Using Sprites for Animation

6 min read

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Let’s briefly discuss sprites. In gaming, sprites are usually used for animation sequences; a sprite is a single image in which individual frames of a character animation are stored. We are going use sprites in our animations.

If you already have knowledge of graphics design, it’s good for you because it is an edge for you to define how you want your game to look like and how you want to define animation sequences in sprites. You can try out tools such as Sprite Maker for making your own sprites with ease; you can get a copy of Sprite Maker at The following is an sample animation sprite by Marc Russell, which is available for free at you can find other open source sprites at

The preceding sprite will play the animation of the character moving to the right. The character sequence is well organized using an invisible grid, as shown in the following screenshot:

The grid is 32 x 32; the size of our grid is very important in setting up the quads for our game. A quad in LÖVE is a specific part of an image. Because our sprite is a single image file, quads will be used to specify each of the sequences we want to draw per unit time and will be the largest part part of our animation algorithm.


The animation algorithm will simply play the sprite like a tape of film; we’ll be using a basic technique here as LÖVE doesn’t have an official module for that. Some members of the LÖVE forum have come up with different libraries to ease the way we play animations. First of all let us load our file:

function love.load() sprite = "sprite.png" end

Then we create quads for each part of the sprite by using newQuad(x, y, width, height, sw, sh), where x is the top-left position of the quad along the x axis, y is the top-left position of the quad along the y axis, width is the width of the quad, height is the height of the quad, sw is the sprite’s width, and sh is the sprite’s height:, 0, 32, 32, 256, 32) --- first quad, 0, 32, 32, 256, 32) --- second quad, 0, 32, 32, 256, 32) --- Third quad, 0, 32, 32, 256, 32) --- Fourth quad, 0, 32, 32, 256, 32) --- Fifth quad, 0, 32, 32, 256, 32) --- Sixth quad, 0, 32, 32, 256, 32) --- Seventh quad, 0, 32, 32, 256, 32) --- Eighth quad

The preceding code can be rewritten in a more concise loop as shown in the following code snippet:

for i=1,8 do*32, 0, 32, 32, 256, 32) end

As advised by LÖVE, we shouldn’t state our quads in the draw() or update() functions, because it will cause the quad data to be repeatedly loaded into memory with every frame, which is a bad practice. So what we’ll do is pretty simple; we’ll load our quad parameters in a table, while will be referenced locally outside the functions. So the new code will look like the following for the animation in the right direction:

local Quad = function love.load() sprite = "sprite.png" quads = {} quads['right'] ={} quads['left'] = {} for j=1,8 do quads['right'][j] = Quad((j-1)*32, 0, 32, 32, 256, 32); quads['left'][j] = Quad((j-1)*32, 0, 32, 32, 256, 32); -- for the character to face the opposite direction, the quad need to be flipped by using the Quad:flip(x, y) method, where x and why are Boolean. quads.left[j]:flip(true, false) --flip horizontally x = true, y = false end end

Now that our animation table is set, it is important that we set a Boolean value for the state of our character. At the start of the game our character is idle, so we set idle to true. Also, there are a number of quads the algorithm should read in order to play our animation. In our case, we have eight quads, so we need a maximum of eight iterations, as shown in the following code snippet:

local Quad = function love.load() character= {} character.player ="sprite.png") character.x = 50 character.y = 50 direction = "right" iteration = 1 max = 8 idle = true timer = 0.1 quads = {} quads['right'] ={} quads['left'] = {} for j=1,8 do quads['right'][j] = Quad((j-1)*32, 0, 32, 32, 256, 32); quads['left'][j] = Quad((j-1)*32, 0, 32, 32, 256, 32); -- for the character to face the opposite direction, the quad need to be flipped by using the Quad:flip(x, y) method, where x and why are Boolean. quads.left[j]:flip(true, false) --flip horizontally x = true, y = false end end

Now let us update our motion; if a certain key is pressed, the animation should play; if the key is released, the animation should stop. Also, if the key is pressed, the character should change position. We’ll be using the love.keypressed callback function here, as shown in the following code snippet:

function love.update(dt) if idle == false then timer = timer + dt if timer > 0.2 then timer = 0.1 -- The animation will play as the iteration increases, so we just write iteration = iteration + 1, also we'll stop reset our iteration at the maximum of 8 with a timer update to keep the animation smooth. iteration = iteration + 1 if love.keyboard.isDown('right') then sprite.x = sprite.x + 5 end if love.keyboard.isDown('left') then sprite.x = sprite.x - 5 end if iteration > max then iteration = 1 end end end end function love.keypressed(key) if quads[key] then direction = key idle = false end end function love.keyreleased(key) if quads[key] and direction == key then idle = true iteration = 1 direction = "right" end end

Finally, we can draw our character on the screen. Here we’ll be using, quad, x, y), where image is the image data, quad will load our quads table, x is the position in x axis and y is the position in the y axis:

function love.draw(), quads[direction][iteration], sprite.x, sprite.y) end

So let’s package our game and run it to see the magic in action by pressing the left or right navigation key:


That is all for this article. We have learned how to draw 2D objects on the screen and move the objects in four directions. We have delved into the usage of sprites for animations and how to play these animations with code.

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