2 min read

Yesterday, Red Hat introduced the open source Project Quay container registry, which is the upstream project representing the code that powers Red Hat Quay and Quay.io. Open-sourced as a Red Hat commitment, Project Quay “represents the culmination of years of work around the Quay container registry since 2013 by CoreOS, and now Red Hat,” the official post reads.

Red Hat Quay container image registry provides storage and enables users to build, distribute, and deploy containers. It will also help users to gain more security over their image repositories with automation, authentication, and authorization systems. It is compatible with most container environments and orchestration platforms and is also available as a hosted service or on-premises.

Launched in 2013, Quay grew in popularity due to its focus on developer experience and highly responsive support and added capabilities such as image rollback and zero-downtime garbage collection. Quay was acquired by CoreOS in 2014 with a mission to secure the internet through automated operations. Shortly after the acquisition, the company released the on-premise offering of Quay, which is presently known as Red Hat Quay.

The Quay team also created and integrated the Clair open source container security scanning project since 2015. It is directly built into Project Quay. Clair enables the container security scanning feature in Red Hat Quay, which helps users identify known vulnerabilities in their container registries.

Open-sourced as part of Project Quay, both Quay, and Clair code bases will help cloud-native communities to lower the barrier to innovation around containers, helping them to make containers more secure and accessible.

Project Quay contains a collection of open-source software licensed under Apache 2.0 and other open-source licenses. It follows an open-source governance model, with a maintainer committee.

With an open community, Red Hat Quay and Quay.io users can benefit from being able to work together on the upstream code.

Project Quay will be officially launched at the OpenShift Commons Gathering on November 18 in San Diego at KubeCon 2019.

To know more about this announcement, you can read Red Hat’s official blog post.

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