
“The Vue.js community is one of Vue’s biggest selling points” – Marina Mosti on Vue and JavaScript in 2019 [Interview]

Vue occupies an interesting position in the triumvirate of frontend JavaScript frameworks. Not hyped to the extent that React is,…

4 years ago

What do we really mean when we say that software is ‘dead’ or ‘dying’?

“The report of my death was an exaggeration,” Mark Twain once wrote in a letter to journalist Frank Marshall White.…

5 years ago

Modern web development: what makes it ‘modern’?

The phrase 'modern web development' is one that I have clung to during years writing copy for Packt books. But…

5 years ago

React Native announces re-architecture of the framework for better performance

React Native, the cross-platform mobile development framework from Facebook is going under a complete rewrite with a focus on better…

6 years ago

What is React.js and how does it work?

What is React.js? React.js is one of the most talked about JavaScript web frameworks in years. Alongside Angular, and more…

6 years ago