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Blender 2.5 Materials and Textures Cookbook

Blender 2.5 Materials and Textures Cookbook

Over 80 great recipes to create life-like Blender objects

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(For more resources on Blender, see here.)

Well, ready to go with a simple mouth structure, right? Then select the two lower vertex as in picture below. We’ll extrude them in Z axis and then again in Y axis to finish scaling. First, just select the two lower vertices. (See illustration 12)

Introduction to the Editing Operators in Blender: A Sequel

Illustration 12: Modeling Stage
After all past actions you should have something similar to this picture. Use the known select commands to select the two lower vertices.

For manipulating the 3D View and checking your model at any perspective you want, use MMB (Middle Mouse Button). This will show you your model at any perspective allowing you to move around it. Also, you can probably notice that in the latest picture I have disabled the Transform Manipulator (those green, red and blue arrows). In the modeling stage they are not primordial to use if you get used to commands, but they will help you in other areas such as animation. Transform Manipulator function is to help in the Location, Rotation and Scale procedure while manipulating data (objects, meshes, vertex, edges, etc). You can disable/enable Transform Manipulator from the buttons close the Orientations (Global by default). Other way to do that is with Ctrl + Space bar Key. (See illustration 13)

Introduction to the Editing Operators in Blender: A Sequel

Illustration 13: Transform Manipulator Buttons
You can manage the transformation mode with different manipulators. From left to side buttons are: Enable/Disable manipulators view, Translate manipulator mode, Rotate manipulator mode, and Scale manipulator mode.

Extrude now the selected bit of mesh in the Z Axis. Then go to E Key and Z Axis after that to just extrude in the right axis. Make it small because this will be the start point to extrude the lower side of the mouth and the jaw. When you do that, extrude again two times in the Y Axis in negative normals, in other words pointing to the direction we started modeling. So, E Key and Y Axis (negative normals) and repeat it again. Make those extrudes to coincide with upper edges. After that, just scale a little bit with S Key. (See illustration 14)

Introduction to the Editing Operators in Blender: A Sequel

Illustration 14: Modeling Stage
After all past actions you should have something similar to this picture.

After some steps, we have something similar (more or less) to our model nose and mouth and you have learned all basics commands for successful and creative modeling. Just all you need to know at this point to develop interesting characters in your projects.

Let’s go to complete the jaw now. Select vertices as they are in the illustration below (See illustration 15). Go to Right View by pressing 3 Key in Numpad and extrude them to Z Axis, so press E Key to extrude and Z to tell Blender the right direction to extrude (doing so is useful to extrude in straight line according with axis, but is not required always, that just depends on the model). After that you should rotate the selected elements, so press R Key to rotate and you should have something similar to the illustration 18. (See illustration 18)

Introduction to the Editing Operators in Blender: A Sequel

Illustration 15: Modeling Stage
After all past actions you should have something similar to this picture. Select these four vertices to extrude the mouth and the jaw.

Introduction to the Editing Operators in Blender: A Sequel

Illustration 16: Modeling Stage
After all past actions you should have something similar to this picture. Previous selection after the rotation action.


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