Getting Started with ASP.NET Core and Bootstrap 4

This article is by Pieter van der Westhuizen, author of the book Bootstrap for ASP.NET MVC - Second edition. As developers, we can find...

Bootstrap 4 Objects, Components, Flexbox, and Layout

In this article by Ajdin Imsirovic author of the book Bootstrap 4 Cookbook, we have three recipes from the book, in which we will...
optimize website in grunt

Align your product experience strategy with business needs

Build a product experience strategy around the needs of stakeholders Product experience strategists need to conduct thorough research to ensure that the products being developed...

NativeScript: What is it, and how to set it up

In this tutorial, we introduce you to the NativeScript library, which allows you to create and deploy a web application on a mobile device and use...
web apis

Is your web design responsive?

Today we will explain what a responsive web design is, how it benefits websites, and what the core concepts are. The topics covered are: Responsive...
UX design

“Be objective, fight for the user, and test with real users on the go!”...

Too often, as designers and developers we fail to make interfaces that are usable, fail to make software that is intuitive, and fail to...
web designer resume

How to create a web designer resume that lands you a Job

Clearly, there’s lot of competition for web designer jobs, - with the salary rising each year - so it’s crucial you find a way...
Snapchat is losing users

Snapchat is losing users – but revenue is up

Snapchat's redesign was met with considerable anger earlier this year, with 1.2 million users signing a petition opposing the redesign. The impact of that...

Bokeh 1.0 released with a new scatter, patches with holes, and testing improvements

Bokeh has released their first stable version. Bokeh is an interactive visualization library that targets modern web browsers for presentation. Bokeh 1.0 marks the...
web designer resume

7 Web design trends and predictions for 2019

Staying updated about web design trends is very crucial. The latest norm today may change tomorrow with shifting algorithms, captivating visuals and introduction of...

Must Read in Web Dev

Learning Essential Linux Commands for Navigating the Shell Effectively 

Once we learn how to deploy an Ubuntu server, how to manage users, and how to manage software packages, we should take a moment...
