iOS Programming

iOS is a constantly evolving operating system. With regular updates being rolled out at Apple’s WWDC, the Packt Hub aims to keep you up to date. We take a look at the latest developments, not only in Apple’s own apps, but iOS programming with tools such as Xcode and Swift.

UITableView Touch Up

 In this article by Donny Wals, from the book Mastering iOS 10 Programming, we will go through UITableView touch up. Chances are that you...

Planning and Structuring Your Test-Driven iOS App

In this article written by Dr. Dominik Hauser, author of the book Test–Driven iOS Development with Swift 3.0, you will learn that when starting TDD,...

Swift’s Core Libraries

In this article, Jon Hoffman, the author of the book Mastering Swift 3, talks about how he was really excited when Apple announced that they...

Extra, Extra Collection, and Closure Changes that Rock!

In this article by Keith Elliott, author of, Swift 3 New Features , we are focusing on collection and closure changes in Swift 3. There...

Fake Swift Enums and User-Friendly Frameworks

Swift Enums are a great and useful hybrid of classic enums with tuples. One of the most attractive points of consideration here is their...

String management in Swift

One of the most common tasks when building a production app is translating the user interface into multiple languages. I won't go into much...

Intro to the Swift REPL and Playgrounds

When Apple introduced Swift at WWDC (its annual Worldwide Developers Conference) in 2014, it had a few goals for the new language. Among them...

Designing a Simple, Robust Object Detector and Classifier

In this article by Joseph Howse, author of the book, iOS Application Development with OpenCV 3, illustrates a scale-invariant,rotation-invariant approach to object detection and classification, using...

Understanding UIKitFundamentals

In this article by Jak Tiano, author of the book Learning Xcode, we're mostly going to be talking about concepts rather than concrete code...

iOS 9: Up to Speed

iOS 9 is the biggest iOS release to date. The new OS introduced new intricate features and refined existing ones. The biggest focus is...

Must Read in Mobile

Understanding the Foundation of Protocol-oriented Design

When Apple announced Swift 2 at the World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) in 2016, they also declared that Swift was the world’s first protocol-oriented...
