3 min read

New Features

Easy access to the last section you viewed

To make it easier than ever to get back to what you were last looking at, we’ve added the ability for users to access the last section they viewed on the dashboard screen. This will ensure that you never lose your place and that you can jump back into your learning effortlessly.

Manage your account inside Mapt

You can now manage your Mapt subscription and account directly within Mapt without having to navigate to the Packt store. From these new pages you will be able to update your password, mailing preferences, user information and manage your subscription seamlessly.

See all content from course pages

We’ve had a lot of requests to make the Table of Contents viewable from an eBook or video course title page. This makes perfect sense, so we’ve now added tab so you can see the complete breakdown of content on any course page without going into the content itself. You will also be able to see whether or not you have completed a section. This will make it much easier for you to find the content you want.

Simple bookmark management

Removing bookmarks from the bookmark screen has always been too cumbersome in Mapt, so we’ve made it easier. From the new Bookmarks screen you can now remove the bookmarks against multiple titles with the click of a button.

See the sections you’ve completed

Being able to see how much of a specific course you have seen – whether it’s text or video – is really useful. No one wants to have to trawl through sections of content they’ve seen to find what they want. That’s why we’ve augmented this feature so that if all subsections of a chapter have been completed it will now show as being completed.

Courses’ section has been renamed ‘Library’

In our last survey we noticed that a lot of subscribers were having difficulty accessing their library of content. We think some of this confusion was due to how we organized the sidebar items. As a result, we’ve now renamed ‘Courses’ to ‘Library’ so that users always know where to go to access their library of content.

Bug fixes

Nightmode breaking eBook content

We noticed that nightmode sometimes broke ordered lists in eBook content. We’ve made a change to the reading interface to make sure nightmode doesn’t break your reading experience.

Empty Code Files

A number of Courses in Mapt don’t have code files attached to them, but the user interface would still allow you to download empty .zip files – rather than indicating that no Code Files were available. We’ve now addressed this issue so that the ‘Code Files’ button is disabled for titles where there are no ‘Code Files’ attached.

Sort on Saved Page

A number of users highlighted how the sort functionality on the saved page was broken. We’ve made the fix, and the sort function should now behave as expected, helping you sort our titles by a variety of dimensions. We’ve fixed a bug which made search on Android devices impossible due to accidentally closing the sidebar when the user pressed the search input.


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