2 min read

Stack Overflow launched an update to the Stack Overflow Salary Calculator. It is a tool that allows both developers and employers to find typical salaries for the software industry. You can input experience level, location, education, and up to five specific technologies to get salaries in three percentile ranges.

For 2018 they’ve added support for eight new countries. The salary calculator is based on the comprehensive data from the Stack Overflow Developer Survey and a high number of responses contributed to the accuracy of the calculator. The inputs to the salary calculator are location, education, years of professional coding experience, job role, and technologies you know (up to 5).

One of the biggest factors influencing the salary is location.

Source: Stack Overflow

According to 2018 survey, the salaries have increased overall, with median salaries being 25% higher than 2017 in London and San Francisco. This does not mean all developers got raises everywhere, it shows that developer salaries are increasing in all locations. The comprehensive responses have added eight new countries—Australia, Brazil, India, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain, and Sweden.

The job role also affects the salary.

Source: Stack Overflow

DevOps specialists earn the most in all the countries presented. The model accounts all characteristics like location, education, and role, same role in different locations etc are considered. The end result is that some developer roles like DevOps are associated with higher salaries while some developer roles like QA are associated with lower salaries. Many of them do not see any change from baseline, that is, the typical developer salary in a country.

The technologies used by the developers also had an impact on salary. In this year’s survey, the high paying technologies include Go, Scala, Redis, and React. Some technologies like PHP correlate to lower salaries, while some technologies like JavaScript so ubiquitous they do not affect salary scale.

For more details visit the StackOverflow website, you can also try the salary calculator yourself.

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