1 min read

Splinter, the open source tool for testing web applications using Python has now leveled up to Splinter 0.9.0. Browser actions such as visiting URLs and interacting with their items can be automated.

Apart from providing a simple api, Splinter has multiple webdrivers including chrome webdriver, firefox webdriver, phantomjs webdriver, zopetest browser, and remote webdriver.
It provides support to iframe, alert and executes javascript while working with both, ajax and async javascript.

Two ways to install Splinter 0.9.0

Step 1: Install Python

In order to install Splinter, you need to make sure that Python 2.7+  is installed.

Step 2: Install Splinter

There are two ways to install Splinter:

  • Install a stable release

For an official and almost bug-free version, use the terminal:

$ [sudo] pip install splinter
  • Install under-development source-code

For splinter’s latest-and-greatest features and aren’t afraid of running under development code, run:

$ git clone git://github.com/cobrateam/splinter.git
$ cd splinter
$ [sudo] python setup.py install

Head over to the install guide for additional notes.

Upgraded features in Splinter 0.9.0

  • Support for phantomjs is removed. With Chrome and Firefox headless, phantom is no longer needed.
  • Users can now add custom options to the chrome browser.
  • The bug related to element.find_by_text  stands resolved. When trying to do a contextual search for text, the result would include all matching text for the whole DOM instead of just those nodes that are children of the contextual node.
  • Support was added for zope.testbrowser 5+, Flask 1+, selenium 3.14.0.
  • Splinter can now handle webdriver StaleElementReferenceException.
  • The lxml and cssselect has been updated  to 4.2.4  1.0.3 respectively.

For a detailed explanation of features visitits  Github page.

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