VB.NET Application with SQL Anywhere 10 database: Part 1
SQL Anywhere 10
SQL Anywhere 10 is the latest version of Sybase's feature rich SQL Anywhere database technology. It is highly scalable from the small...
Securing the Small Business Server 2008
To do this, we are essentially completing the tasks in the home screen of the Windows SBS Console, which should look like the following...
VB.NET Application with SQL Anywhere 10 database: Part 2
Now you can click on the Preview Data… hyperlink which opens up the Preview Data window as shown in Figure 19. The Select an...
Working with SBS Services as a User: Part 2
Managing files
One service that SBS 2008 provides for users is a secure place to store files. Both web sites and file shares are provided...
Creating a VB.NET application with EnterpriseDB
Overview of the tutorial
You will begin by creating an ODBC datasource for accessing data on the Postgres server. Using the User DSN created you...
Ground to SQL Azure migration using MS SQL Server Integration Services
Enterprise data can be of very different kinds ranging from flat files to data stored in relational databases with the recent trend of storing...
Microsoft Chart with XML Data
SQL 2000 Server provided T-SQL language extensions to operate bi-directionally with relational and XML sources. It also provided two system stored procedures, sp_XML_preparedocument and...
Configuring Apache and Nginx
(For more resources on Nginx, see here.)
There are basically two main parts involved in the configuration, one relating to Apache and one relating to...
Nginx HTTP Server: Base Module Directives
(For more resources on Nginx, see here.)
We are particularly more interested in answering two questions—what are base modules and what directives are made available.
IBM WebSphere Application Server Security: A Threefold View
IBM WebSphere Application Server v7.0 Security
Secure your IBM WebSphere applications with Java EE and JAAS security standards using this book and eBook
Imagine yourself at...