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Tag: mobile development

9 Most Important features in Android Studio 3.2

Android Studio has been the IDE of choice for Android developers since its release in 2014. Version 3.2 of Android Studio was released at...

How to integrate Firebase on Android/iOS applications natively

In this tutorial, you'll see Firebase integration within a native context, basically over an iOS and Android application. You will also implement some of...

How to integrate Firebase with NativeScript for cross-platform app development

NativeScript is now considered as one of the hottest platforms attracting developers. By using XML, JavaScript (also Angular), minor CSS for the visual aspects,...

Build an ARCore app with Unity from scratch

In this tutorial, we will learn to install, build, and deploy Unity ARCore apps for Android. Unity is a leading cross-platform game engine that is...

Building chat application with Kotlin using Node.js, the powerful Server-side JavaScript...

When one mentions server-side JavaScript technology, Node.js is what comes to our mind first. Node.js is an extremely powerful and robust platform. Using this...

Forget C and Java. Learn Kotlin: the next universal programming language

Kotlin is fast moving towards becoming the universal programming language. What is a universal programming language? From a simplistic view, the expectation could be that one...

Getting started with building an ARCore application for Android

Google developed ARCore to be accessible from multiple development platforms (Android , Web , Unreal , and Unity ), thus giving developers plenty of...

Top 7 modern Virtual Reality hardware systems

Since its early inception, virtual reality has offered an escape. Donning a headset can transport you to a brand new world, full of wonderment...

How to Secure and Deploy an Android App

In this article, we will be covering two extremely important Android-related topics: Android application security Android application deployment We will kick off the post by...

Getting started with Kotlin programming

Learning a programming language is a daunting experience for many people and not one that most individuals generally choose to undertake. Regardless of the problem...