20 min read

In this article by Nathan Rozentals, author of the book Mastering TypeScript, the author believes that our TypeScript development environment would not amount to much if we were not able to reuse the myriad of existing JavaScript libraries, frameworks and general goodness. However, in order to use a particular third party library with TypeScript, we will first need a matching definition file.

Soon after TypeScript was released, Boris Yankov set up a github repository to house TypeScript definition files for third party JavaScript libraries. This repository, named DefinitelyTyped (https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped) quickly became very popular, and is currently the place to go for high-quality definition files. DefinitelyTyped currently has over 700 definition files, built up over time from hundreds of contributors from all over the world. If we were to measure the success of TypeScript within the JavaScript community, then the DefinitelyTyped repository would be a good indication of how well TypeScript has been adopted. Before you go ahead and try to write your own definition files, check the DefinitelyTyped repository to see if there is one already available.

In this article, we will have a closer look at using these definition files, and cover the following topics:

  • Choosing a JavaScript Framework
  • Using TypeScript with Backbone
  • Using TypeScript with Angular

(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)

Using third party libraries

In this section of the article, we will begin to explore some of the more popular third party JavaScript libraries, their declaration files, and how to write compatible TypeScript for each of these frameworks. We will compare Backbone, and Angular which are all frameworks for building rich client-side JavaScript applications. During our discussion, we will see that some frameworks are highly compliant with the TypeScript language and its features, some are partially compliant, and some have very low compliance.

Choosing a JavaScript framework

Choosing a JavaScript framework or library to develop Single Page Applications is a difficult and sometimes daunting task. It seems that there is a new framework appearing every other month, promising more and more functionality for less and less code.

To help developers compare these frameworks, and make an informed choice, Addy Osmani wrote an excellent article, named Journey Through the JavaScript MVC Jungle. (http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2012/07/27/journey-through-the-javascript-mvc-jungle/).

In essence, his advice is simple – it’s a personal choice – so try some frameworks out, and see what best fits your needs, your programming mindset, and your existing skill set. The TodoMVC project (http://todomvc.com), which Addy started, does an excellent job of implementing the same application in a number of MV* JavaScript frameworks. This really is a reference site for digging into a fully working application, and comparing for yourself the coding techniques and styles of different frameworks.

Again, depending on the JavaScript library that you are using within TypeScript, you may need to write your TypeScript code in a specific way. Bear this in mind when choosing a framework – if it is difficult to use with TypeScript, then you may be better off looking at another framework with better integration. If it is easy and natural to work with the framework in TypeScript, then your productivity and overall development experience will be much better.

We will look at some of the popular JavaScript libraries, along with their declaration files, and see how to write compatible TypeScript. The key thing to remember is that TypeScript generates JavaScript – so if you are battling to use a third party library, then crack open the generated JavaScript and see what the JavaScript code looks like that TypeScript is emitting. If the generated JavaScript matches the JavaScript code samples in the library’s documentation, then you are on the right track. If not, then you may need to modify your TypeScript until the compiled JavaScript starts matching up with the samples.

When trying to write TypeScript code for a third party JavaScript framework – particularly if you are working off the JavaScript documentation – your initial foray may just be one of trial and error. Along the way, you may find that you need to write your TypeScript in a specific way in order to match this particular third party library. The rest of this article shows how three different libraries require different ways of writing TypeScript.


Backbone is a popular JavaScript library that gives structure to web applications by providing models, collections and views, amongst other things. Backbone has been around since 2010, and has gained a very large following, with a wealth of commercial websites using the framework. According to Infoworld.com, Backbone has over 1,600 Backbone related projects on GitHub that rate over 3 stars – meaning that it has a vast ecosystem of extensions and related libraries.

Let’s take a quick look at Backbone written in TypeScript.

To follow along with the code in your own project, you will need to install the following NuGet packages: backbone.js ( currently at v1.1.2), and backbone.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped (currently at version 1.2.3).

Using inheritance with Backbone

From the Backbone documentation, we find an example of creating a Backbone.Model in JavaScript as follows:

var Note = Backbone.Model.extend(
       initialize: function() {
           alert("Note Model JavaScript initialize");
       author: function () { },
       coordinates: function () { },
       allowedToEdit: function(account) {
           return true;

This code shows a typical usage of Backbone in JavaScript. We start by creating a variable named Note that extends (or derives from) Backbone.Model. This can be seen with the Backbone.Model.extend syntax. The Backbone extend function uses JavaScript object notation to define an object within the outer curly braces { … }. In the preceding code, this object has four functions: initialize, author, coordinates and allowedToEdit.

According to the Backbone documentation, the initialize function will be called once a new instance of this class is created. The initialize function simply creates an alert to indicate that the function was called. The author and coordinates functions are blank at this stage, with only the allowedToEdit function actually doing something: return true.

If we were to simply copy and paste the above JavaScript into a TypeScript file, we would generate the following compile error:

Build: 'Backbone.Model.extend' is inaccessible.

When working with a third party library, and a definition file from DefinitelyTyped, our first port of call should be to see if the definition file may be in error. After all, the JavaScript documentation says that we should be able to use the extend method as shown, so why is this definition file causing an error? If we open up the backbone.d.ts file, and then search to find the definition of the class Model, we will find the cause of the compilation error:

class Model extends ModelBase {
   * Do not use, prefer TypeScript's extend functionality.
   **/   private static extend(
       properties: any, classProperties?: any): any;

This declaration file snippet shows some of the definition of the Backbone Model class. Here, we can see that the extend function is defined as private static, and as such, it will not be available outside the Model class itself. This, however, seems contradictory to the JavaScript sample that we saw in the documentation. In the preceding comment on the extend function definition, we find the key to using Backbone in TypeScript: prefer TypeScript’s extend functionality.

This comment indicates that the declaration file for Backbone is built around TypeScript’s extends keyword – thereby allowing us to use natural TypeScript inheritance syntax to create Backbone objects. The TypeScript equivalent to this code, therefore, must use the extends TypeScript keyword to derive a class from the base class Backbone.Model, as follows:

class Note extends Backbone.Model {
   initialize() {
     alert("Note model Typescript initialize");
   author() { }
   coordinates() { }
   allowedToEdit(account) {
       return true;

We are now creating a class definition named Note that extends the Backbone.Model base class. This class then has the functions initialize, author, coordinates and allowedToEdit, similar to the previous JavaScript version. Our Backbone sample will now compile and run correctly.

With either of these versions, we can create an instance of the Note object by including the following script within an HTML page:

<script type="text/javascript">
   $(document).ready( function () {
       var note = new Note();

This JavaScript sample simply waits for the jQuery document.ready event to be fired, and then creates an instance of the Note class. As documented earlier, the initialize function will be called when an instance of the class is constructed, so we would see an alert box appear when we run this in a browser.

All of Backbone’s core objects are designed with inheritance in mind. This means that creating new Backbone collections, views and routers will use the same extends syntax in TypeScript. Backbone, therefore, is a very good fit for TypeScript, because we can use natural TypeScript syntax for inheritance to create new Backbone objects.

Using interfaces

As Backbone allows us to use TypeScript inheritance to create objects, we can just as easily use TypeScript interfaces with any of our Backbone objects as well. Extracting an interface for the Note class above would be as follows:

interface INoteInterface {
   allowedToEdit(account: string);

We can now update our Note class definition to implement this interface as follows:

class Note extends Backbone.Model implements INoteInterface {
   // existing code

Our class definition now implements the INoteInterface TypeScript interface. This simple change protects our code from being modified inadvertently, and also opens up the ability to work with core Backbone objects in standard object-oriented design patterns. We could, if we needed to, apply the Factory Pattern to return a particular type of Backbone Model – or any other Backbone object for that matter.

Using generic syntax

The declaration file for Backbone has also added generic syntax to some class definitions. This brings with it further strong typing benefits when writing TypeScript code for Backbone. Backbone collections (surprise, surprise) house a collection of Backbone models, allowing us to define collections in TypeScript as follows:

class NoteCollection extends Backbone.Collection<Note> {
   model = Note;
   //model: Note; // generates compile error
   //model: { new (): Note }; // ok

Here, we have a NoteCollection that derives from, or extends a Backbone.Collection, but also uses generic syntax to constrain the collection to handle only objects of type Note. This means that any of the standard collection functions such as at() or pluck() will be strongly typed to return Note models, further enhancing our type safety and Intellisense.

Note the syntax used to assign a type to the internal model property of the collection class on the second line. We cannot use the standard TypeScript syntax model: Note, as this causes a compile time error. We need to assign the model property to a the class definition, as seen with the model=Note syntax, or we can use the { new(): Note } syntax as seen on the last line.

Using ECMAScript 5

Backbone also allows us to use ECMAScript 5 capabilities to define getters and setters for Backbone.Model classes, as follows:

interface ISimpleModel {
   Name: string;
   Id: number;
class SimpleModel extends Backbone.Model implements ISimpleModel {
   get Name() {
       return this.get('Name');
   set Name(value: string) {
       this.set('Name', value);
   get Id() {
       return this.get('Id');
   set Id(value: number) {
       this.set('Id', value);

In this snippet, we have defined an interface with two properties, named ISimpleModel. We then define a SimpleModel class that derives from Backbone.Model, and also implements the ISimpleModel interface. We then have ES 5 getters and setters for our Name and Id properties. Backbone uses class attributes to store model values, so our getters and setters simply call the underlying get and set methods of Backbone.Model.

Backbone TypeScript compatibility

Backbone allows us to use all of TypeScript’s language features within our code. We can use classes, interfaces, inheritance, generics and even ECMAScript 5 properties. All of our classes also derive from base Backbone objects. This makes Backbone a highly compatible library for building web applications with TypeScript.


AngularJs (or just Angular) is also a very popular JavaScript framework, and is maintained by Google. Angular takes a completely different approach to building JavaScript SPA’s, introducing an HTML syntax that the running Angular application understands. This provides the application with two-way data binding capabilities, which automatically synchronizes models, views and the HTML page. Angular also provides a mechanism for Dependency Injection (DI), and uses services to provide data to your views and models.

The example provided in the tutorial shows the following JavaScript:

var phonecatApp = angular.module('phonecatApp', []);
phonecatApp.controller('PhoneListCtrl', function ($scope)
$scope.phones = [
   {'name': 'Nexus S',
     'snippet': 'Fast just got faster with Nexus S.'},
   {'name': 'Motorola XOOM™ with Wi-Fi',
     'snippet': 'The Next, Next Generation tablet.'},
   {'name': 'MOTOROLA XOOM™',
     'snippet': 'The Next, Next Generation tablet.'}

This code snippet is typical of Angular JavaScript syntax. We start by creating a variable named phonecatApp, and register this as an Angular module by calling the module function on the angular global instance. The first argument to the module function is a global name for the Angular module, and the empty array is a place-holder for other modules that will be injected via Angular’s Dependency Injection routines.

We then call the controller function on the newly created phonecatApp variable with two arguments. The first argument is the global name of the controller, and the second argument is a function that accepts a specially named Angular variable named $scope. Within this function, the code sets the phones object of the $scope variable to be an array of JSON objects, each with a name and snippet property.

If we continue reading through the tutorial, we find a unit test that shows how the PhoneListCtrl controller is used:

describe('PhoneListCtrl', function(){
   it('should create "phones" model with 3 phones', function() {
     var scope = {},
         ctrl = new PhoneListCtrl(scope);

The first two lines of this code snippet use a global function called describe, and within this function another function called it. These two functions are part of a unit testing framework named Jasmine.

We declare a variable named scope to be an empty JavaScript object, and then a variable named ctrl that uses the new keyword to create an instance of our PhoneListCtrl class. The new PhoneListCtrl(scope) syntax shows that Angular is using the definition of the controller just like we would use a normal class in TypeScript.

Building the same object in TypeScript would allow us to use TypeScript classes, as follows:

var phonecatApp = angular.module('phonecatApp', []);
class PhoneListCtrl {
   constructor($scope) {
       $scope.phones = [
           { 'name': 'Nexus S',
             'snippet': 'Fast just got faster' },
           { 'name': 'Motorola',
             'snippet': 'Next generation tablet' },
           { 'name': 'Motorola Xoom',
             'snippet': 'Next, next generation tablet' }

Our first line is the same as in our previous JavaScript sample. We then, however, use the TypeScript class syntax to create a class named PhoneListCtrl. By creating a TypeScript class, we can now use this class as shown in our Jasmine test code: ctrl = new PhoneListCtrl(scope). The constructor function of our PhoneListCtrl class now acts as the anonymous function seen in the original JavaScript sample:

phonecatApp.controller('PhoneListCtrl', function ($scope) {
   // this function is replaced by the constructor

Angular classes and $scope

Let’s expand our PhoneListCtrl class a little further, and have a look at what it would look like when completed:

class PhoneListCtrl {
   myScope: IScope;
   constructor($scope, $http: ng.IHttpService, Phone) {
       this.myScope = $scope;
       this.myScope.phones = Phone.query();
       $scope.orderProp = 'age';
         _.bindAll(this, 'GetPhonesSuccess');
   GetPhonesSuccess(data: any) {
      this.myScope.phones = data;

The first thing to note in this class, is that we are defining a variable named myScope, and storing the $scope argument that is passed in via the constructor, into this internal variable. This is again because of JavaScript’s lexical scoping rules. Note the call to _.bindAll at the end of the constructor. This Underscore utility function will ensure that whenever the GetPhonesSuccess function is called, it will use the variable this in the context of the class instance, and not in the context of the calling code.

The GetPhonesSuccess function uses the this.myScope variable within its implementation. This is why we needed to store the initial $scope argument in an internal variable.

Another thing we notice from this code, is that the myScope variable is typed to an interface named IScope, which will need to be defined as follows:

interface IScope {
   phones: IPhone[];
interface IPhone {
   age: number;
   id: string;
   imageUrl: string;
   name: string;
   snippet: string;

This IScope interface just contains an array of objects of type IPhone (pardon the unfortunate name of this interface – it can hold Android phones as well).

What this means is that we don’t have a standard interface or TypeScript type to use when dealing with $scope objects. By its nature, the $scope argument will change its type depending on when and where the Angular runtime calls it, hence our need to define an IScope interface, and strongly type the myScope variable to this interface.

Another interesting thing to note on the constructor function of the PhoneListCtrl class is the type of the $http argument. It is set to be of type ng.IHttpService. This IHttpService interface is found in the declaration file for Angular. In order to use TypeScript with Angular variables such as $scope or $http, we need to find the matching interface within our declaration file, before we can use any of the Angular functions available on these variables.

The last point to note in this constructor code is the final argument, named Phone. It does not have a TypeScript type assigned to it, and so automatically becomes of type any. Let’s take a quick look at the implementation of this Phone service, which is as follows:

var phonecatServices =     angular.module('phonecatServices', ['ngResource']);
       '$resource', ($resource) => {
           return $resource('phones/:phoneId.json', {}, {
               query: {
                   method: 'GET',
                   params: {
                       phoneId: 'phones'
                   isArray: true

The first line of this code snippet again creates a global variable named phonecatServices, using the angular.module global function. We then call the factory function available on the phonecatServices variable, in order to define our Phone resource. This factory function uses a string named ‘Phone’ to define the Phone resource, and then uses Angular’s dependency injection syntax to inject a $resource object. Looking through this code, we can see that we cannot easily create standard TypeScript classes for Angular to use here. Nor can we use standard TypeScript interfaces or inheritance on this Angular service.

Angular TypeScript compatibility

When writing Angular code with TypeScript, we are able to use classes in certain instances, but must rely on the underlying Angular functions such as module and factory to define our objects in other cases. Also, when using standard Angular services, such as $http or $resource, we will need to specify the matching declaration file interface in order to use these services. We can therefore describe the Angular library as having medium compatibility with TypeScript.

Inheritance – Angular versus Backbone

Inheritance is a very powerful feature of object-oriented programming, and is also a fundamental concept when using JavaScript frameworks. Using a Backbone controller or an Angular controller within each framework relies on certain characteristics, or functions being available. Each framework implements inheritance in a different way.

As JavaScript does not have the concept of inheritance, each framework needs to find a way to implement it, so that the framework can allow us to extend base classes and their functionality. In Backbone, this inheritance implementation is via the extend function of each Backbone object. The TypeScript extends keyword follows a similar implementation to Backbone, allowing the framework and language to dovetail each other.

Angular, on the other hand, uses its own implementation of inheritance, and defines functions on the angular global namespace to create classes (that is angular.module). We can also sometimes use the instance of an application (that is <appName>.controller) to create modules or controllers. We have found, though, that Angular uses controllers in a very similar way to TypeScript classes, and we can therefore simply create standard TypeScript classes that will work within an Angular application.

So far, we have only skimmed the surface of both the Angular TypeScript syntax and the Backbone TypeScript syntax. The point of this exercise was to try and understand how TypeScript can be used within each of these two third party frameworks.

Be sure to visit http://todomvc.com, and have a look at the full source-code for the Todo application written in TypeScript for both Angular and Backbone. They can be found on the Compile-to-JS tab in the example section. These running code samples, combined with the documentation on each of these sites, will prove to be an invaluable resource when trying to write TypeScript syntax with an external third party library such as Angular or Backbone.

Angular 2.0

The Microsoft TypeScript team and the Google Angular team have just completed a months long partnership, and have announced that the upcoming release of Angular, named Angular 2.0, will be built using TypeScript. Originally, Angular 2.0 was going to use a new language named AtScript for Angular development. During the collaboration work between the Microsoft and Google teams, however, the features of AtScript that were needed for Angular 2.0 development have now been implemented within TypeScript. This means that the Angular 2.0 library will be classed as highly compatible with TypeScript, once the Angular 2.0 library, and the 1.5 edition of the TypeScript compiler are available.


In this article, we looked at three types of third party libraries, and discussed how to integrate these libraries with TypeScript. We explored Backbone, which can be categorized as a highly compliant third party library, Angular, which is a partially compliant library.

Resources for Article:

Further resources on this subject:


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