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Tag: React.js

“The Vue.js community is one of Vue’s biggest selling points” –...

Vue occupies an interesting position in the triumvirate of frontend JavaScript frameworks. Not hyped to the extent that React is, and not as established...

What do we really mean when we say that software is...

“The report of my death was an exaggeration,” Mark Twain once wrote in a letter to journalist Frank Marshall White. Twain's quip is a...

Modern web development: what makes it ‘modern’?

The phrase 'modern web development' is one that I have clung to during years writing copy for Packt books. But what does it really...

React 16.5.0 is now out with a new package for scheduling,...

React announced its monthly release yesterday, React 16.5.0. In this release they have improved warning messages, added support for React DevTools Profiler in React...

React Native announces re-architecture of the framework for better performance

React Native, the cross-platform mobile development framework from Facebook is going under a complete rewrite with a focus on better flexibility and improved integration...

What is React.js and how does it work?

What is React.js? React.js is one of the most talked about JavaScript web frameworks in years. Alongside Angular, and more recently Vue, React is a...