Working with Live Data and AngularJS

14 min read

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Big Data is a new field that is growing every day. HTML5 and JavaScript applications are being used to showcase these large volumes of data in many new interesting ways. Some of the latest client implementations are being accomplished with libraries such as AngularJS. This is because of its ability to efficiently handle and organize data in many forms.

Making business-level decisions off of real-time data is a revolutionary concept. Humans have only been able to fathom metrics based off of large-scale systems, in real time, for the last decade at most. During this time, the technology to collect large amounts of data has grown tremendously, but the high-level applications that use this data are only just catching up.

Anyone can collect large amounts of data with today’s complex distributed systems. Displaying this data in different formats that allow for any level of user to digest and understand its meaning is currently the main portion of what the leading-edge technology is trying to accomplish. There are so many different formats that raw data can be displayed in. The trick is to figure out the most efficient ways to showcase patterns and trends, which allow for more accurate business-level decisions to be made.

We live in a fast paced world where everyone wants something done in real time. Load times must be in milliseconds, new features are requested daily, and deadlines get shorter and shorter. The Web gives companies the ability to generate revenue off a completely new market and AngularJS is on the leading edge. This new market creates many new requirements for HTML5 applications. JavaScript applications are becoming commonplace in major companies. These companies are using JavaScript to showcase many different types of data from inward to outward facing products.

Working with live data sets in client-side applications is a common practice and is the real world standard. Most of the applications today use some type of live data to accomplish some given set of tasks. These tasks rely on this data to render views that the user can visualize and interact with. There are many advantages of working with the Web for data visualization, and we are going to showcase how these tie into an AngularJS application.

AngularJS offers different methods to accomplish a view that is in charge of elegantly displaying large amounts of data in very flexible and snappy formats. Some of these different methods feed directives’ data that has been requested and resolved, while others allow the directive to maintain control of the requests. We will go over these different techniques of how to efficiently get live data into the view layer by creating different real-world examples. We will also go over how to properly test directives that rely on live data to achieve their view successfully.

Techniques that drive directives

Most standard data requirements for a modern application involve an entire view that depends on a set of data. This data should be dependent on the current state of the application. The state can be determined in different ways. A common tactic is to build URLs that replicate a snapshot of the application’s state. This can be done with a combination of URL paths and parameters.

URL paths and parameters are what you will commonly see change when you visit a website and start clicking around. An AngularJS application is made up of different route configurations that use the URL to determine which action to take. Each configuration will have an associated controller, template, and other forms of options. These configurations work in unison to get data into the application in the most efficient ways.

AngularUI also offers its own routing system. This UI-Router is a simple system built on complex concepts, which allows nested views to be controlled by different state options. This concept yields the same result as ngRoute, which is to get data into the controller; however, UI-Router does it in a more eloquent way, which creates more options. AngularJS 2.0 will contain a hybrid router that utilizes the best of each.

Once the controller gets the data, it feeds the retrieved data to the template views. The template is what holds the directives that are created to perform the view layer functionality. The controller feeds directives’ data, which forces the directives to rely on the controllers to be in charge of the said data. This data can either be fed immediately after the route configurations are executed or the application can wait for the data to be resolved.

AngularJS offers you the ability to make sure that data requests have been successfully accomplished before any controller logic is executed. The method is called resolving data, and it is utilized by adding the resolve functions to the route configurations. This allows you to write the business logic in the controller in a synchronous manner, without having to write callbacks, which can be counter-intuitive.

The XHR extensions of AngularJS are built using promise objects. These promise objects are basically a way to ensure that data has been successfully retrieved or to verify whether an error has occurred. Since JavaScript embraces callbacks at the core, there are many points of failure with respect to timing issues of when data is ready to be worked with. This is where libraries such as the Q library come into play. The promise object allows the execution thread to resemble a more synchronous flow, which reduces complexity and increases readability.

The $q library

The $q factory is a lite instantiation of the formally accepted Q library ( This lite package contains only the functions that are needed to defer JavaScript callbacks asynchronously, based on the specifications provided by the Q library. The benefits of using this object are immense, when working with live data.

Basically, the $q library allows a JavaScript application to mimic synchronous behavior when dealing with asynchronous data requests or methods that are not thread blocked by nature. This means that we can now successfully write our application’s logic in a way that follows a synchronous flow.

ES6 (ECMAScript6) incorporates promises at its core. This will eventually alleviate the need, for many functions inside the $q library or the entire library itself, in AngularJS 2.0.

The core AngularJS service that is related to CRUD operations is called $http. This service uses the $q library internally to allow the powers of promises to be used anywhere a data request is made. Here is an example of a service that uses the $q object in order to create an easy way to resolve data in a controller. Refer to the following code:

this.getPhones = function() { var request = $http.get('phones.json'), promise; promise = request.then(function(response) { return; },function(errorResponse){ return errorResponse; }); return promise; }

Here, we can see that the phoneService function uses the $http service, which can request for all the phones. The phoneService function creates a new request object, that calls a then function that returns a promise object. This promise object is returned synchronously. Once the data is ready, the then function is called and the correct data response is returned.

This service is best showcased correctly when used in conjunction with a resolve function that feeds data into a controller. The resolve function will accept the promise object being returned and will only allow the controller to be executed once all of the phones have been resolved or rejected.

The rest of the code that is needed for this example is the application’s configuration code. The config process is executed on the initialization of the application. This is where the resolve function is supposed to be implemented. Refer to the following code:

var app = angular.module('angularjs-promise-example',['ngRoute']); app.config(function($routeProvider){ $routeProvider.when('/', { controller: 'PhoneListCtrl', templateUrl: 'phoneList.tpl.html', resolve: { phones: function(phoneService){ return phoneService.getPhones(); } } }).otherwise({ redirectTo: '/' }); }) app.controller('PhoneListCtrl', function($scope, phones) { $scope.phones = phones; });

A live example of this basic application can be found at

Directives take over once the controller executes its initial context. This is where the $compile function goes through all of its stages and links directives to the controller’s template. The controller will still be in charge of driving the data that is sitting inside the template view. This is why it is important for directives to know what to do when their data changes.

How should data be watched for changes?

Most directives are on a need-to-know basis about the details of how they receive the data that is in charge of their view. This is a separation of logic that reduces cyclomatic complexity in an application. The controllers should be in charge of requesting data and passing this data to directives, through their associated $scope object.

Directives should be in charge of creating DOM based on what data they receive and when the data changes. There are an infinite number of possibilities that a directive can try to achieve once it receives its data. Our goal is to showcase how to watch live data for changes and how to make sure that this works at scale so that our directives have the opportunity to fulfill their specific tasks.

There are three built-in ways to watch data in AngularJS. Directives use the following methods to carry out specific tasks based on the different conditions set in the source of the program:

  • Watching an object’s identity for changes

  • Recursively watching all of the object’s properties for changes

  • Watching just the top level of an object’s properties for changes

Each of these methods has its own specific purpose. The first method can be used if the variable that is being watched is a primitive type. The second type of method is used for deep comparisons between objects. The third type is used to do a shallow watch on an array of any type or just on a normal object.

Let’s look at an example that shows the last two watcher types. This example is going to use jsPerf to showcase our logic. We are leaving the first watcher out because it only watches primitive types and we will be watching many objects for different levels of equality.

This example sets the $scope variable in the app’s run function because we want to make sure that the jsPerf test resets each data set upon initialization. Refer to the following code:$rootScope) { $ = [ {'bob': true}, {'frank': false}, {'jerry': 'hey'}, {'bargle':false}, {'bob': true}, {'bob': true}, {'frank': false}, {'jerry':'hey'},
{'bargle': false},{'bob': true},{'bob': true},{'frank': false}]; });

This run function sets up our data object that we will watch for changes. This will be constant throughout every test we run and will reset back to this form at the beginning of each test.

Doing a deep watch on $

This watch function will do a deep watch on the data object. The true flag is the key to setting off a deep watch. The purpose of a deep comparison is to go through every object property and compare it for changes on every digest. This is an expensive function and should be used only when necessary. Refer to the following code:

app.service('Watch', function($rootScope) { return { run: function() { $rootScope.$watch('data', function(newVal, oldVal) { },true); //the digest is here because of the jsPerf test. We are using this
run function to mimic a real environment. $rootScope.$digest(); } }; });

Doing a shallow watch on $

The shallow watch is called whenever a top-level object is changed in the data object. This is less expensive because the application does not have to traverse n levels of data. Refer to the following code:

app.service('WatchCollection', function($rootScope) { return { run: function() { $rootScope.$watchCollection('data', function(n, o) { }); $rootScope.$digest(); } }; });

During each individual test, we get each watcher service and call its run function. This fires the watcher on initialization, and then we push another test object to the data array, which fires the watch’s trigger function again. That is the end of the test. We are using to show the results. Note that the watchCollection function is much faster and should be used in cases where it is acceptable to shallow watch an object. The example can be found at Refer to the following screenshot:

This test implies that the watchCollection function is a better choice to watch an array of objects that can be shallow watched for changes. This test is also true for an array of strings, integers, or floats.

This brings up more interesting points, such as the following:

  • Does our directive depend on a deep watch of the data?

  • Do we want to use the $watch function, even though it is slow and memory taxing?

  • Is it possible to use the $watch function if we are using large data objects?

The directives that have been used in this book have used the watch function to watch data directly, but there are other methods to update the view if our directives depend on deep watchers and very large data sets.

Directives can be in charge

There are some libraries that believe that elements can be in charge of when they should request data. Polymer ( is a JavaScript library that allows DOM elements to control how data is requested, in a declarative format. This is a slight shift from the processes that have been covered so far in this article, when thinking about what directives are meant for and how they should receive data. Let’s come up with an actual use case that could possibly allow this type of behavior.

Let’s consider a page that has many widgets on it. A widget is a directive that needs a set of large data objects to render its view. To be more specific, lets say we want to show a catalog of phones. Each phone has a very large amount of data associated with it, and we want to display this data in a very clean simple way.

Since watching large data sets can be very expensive, what will allow directives to always have the data they require, depending on the state of the application? One option is to not use the controller to resolve the Big Data and inject it into a directive, but rather to use the controller to request for directive configurations that tell the directive to request certain data objects. Some people would say this goes against normal conventions, but I say it’s necessary when dealing with many widgets in the same view, which individually deal with large amounts of data.

This method of using directives to determine when data requests should be made is only suggested if many widgets on a page depend on large data sets.

To create this in a real-life example, let’s take the phoneService function, which was created earlier, and add a new method to it called getPhone. Refer to the following code:

this.getPhone = function(config) { return $http.get(config.url); };

Now, instead of requesting for all the details on the initial call, the original getPhones method only needs to return phone objects with a name and id value. This will allow the application to request the details on demand. To do this, we do not need to alter the getPhones method that was created earlier. We only need to alter the data that is supplied when the request is made.

It should be noted that any directive that is requesting data should be tested to prove that it is requesting the correct data at the right time.

Testing directives that control data

Since the controller is usually in charge of how data is incorporated into the view, many directives do not have to be coupled with logic related to how that data is retrieved. Keeping things separate is always good and is encouraged, but in some cases, it is necessary that directives and XHR logic be used together. When these use cases reveal themselves in production, it is important to test them properly.

The tests in the book use two very generic steps to prove business logic. These steps are as follows:

  • Create, compile, and link DOM to the AngularJS digest cycle

  • Test scope variables and DOM interactions for correct outputs

Now, we will add one more step to the process. This step will lie in the middle of the two steps. The new step is as follows:

  • Make sure all data communication is fired correctly

AngularJS makes it very simple to allow additional resource related logic. This is because they have a built-in backend service mock, which allows many different ways to create fake endpoints that return structured data. The service is called $httpBackend.


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