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Analyzing CloudTrail Logs using Amazon Elasticsearch

Log management and analysis for many organizations start and end with just three letters: E, L, and K, which stands for Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. In today's tutorial, we will...

How to secure a private cloud using IAM

In this article, we look at securing the private cloud using IAM. For IAM, OpenStack uses the Keystone project. Keystone provides the identity, token, catalog,...

How to create your own AWS CloudTrail

AWS provides a wide variety of tools and managed services which allow you to safeguard your applications running on the cloud, such as AWS...

NativeScript: What is it, and how to set it up

In this tutorial, we introduce you to the NativeScript library, which allows you to create and deploy a web application on a mobile device and use...

Building functional programs with F#

Functional programming treats programs as mathematical expressions and evaluates expressions. It focuses on functions and constants, which don't change, unlike variables and states. Functional programming solves...

6 reasons to choose MySQL 8 for designing database solutions

Whether you are a standalone developer or an enterprise consultant, you would obviously choose a database that provides good benefits and results when compared...

8 recipes to master Promises in ECMAScript 2018

What are Promises in ECMAScript? In earlier versions of JavaScript, the callback pattern was the most common way to organize asynchronous code. It got the...

How to implement Internationalization and localization in your Node.js app

Internationalization, often abbreviated as i18n, implies a particular software design capable of adapting to the requirements of target local markets. In other words if...

Distributed TensorFlow: Working with multiple GPUs and servers

Some neural networks models are so large they cannot fit in memory of a single device (GPU). Such models need to be split over...

Unit Testing in .NET Core with Visual Studio 2017 for better...

The famous Java programmer, Bruce Eckel, came up with a slogan which highlights the importance of testing software: If it ain't tested, it's broken. Though a confident...