2 min read

Yesterday, the community behind the Ember project released version 3.8 of the three sub-projects: Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI. Along with few bugfixes in Ember Data and Ember CLI, this release introduces two new features: element modifier manager and array helper.

Updates in the Ember.js web framework

Ember.js 3.8 is a long-term support candidate. This release is incremental, backward compatible and comes with two new features: element modifier manager and array helper.

Element modifier manager

Element modifier manager is a very low-level API, which will be responsible for coordinating the lifecycle events that are triggered when an element modifier is invoked, installed, and updated.

Array helper

Now you can create an array in a template with a new feature introduced in Ember.js 3.8, the {{array}} helper. The working of this helper is very similar to the already existing {{hash}} helper.


  • Computed property overridability: Computed properties in Ember.js are overridable by default when no setter is defined. As this behavior is bug-prone, it has been deprecated. The ‘readOnly()’ modifier that prevents this behavior will be deprecated once overridability has been removed.
  • @ember/object#aliasMethod: This method, which allows you to add aliases to objects defined with EmberObject, is now deprecated as it is very little known and rarely used by developers.
  • Component manager factory function: Now, setComponentManager does not require a string to associate the custom component class and the component manager. Instead, developers can pass a factory function that produces an instance of the component manager.

Updates in Ember Data

Not many changes have been made in this release of Ember Data. Along with updating the documentation, the team has updated ‘_scheduleFetch’ to ‘use _fetchRecord’ for belongsTo relationship.

Updates in Ember CLI

The {{content-for}} hook is updated to allow developers to use it in the same way when different types are specified, for instance, {{content-for ‘head’}} {{content-for ‘head-footer’}}. With this release, gitignore will ignore Yarn .pnp files.

To read the entire list of updates, visit Ember’s official website.

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