3 min read

Enabling and reviewing My Reports

As described in Part 1 the My Reports folder needs to be enabled in order to use the folder or display it in the Open Report dialogue. The RC0 version had a documentation bug which has been rectified (https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=366413)

Getting ready

In order to enable the My Reports folder you need to carry out a few tasks. This will require authentication and working with the SQL Server Management Studio. These tasks are listed here:

  1. Make sure the Report Server has started.
  2. Make sure you have adequate permissions to access the Servers.
  3. Open the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio as described previously.
  4. Connect to the Reporting Services after making sure you have started the Reporting Services.
  5. Right-click the Report Server node.
    • General
    • Execution
    • History
    • Logging
    • Security
    • Advanced
  6. The Server Properties window is displayed with a navigation list on the left consisting of the following:

    In the General page the name, version, edition, authentication mode, and URL of Reporting Service is displayed. Download of an ActiveX Client Print control is enabled by default. In order to work with Report Builder effectively and provide a My Reports folder for each user, you need to place a check mark for the check box Enable a My Reports folder for each user. The My Reports feature has been turned on as shown in the next screenshot.

    In the Execution page there is choice for report timeout execution, with the default set such that the report execution expires after 1800 seconds.

    In the History page there is choice between keeping an unlimited number of snapshots in the report history (default) or to limit the copies allowing you to specify how many to be kept.

    In the Logging page, report execution logging is enabled and the log entries older than 60 days are removed by default. This can be changed if desired.

    In the Security page, both Windows integrated security for report data sources and ad hoc report executions are enabled by default.

    The Advanced page shows several more items including the ones described thus far as shown in the next figure.

  7. In the General page enable the My Reports feature by placing a check mark.
  8. Click on the Advanced list item in the left.
  9. The Advanced page is displayed as shown:

    Learning SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

  10. Now expand the Security node of Reporting Services and you will see that the My Reports role is present in the list of roles as shown. This is also added to the ReportServer database.
  11. Learning SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

    The description of everything that a user with the assignment My Reports role can do is as follows:

    May publish reports and linked reports, manage folders, reports, and resources in a users My Reports folder.

  12. Now bring up Report Builder 2.0 by clicking Start | All Programs | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Report Builder | Report Builder 2.0.
  13. Report Builder 2.0 is displayed.

  14. Click on Office Button | Open.
  15. The Open Report dialogue appears as shown. When the report Server is offline, the default location is My Documents, like Microsoft products Excel and MS Access.

    Learning SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

  16. Choose the Recent sites and Servers.
  17. The Report server that is active should get displayed here as shown:

    Learning SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

  18. Highlight the Server URL and click Open.
  19. All the folders and files on the server become accessible as shown:

    Learning SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

  20. Open the Report Manager by providing its URL address.
  21. Verify that a My Reports folder is created for the user (current user).

There could be slight differences in the look of the interface depending on whether you are using the RTM or the final version of SQL Server 2008 Enterprise edition.


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