Tag: OpenCV
Image filtering techniques in OpenCV
In the world of computer vision, image filtering is used to modify images. These modifications essentially allow you to clarify an image in order to...
OpenCV 4.0 is on schedule for July release
There has been some exciting news from OpenCV: OpenCV developer Vadim Pisarevsky announced the development on OpenCV 4 on the GitHub repository of OpenCV...
Top 10 Tools for Computer Vision
The adoption of Computer Vision has been steadily picking up pace over the past decade, but there’s been a spike in adoption of various...
3 ways to deploy a QT and OpenCV application
This article is an excerpt from the book, Computer Vision with OpenCV 3 and Qt5 written by Amin Ahmadi Tazehkandi. This book covers how...
Fingerprint detection using OpenCV 3
In this article by Joseph Howse, Quan Hua, Steven Puttemans, and Utkarsh Sinha, the authors of OpenCV Blueprints, we delve into the aspect of...
OpenCV: Detecting Edges, Lines, and Shapes
Edges play a major role in both human and computer vision. We, as humans, can easily recognize many object types and their positons just...
OpenCV: Tracking Faces with Haar Cascades
Conceptualizing Haar cascades
When we talk about classifying objects and tracking their location, what exactly are we hoping to pinpoint? What constitutes a recognizable part...