2 min read

The SurveyJS team have announced in a post on Hackernoon that it is now out of beta. The JavaScript library for building surveys features a number of updates and improvements that JavaScript developers tasked with developing surveys will love.

First released to the public back in September 2015, SurveyJS 1.0 showcases a JavaScript library that has has been developed with a close attention to the needs and interests of its community of users.

New SurveyJS features

Here are some of the new features announced:

  • Panels let developers put questions into a conditionally visible panel (so you don’t just have to be a new page).
  • Dynamic panels to tackle some of the problems with dealing with lists.
  • Custom widgets held in a dedicated GitHub repository.
  • The ability to create timed quizzes.
  • SurveyJS themes and Bootstrap 4 support – although the team were planning on waiting for Bootstrap 4 to be officially released to integrate it, the team note in the post that the amount of interest in Bootstrap 4 from the SurveyJS community was so great that they went ahead anyway.

The team have also added support for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. This move underlines the growing popularity of the project and the need for it to respond to the needs of increasingly professionalized use within the corporate and enterprise world.

What is SurveyJS?

In case your scratching your head and wondering what SurveyJS is, here’s a quick primer. it’s essentially a JavaScript library that lets you develop, run, and analyze surveys. There are three different components:

  • The survey library – allows you to build an integrate a survey into a webpage on your site
  • The survey builder – a tool for developing the survey UI.
  • The survey service – pieces together the survey UI and data collection making it easier for you to process and analyze data.

 Go to the the SurveyJS project site to find out more.

Co-editor of the Packt Hub. Interested in politics, tech culture, and how software and business are changing each other.


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