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Master the art of face swapping with OpenCV and Python by Sylwek Brzęczkowski, developer at...

No discussion on image processing can be complete without talking about OpenCV. Its 2500+ algorithms, extensive documentation and sample code are considered world-class for...
Switching to Python

Getting to know PyMC3, a probabilistic programming framework for Bayesian Analysis in Python

Bayes' theorem, named after 18th-century British mathematician Thomas Bayes, is a mathematical formula for determining conditional probability. This theorem is used to revise or...
distributed network

Kaggle’s Rachel Tatman on what to do when applying deep learning is overkill 

Deep learning, an emerging branch of machine learning, has garnered a lot of recognition in the field of technology over the last decade. It...
decision trees

Why decision trees are more flexible than linear models, explains Stephen Klosterman

This blog post will examine a hypothetical dataset of website visits and customer conversion, to illustrate how decision trees are a more flexible mathematical...

Teaching GANs a few tricks: a bird is a bird is a bird, robots...

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have been at the forefront of research on generative models in the last couple of years. GANs have been used...
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Gabriel Baptista on how to build high-performance software architecture systems with C# and .Net...

A software architecture refers to the fundamental structure of a software system that serves as a blueprint to manage the system complexity. It is...
execute jobs in an iterative way with Pentaho Data Integration (PDI)

#AskTensorFlow: Twitterati ask questions on TensorFlow 2.0 – TF prebuilt binaries, Tensorboard, Keras, and...

TensorFlow 2.0 was released recently with tighter integration with Keras, eager execution enabled by default, three times faster training performance, a cleaned-up API, and...

Brad Miro talks TensorFlow 2.0 features and how Google is using it internally

TensorFlow 2.0, released in October, has got developers excited about a myriad of features and its ease of use.  At the EuroPython Conference 2019, Brad...

How Microsoft, Airbnb, Genentech, and Toyota are using PyTorch to build and deploy production-ready...

Built by Facebook engineers and researchers, Pytorch is an open-source Python-based deep learning framework for developing new machine learning models, explore neural network architecture...

François Chollet, creator of Keras on TensorFlow 2.0 and Keras integration, tricky design decisions...

TensorFlow 2.0 was made available in October. One of the major highlights of this release was the integration of Keras into TensorFlow. Keras is...

Must Read in Mobile

Understanding the Foundation of Protocol-oriented Design

When Apple announced Swift 2 at the World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) in 2016, they also declared that Swift was the world’s first protocol-oriented...
