Last week, the team behind Electron announced that they will share the release timeline for Electron 5.0 and beyond publicly. For now, they have posted the schedule for Electron 5.0, which will include M72 and Node 12.0.
Here’s the schedule the team has made public, which can still have some changes:
The Electron team has been working towards making its release cycles faster and more stable. In December last year, they planned to release a new version of Electron in cadence with the new versions of its major components including Chromium, V8, and Node. They started working according to this plan and have seen some success.
The team was able to release last two versions of Electron (3.0 and 4.0) almost parallelly with Chromium’s latest versions. To keep up with Chromium releases, the two versions were released with a 2-3 month timeline for each release. They will be continuing this pattern for Electron 5.0 and beyond. So, for now, developers can expect a major Electron release approximately every quarter.
Read the timeline shared by the Electron team on their official website.
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