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Alarming ways governments are using surveillance tech to watch you

Mapquest, part of the Verizon company, is the second largest provider of mapping services in the world, after Google Maps. It provides advanced cartography...

Google’s translation tool is now offline – and more powerful than...

Google has today rolled out its super fast translation package in offline mode. This will deliver accurate and natural machine translations to users without...

Computer vision is growing quickly. Here’s why.

Computer Vision is one of those technologies that has grown in leaps and bounds over the past few years. If you look back 10...

7 of the best machine learning conferences for the rest of...

We're just about half way through the year - scary, huh? But there's still time to attend a huge range of incredible machine learning...

IBM unveils world’s fastest supercomputer with AI capabilities, Summit

World’s most powerful and smartest supercomputer, called Summit, has been revealed by IBM and Department of Energy of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It is...

5 JavaScript machine learning libraries you need to know

Technologies like machine learning, predictive analytics, natural language processing and artificial intelligence are the most trending and innovative technologies of 21st century. Whether it...

TensorFlow 1.9.0-rc0 release announced

TensorFlow Community keeps rolling with updates. The first release candidate for next minor version release 1.9.0 is unveiled today with pretty good list of...

Keras 2.2.0 releases!

Keras team has announced a new version 2.2.0 with notable features to allow developers to perform deep learning with ease. This release has brought...

Voice, natural language, and conversations: Are they the next web UI?

Take any major conference that happened this year, Google I/O, Apple’s WWDC, or Microsoft Build. A major focus of all these conferences by top-notch...

A tale of two tools: Tableau and Power BI

Business professionals are on a constant look-out for a powerful yet cost-effective BI tool to ramp up the operational efficiency within organizations. Two tools that...