Testing a UI Using WebDriverJS

29 min read

In this article, by the author, Enrique Amodeo, of the book, Learning Behavior-driven Development with JavaScript, we will look into an advanced concept: how to test a user interface. For this purpose, you will learn the following topics:

  • Using WebDriverJS to manipulate a browser and inspect the resulting HTML generated by our UI
  • Organizing our UI codebase to make it easily testable
  • The right abstraction level for our UI tests

(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)

Our strategy for UI testing

There are two traditional strategies towards approaching the problem of UI testing: record-and-replay tools and end-to-end testing.

The first approach, record-and-replay, leverages the use of tools capable of recording user activity in the UI and saves this into a script file. This script file can be later executed to perform exactly the same UI manipulation as the user performed and to check whether the results are exactly the same. This approach is not very compatible with BDD because of the following reasons:

  • We cannot test-first our UI. To be able to use the UI and record the user activity, we first need to have most of the code of our application in place. This is not a problem in the waterfall approach, where QA and testing are performed after the codification phase is finished. However, in BDD, we aim to document the product features as automated tests, so we should write the tests before or during the coding.
  • The resulting test scripts are low-level and totally disconnected from the problem domain. There is no way to use them as a live documentation for the requirements of the system.
  • The resulting test suite is brittle and it will stop working whenever we make slight changes, even cosmetic ones, to the UI. The problem is that the tools record the low-level interaction with the system that depends on technical details of the HTML.

The other classic approach is end-to-end testing, where we do not only test the UI layer, but also most of the system or even the whole of it. To perform the setup of the tests, the most common approach is to substitute the third-party systems with test doubles. Normally, the database is under the control of the development team, so some practitioners use a regular database for the setup. However, we could use an in-memory database or even mock the DAOs. In any case, this approach prompts us to create an integrated test suite where we are not only testing the correctness of the UI, but the business logic as well.

In the context of this discussion, an integrated test is a test that checks several layers of abstraction, or subsystems, in combination. Do not confuse it with the act of testing several classes or functions together.

This approach is not inherently against BDD; for example, we could use Cucumber.js to capture the features of the system and implement Gherkin steps using WebDriver to drive the UI and make assertions. In fact, for most people, when you say BDD they always interpret this term to refer to this kind of test.

We will end up writing a lot of test cases, because we need to combine the scenarios from the business logic domain with the ones from the UI domain. Furthermore, in which language should we formulate the tests? If we use the UI language, maybe it will be too low-level to easily describe business concepts. If we use the business domain language, maybe we will not be able to test the important details of the UI because they are too low-level. Alternatively, we can even end up with tests that mix UI language with business terminology, so they will neither be focused nor very clear to anyone.

Choosing the right tests for the UI

If we want to test whether the UI works, why should we test the business rules? After all, this is already tested in the BDD test suite of the business logic layer. To decide which tests to write, we should first determine the responsibilities of the UI layer, which are as follows:

  • Presenting the information provided by the business layer to the user in a nice way.
  • Transforming user interaction into requests for the business layer.
  • Controlling the changes in the appearance of the UI components, which includes things such as enabling/disabling controls, highlighting entry fields, showing/hiding UI elements, and so on.
  • Orchestration between the UI components. Transferring and adapting information between the UI components and navigation between pages fall under this category.

We do not need to write tests about business rules, and we should not assume much about the business layer itself, apart from a loose contract.

How we should word our tests? We should use a UI-related language when we talk about what the user sees and does. Words such as fields, buttons, forms, links, click, hover, highlight, enable/disable, or show and hide are relevant in this context. However, we should not go too far; otherwise, our tests will be too brittle. Saying, for example, that the name field should have a pink border is too low-level. The moment that the designer decides to use red instead of pink, or changes his mind and decides to change the background color instead of the border, our test will break. We should aim for tests that express the real intention of the user interface; for example, the name field should be highlighted as incorrect.

The testing architecture

At this point, we could write tests relevant for our UI using the following testing architecture:

A simple testing architecture for our UI

We can use WebDriver to issue user gestures to interact with the browser. These user gestures are transformed by the browser in to DOM events that are the inputs of our UI logic and will trigger operations on it. We can use WebDriver again to read the resulting HTML in the assertions. We can simply use a test double to impersonate our server, so we can set up our tests easily.

This architecture is very simple and sounds like a good plan, but it is not! There are three main problems here:

  • UI testing is very slow. Take into account that the boot time and shutdown phase can take 3 seconds in a normal laptop. Each UI interaction using WebDriver can take between 50 and 100 milliseconds, and the latency with the fake server can be an extra 10 milliseconds. This gives us only around 10 tests per second, plus an extra 3 seconds.
  • UI tests are complex and difficult to diagnose when they fail. What is failing? Our selectors used to tell WebDriver how to find the relevant elements. Some race condition we were not aware of? A cross-browser issue? Also note that our test is now distributed between two different processes, a fact that always makes debugging more difficult.
  • UI tests are inherently brittle. We can try to make them less brittle with best practices, but even then a change in the structure of the HTML code will sometimes break our tests. This is a bad thing because the UI often changes more frequently than the business layer.

As UI testing is very risky and expensive, we should try to code as less amount of tests that interact with the UI as possible. We can achieve this without losing testing power, with the following testing architecture:


A smarter testing architecture

We have now split our UI layer into two components: the view and the UI logic.

This design aligns with the family of MV* design patterns. In the context of this article, the view corresponds with a passive view, and the UI logic corresponds with the controller or the presenter, in combination with the model. A passive view is usually very hard to test; so in this article we will focus mostly on how to do it. You will often be able to easily separate the passive view from the UI logic, especially if you are using an MV* pattern, such as MVC, MVP, or MVVM.

Most of our tests will be for the UI logic. This is the component that implements the client-side validation, orchestration of UI components, navigation, and so on. It is the UI logic component that has all the rules about how the user can interact with the UI, and hence it needs to maintain some kind of internal state.

The UI logic component can be tested completely in memory using standard techniques. We can simply mock the XMLHttpRequest object, or the corresponding object in the framework we are using, and test everything in memory using a single Node.js process. No interaction with the browser and the HTML is needed, so these tests will be blazingly fast and robust.

Then we need to test the view. This is a very thin component with only two responsibilities:

  • Manipulating and updating the HTML to present the user with the information whenever it is instructed to do so by the UI logic component
  • Listening for HTML events and transforming them into suitable requests for the UI logic component

The view should not have more responsibilities, and it is a stateless component. It simply does not need to store the internal state, because it only transforms and transmits information between the HTML and the UI logic. Since it is the only component that interacts with the HTML, it is the only one that needs to be tested using WebDriver.

The point of all of this is that the view can be tested with only a bunch of tests that are conceptually simple. Hence, we minimize the number and complexity of the tests that need to interact with the UI.


Testing the passive view layer is a technical challenge. We not only need to find a way for our test to inject native events into the browser to simulate user interaction, but we also need to be able to inspect the DOM elements and inject and execute scripts. This was very challenging to do approximately 5 years ago. In fact, it was considered complex and expensive, and some practitioners recommended not to test the passive view. After all, this layer is very thin and mostly contains the bindings of the UI to the HTML DOM, so the risk of error is not supposed to be high, specially if we use modern cross-browser frameworks to implement this layer.

Nonetheless, nowadays the technology has evolved, and we can do this kind of testing without much fuss if we use the right tools. One of these tools is Selenium 2.0 (also known as WebDriver) and its library for JavaScript, which is WebDriverJS (https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/WebDriverJs).

 In this book, we will use WebDriverJS, but there are other bindings in JavaScript for Selenium 2.0, such as WebDriverIO (http://webdriver.io/). You can use the one you like most or even try both. The point is that the techniques I will show you here can be applied with any client of WebDriver or even with other tools that are not WebDriver.

Selenium 2.0 is a tool that allows us to make direct calls to a browser automation API. This way, we can simulate native events, we can access the DOM, and we can control the browser. Each browser provides a different API and has its own quirks, but Selenium 2.0 will offer us a unified API called the WebDriver API. This allows us to interact with different browsers without changing the code of our tests. As we are accessing the browser directly, we do not need a special server, unless we want to control browsers that are on a different machine.

Actually, this is only true, due some technical limitations, if we want to test against a Google Chrome or a Firefox browser using WebDriverJS.

So, basically, the testing architecture for our passive view looks like this:

Testing with WebDriverJS

We can see that we use WebDriverJS for the following:

  • Sending native events to manipulate the UI, as if we were the user, during the action phase of our tests
  • Inspecting the HTML during the assert phase of our test
  • Sending small scripts to set up the test doubles, check them, and invoke the update method of our passive view

Apart from this, we need some extra infrastructure, such as a web server that serves our test HTML page and the components we want to test.

As is evident from the diagram, the commands of WebDriverJS require some network traffic to able to send the appropriate request to the browser automation API, wait for the browser to execute, and get the result back through the network. This forces the API of WebDriverJS to be asynchronous in order to not block unnecessarily. That is why WebDriverJS has an API designed around promises. Most of the methods will return a promise or an object whose methods return promises. This plays perfectly well with Mocha and Chai.

 There is a W3C specification for the WebDriver API. If you want to have a look, just visit https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webdriver/raw-file/default/webdriver-spec.html.

The API of WebDriverJS is a bit complex, and you can find its official documentation at http://selenium.googlecode.com/git/docs/api/javascript/module_selenium-webdriver.html. However, to follow this article, you do not need to read it, since I will now show you the most important API that WebDriverJS offers us.

Finding and interacting with elements

It is very easy to find an HTML element using WebDriverJS; we just need to use either the findElement or the findElements methods. Both methods receive a locator object specifying which element or elements to find. The first method will return the first element it finds, or simply fail with an exception, if there are no elements matching the locator. The findElements method will return a promise for an array with all the matching elements. If there are no matching elements, the promised array will be empty and no error will be thrown.

How do we specify which elements we want to find? To do so, we need to use a locator object as a parameter. For example, if we would like to find the element whose identifier is order_item1, then we could use the following code:

var By = require('selenium-webdriver').By;

We need to import the selenium-webdriver module and capture its locator factory object. By convention, we store this locator factory in a variable called By. Later, we will see how we can get a WebDriverJS instance.

This code is very expressive, but a bit verbose. There is another version of this:

driver.findElement({ id: 'order_item1' });

Here, the locator criteria is passed in the form of a plain JSON object. There is no need to use the By object or any factory. Which version is better? Neither. You just use the one you like most. In this article, the plain JSON locator will be used.

The following are the criteria for finding elements:

  • Using the tag name, for example, to locate all the <li> elements in the document:
    driver.findElements({ tagName: 'li' });
  • We can also locate using the name attribute. It can be handy to locate the input fields. The following code will locate the first element named password:
    driver.findElement({ name: 'password' });
  • Using the class name; for example, the following code will locate the first element that contains a class called item:
    driver.findElement({ className: 'item' });
  • We can use any CSS selector that our target browser understands. If the target browser does not understand the selector, it will throw an exception; for example, to find the second item of an order (assuming there is only one order on the page):
    driver.findElement(By.css('.order .item:nth-of-type(2)'));
    driver.findElement({ css: '.order .item:nth-of-type(2)' });

Using only the CSS selector you can locate any element, and it is the one I recommend. The other ones can be very handy in specific situations.

There are more ways of locating elements, such as linkText, partialLinkText, or xpath, but I seldom use them. Locating elements by their text, such as in linkText or partialLinkText, is brittle because small changes in the wording of the text can break the tests. Also, locating by xpath is not as useful in HTML as using a CSS selector. Obviously, it can be used if the UI is defined as an XML document, but this is very rare nowadays.

In both methods, findElement and findElements, the resulting HTML elements are wrapped as a WebElement object. This object allows us to send an event to that element or inspect its contents. Some of its methods that allow us to manipulate the DOM are as follows:

  • clear(): This will do nothing unless WebElement represents an input control. In this case, it will clear its value and then trigger a change event. It returns a promise that will be fulfilled whenever the operation is done.
  • sendKeys(text or key, …): This will do nothing unless WebElement is an input control. In this case, it will send the equivalents of keyboard events to the parameters we have passed. It can receive one or more parameters with a text or key object. If it receives a text, it will transform the text into a sequence of keyboard events. This way, it will simulate a user typing on a keyboard. This is more realistic than simply changing the value property of an input control, since the proper keyDown, keyPress, and keyUp events will be fired. A promise is returned that will be fulfilled when all the key events are issued. For example, to simulate that a user enters some search text in an input field and then presses Enter, we can use the following code:
    var Key = require('selenium-webdriver').Key;
    var searchField = driver.findElement({name: 'searchTxt'});
    searchField.sendKeys('BDD with JS', Key.ENTER);

 The webdriver.Key object allows us to specify any key that does not represent a character, such as Enter, the up arrow, Command, Ctrl, Shift, and so on. We can also use its chord method to represent a combination of several keys pressed at the same time. For example, to simulate Alt + Command + J, use driver.sendKeys(Key.chord(Key.ALT, Key.COMMAND, ‘J’));.

  • click(): This will issue a click event just in the center of the element. The returned promise will be fulfilled when the event is fired.

 Sometimes, the center of an element is nonclickable, and an exception is thrown! This can happen, for example, with table rows, since the center of a table row may just be the padding between cells!

  • submit(): This will look for the form that contains this element and will issue a submit event.

Apart from sending events to an element, we can inspect its contents with the following methods:

  • getId(): This will return a promise with the internal identifier of this element used by WebDriver. Note that this is not the value of the DOM ID property!
  • getText(): This will return a promise that will be fulfilled with the visible text inside this element. It will include the text in any child element and will trim the leading and trailing whitespaces. Note that, if this element is not displayed or is hidden, the resulting text will be an empty string!
  • getInnerHtml() and getOuterHtml(): These will return a promise that will be fulfilled with a string that contains innerHTML or outerHTML of this element.
  • isSelected(): This will return a promise with a Boolean that determines whether the element has either been selected or checked. This method is designed to be used with the <option> elements.
  • isEnabled(): This will return a promise with a Boolean that determines whether the element is enabled or not.
  • isDisplayed(): This will return a promise with a Boolean that determines whether the element is displayed or not. Here, “displayed” is taken in a broad sense; in general, it means that the user can see the element without resizing the browser. For example, whether the element is hidden, whether it has diplay: none, or whether it has no size, or is in an inaccessible part of the document, the returned promise will be fulfilled as false.
  • getTagName(): This will return a promise with the tag name of the element.
  • getSize(): This will return a promise with the size of the element. The size comes as a JSON object with width and height properties that indicate the height and width in pixels of the bounding box of the element. The bounding box includes padding, margin, and border.
  • getLocation(): This will return a promise with the position of the element. The position comes as a JSON object with x and y properties that indicate the coordinates in pixels of the element relative to the page.
  • getAttribute(name): This will return a promise with the value of the specified attribute. Note that WebDriver does not distinguish between attributes and properties! If there is neither an attribute nor a property with that name, the promise will be fulfilled as null. If the attribute is a “boolean” HTML attribute (such as checked or disabled), the promise will be evaluated as true only if the attribute is present. If there is both an attribute and a property with the same name, the attribute value will be used.

 If you really need to be precise about getting an attribute or a property, it is much better to use an injected script to get it.

  • getCssValue(cssPropertyName): This will return a promise with a string that represents the computed value of the specified CSS property. The computed value is the resulting value after the browser has applied all the CSS rules and the style and class attributes. Note that the specific representation of the value depends on the browser; for example, the color property can be returned as red, #ff0000, or rgb(255, 0, 0) depending on the browser. This is not cross-browser, so we should avoid this method in our tests.
  • findElement(locator) and findElements(locator): These will return an element, or all the elements that are the descendants of this element, and match the locator.
  • isElementPresent(locator): This will return a promise with a Boolean that indicates whether there is at least one descendant element that matches this locator.

As you can see, the WebElement API is pretty simple and allows us to do most of our tests easily. However, what if we need to perform some complex interaction with the UI, such as drag-and-drop?

Complex UI interaction

WebDriverJS allows us to define a complex action gesture in an easy way using the DSL defined in the webdriver.ActionSequence object. This DSL allows us to define any sequence of browser events using the builder pattern. For example, to simulate a drag-and-drop gesture, proceed with the following code:

var beverageElement = driver.findElement({ id: 'expresso' });
var orderElement = driver.findElement({ id: 'order' });

We want to drag an espresso to our order, so we move the mouse to the center of the espresso and press the mouse. Then, we move the mouse, by dragging the element, over the order. Finally, we release the mouse button to drop the espresso.

We can add as many actions we want, but the sequence of events will not be executed until we call the perform method. The perform method will return a promise that will be fulfilled when the full sequence is finished.

The webdriver.ActionSequence object has the following methods:

  • sendKeys(keys…): This sends a sequence of key events, exactly as we saw earlier, to the method with the same name in the case of WebElement. The difference is that the keys will be sent to the document instead of a specific element.
  • keyUp(key) and keyDown(key): These send the keyUp and keyDown events. Note that these methods only admit the modifier keys: Alt, Ctrl, Shift, command, and meta.
  • mouseMove(targetLocation, optionalOffset): This will move the mouse from the current location to the target location. The location can be defined either as a WebElement or as page-relative coordinates in pixels, using a JSON object with x and y properties. If we provide the target location as a WebElement, the mouse will be moved to the center of the element. In this case, we can override this behavior by supplying an extra optional parameter indicating an offset relative to the top-left corner of the element. This could be needed in the case that the center of the element cannot receive events.
  • mouseDown(), click(), doubleClick(), and mouseUp(): These will issue the corresponding mouse events. All of these methods can receive zero, one, or two parameters. Let’s see what they mean with the following examples:
    var Button = require('selenium-webdriver').Button;
    // to emit the event in the center of the expresso element
    // to make a right click in the current position
    // Middle click in the expresso element
    driver.actions().click(expresso, Button.MIDDLE).perform();

 The webdriver.Button object defines the three possible buttons of a mouse: LEFT, RIGHT, and MIDDLE. However, note that mouseDown() and mouseUp() only support the LEFT button!

  • dragAndDrop(element, location): This is a shortcut to performing a drag-and-drop of the specified element to the specified location. Again, the location can be WebElement of a page-relative coordinate.

Injecting scripts

We can use WebDriver to execute scripts in the browser and then wait for its results. There are two methods for this: executeScript and executeAsyncScript.

Both methods receive a script and an optional list of parameters and send the script and the parameters to the browser to be executed. They return a promise that will be fulfilled with the result of the script; it will be rejected if the script failed.

An important detail is how the script and its parameters are sent to the browser. For this, they need to be serialized and sent through the network. Once there, they will be deserialized, and the script will be executed inside an autoexecuted function that will receive the parameters as arguments. As a result of of this, our scripts cannot access any variable in our tests, unless they are explicitly sent as parameters. The script is executed in the browser with the window object as its execution context (the value of this).

When passing parameters, we need to take into consideration the kind of data that WebDriver can serialize. This data includes the following:

  • Booleans, strings, and numbers.
  • The null and undefined values. However, note that undefined will be translated as null.
  • Any function will be transformed to a string that contains only its body.
  • A WebElement object will be received as a DOM element. So, it will not have the methods of WebElement but the standard DOM method instead. Conversely, if the script results in a DOM element, it will be received as WebElement in the test.
  • Arrays and objects will be converted to arrays and objects whose elements and properties have been converted using the preceding rules.

With this in mind, we could, for example, retrieve the identifier of an element, such as the following one:

var elementSelector = ".order ul > li";
    "return document.querySelector(arguments[0]).id;",
).then(function(id) {

Notice that the script is specified as a string with the code. This can be a bit awkward, so there is an alternative available:

var elementSelector = ".order ul > li";
driver.executeScript(function() {
    var selector = arguments[0];
    return document.querySelector(selector).id;
}, elementSelector).then(function(id) {

WebDriver will just convert the body of the function to a string and send it to the browser. Since the script is executed in the browser, we cannot access the elementSelector variable, and we need to access it through parameters. Unfortunately, we are forced to retrieve the parameters using the arguments pseudoarray, because WebDriver have no way of knowing the name of each argument.

As its name suggest, executeAsyncScript allows us to execute an asynchronous script. In this case, the last argument provided to the script is always a callback that we need to call to signal that the script has finalized. The result of the script will be the first argument provided to that callback. If no argument or undefined is explicitly provided, then the result will be null. Note that this is not directly compatible with the Node.js callback convention and that any extra parameters passed to the callback will be ignored. There is no way to explicitly signal an error in an asynchronous way.

For example, if we want to return the value of an asynchronous DAO, then proceed with the following code:

driver.executeAsyncScript(function() {
  var cb = arguments[1],
      userId = arguments[0];
  window.userDAO.findById(userId).then(cb, cb);
}, 'user1').then(function(userOrError) {

Command control flows

All the commands in WebDriverJS are asynchronous and return a promise or WebElement. How do we execute an ordered sequence of commands? Well, using promises could be something like this:

return driver.findElement({name:'quantity'}).sendKeys('23')
    .then(function() {
      return driver.findElement({name:'add'}).click();
    .then(function() {
      return driver.findElement({css:firstItemSel}).getText();
    .then(function(quantity) {

This works because we wait for each command to finish before issuing the next command. However, it is a bit verbose. Fortunately, with WebDriverJS we can do the following:

return expect(driver.findElement({css:firstItemSel}).getText())

How can the preceding code work? Because whenever we tell WebDriverJS to do something, it simply schedules the requested command in a queue-like structure called the control flow. The point is that each command will not be executed until it reaches the top of the queue. This way, we do not need to explicitly wait for the sendKeys command to be completed before executing the click command. The sendKeys command is scheduled in the control flow before click, so the latter one will not be executed until sendKeys is done.

All the commands are scheduled against the same control flow queue that is associated with the WebDriver object. However, we can optionally create several control flows if we want to execute commands in parallel:

var flow1 = webdriver.promise.createFlow(function() {
  var driver = new webdriver.Builder().build();
  // do something with driver here
var flow2 = webdriver.promise.createFlow(function() {
  var driver = new webdriver.Builder().build();
  // do something with driver here
webdriver.promise.fullyResolved([flow1, flow2]).then(function(){
  // Wait for flow1 and flow2 to finish and do something

We need to create each control flow instance manually and, inside each flow, create a separate WebDriver instance. The commands in both flows will be executed in parallel, and we can wait for both of them to be finalized to do something else using fullyResolved. In fact, we can even nest flows if needed to create a custom parallel command-execution graph.

Taking screenshots

Sometimes, it is useful to take some screenshots of the current screen for debugging purposes. This can be done with the takeScreenshot() method. This method will return a promise that will be fulfilled with a string that contains a base-64 encoded PNG. It is our responsibility to save this string as a PNG file. The following snippet of code will do the trick:

    .then(function(shot) {
      fs.writeFileSync(fileFullPath, shot, 'base64');

 Note that not all browsers support this capability. Read the documentation for the specific browser adapter to see if it is available.

Working with several tabs and frames

WebDriver allows us to control several tabs, or windows, for the same browser. This can be useful if we want to test several pages in parallel or if our test needs to assert or manipulate things in several frames at the same time. This can be done with the switchTo() method that will return a webdriver.WebDriver.TargetLocator object. This object allows us to change the target of our commands to a specific frame or window. It has the following three main methods:

  • frame(nameOrIndex): This will switch to a frame with the specified name or index. It will return a promise that is fulfilled when the focus has been changed to the specified frame. If we specify the frame with a number, this will be interpreted as a zero-based index in the window.frames array.
  • window(windowName): This will switch focus to the window named as specified. The returned promise will be fulfilled when it is done.
  • alert(): This will switch the focus to the active alert window.

We can dismiss an alert with driver.switchTo().alert().dismiss();.

The promise returned by these methods will be rejected if the specified window, frame, or alert window is not found.

To make tests on several tabs at the same time, we must ensure that they do not share any kind of state, or interfere with each other through cookies, local storage, or an other kind of mechanism.


This article showed us that a good way to test the UI of an application is actually to split it into two parts and test them separately. One part is the core logic of the UI that takes responsibility for control logic, models, calls to the server, validations, and so on. This part can be tested in a classic way, using BDD, and mocking the server access. No new techniques are needed for this, and the tests will be fast. Here, we can involve nonengineer stakeholders, such as UX designers, users, and so on, to write some nice BDD features using Gherkin and Cucumber.js.

The other part is a thin view layer that follows a passive view design. It only updates the HTML when it is asked for, and listens to DOM events to transform them as requests to the core logic UI layer. This layer has no internal state or control rules; it simply transforms data and manipulates the DOM. We can use WebDriverJS to test the view.

This is a good approach because the most complex part of the UI can be fully test-driven easily, and the hard and slow parts to test the view do not need many tests since they are very simple. In this sense, the passive view should not have a state; it should only act as a proxy of the DOM.

Resources for Article:

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