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Tag: business intelligence

Performing Vehicle Telemetry job analysis with Azure Stream Analytics tools

This tutorial is a step-by-step blueprint for a Vehicle Telemetry job analysis on Azure using Streaming Analytics tools for Visual Studio.For connected car and...

How to build a live interactive visual dashboard in Power BI...

Azure Stream Analytics is a managed complex event processing interactive data engine. As a built-in output connector, it offers the facility of building live...

How to build an options trading web app using Q-learning

Today we will learn to develop an options trading web app using Q-learning algorithm and will also evaluate the model. Developing an options trading web...

OpenCV Primer: What can you do with Computer Vision and how...

Computer vision applications have become quite ubiquitous in our lives. The applications are varied, ranging from apps that play Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality...

Top 5 free Business Intelligence tools

There is no shortage of business intelligence tools available to modern businesses today. But they're not always easy on the pocket. Great functionality, stylish UI...

How to format and publish code using R Markdown

This article is an excerpt from a book written by Ahmed Sherif titled Practical Business Intelligence.  This book is a complete guide for implementing...

Oracle Business Intelligence: Drilling Data Up and Down

What is data drilling? In terms of Oracle Discoverer, drilling is a technique that enables you to quickly navigate through worksheet data, finding the answers...