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Sabermetrics with Apache Spark

22 min read

 In this article by Rindra Ramamonjison, the author of the book called Apache Spark Graph Processing, we will gain useful insights that are required to quickly process big data, and handle its complexities. It is not the secret analytics that have made a big impact in sports. The quest for an objective understanding of the game has a name even—”sabermetrics”. Analytics has proven invaluable in many aspects, from building dream teams under tight cap constraints, to selecting game-specific strategies, to actively engaging with fans, and so on. In the following sections, we will analyze NCAA Men’s college basketball game stats, gathered during a single season. As sports data experts, we are going to leverage Spark’s graph processing library to answer several questions for retrospection.

Apache Spark is a fast, general-purpose technology, which greatly simplifies the parallel processing of large data that is distributed over a computing cluster. While Spark handles different types of processing, here, we will focus on its graph-processing capability. In particular, our goal is to expose the powerful yet generic graph-aggregation operator of Spark—aggregateMessages. We can think of this operator as a version of MapReduce for aggregating the neighborhood information in graphs.

In fact, many graph-processing algorithms, such as PageRank rely on iteratively accessing the properties of neighboring vertices and adjacent edges. By applying aggregateMessages on the NCAA College Basketball datasets, we will:

  • Identify the basic mechanisms and understand the patterns for using aggregateMessages
  • Apply aggregateMessages to create custom graph aggregation operations
  • Optimize the performance and efficiency of aggregateMessages

(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)

NCAA College Basketball datasets

As an illustrative example, the NCAA College Basketball datasets consist of two CSV datasets. This first one called teams.csv contains the list of all the college teams that played in NCAA Division I competition. Each team is associated with a 4-digit ID number. The second dataset called stats.csv contains the score and statistics of every game played during the 2014-2015 regular season.

Loading team data into RDDs

To start with, we parse and load these datasets into RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets), which are the core Spark abstraction for any data that is distributed and stored over a cluster. First, we create a class called GameStats that records a team’s statistics during a game:

case class GameStats(
   val score: Int,
   val fieldGoalMade:   Int,
   val fieldGoalAttempt: Int,
   val threePointerMade: Int,
   val threePointerAttempt: Int,
   val threeThrowsMade: Int,
   val threeThrowsAttempt: Int,
   val offensiveRebound: Int,
   val defensiveRebound: Int,
   val assist: Int,
   val turnOver: Int,
   val steal: Int,
   val block: Int,
   val personalFoul: Int

Loading game stats into RDDs

We also add the following methods to GameStats in order to know how efficient a team’s offense was:

// Field Goal percentage
def fgPercent: Double = 100.0 * fieldGoalMade / fieldGoalAttempt
// Three Point percentage
def tpPercent: Double = 100.0 * threePointerMade /
// Free throws percentage
def ftPercent: Double = 100.0 * threeThrowsMade /
override def toString: String = "Score: " + score

Next, we create a couple of classes for the games’ result:

abstract class GameResult(
   val season:     Int,
   val day:       Int,
   val loc:       String
case class FullResult(
   override val season:    Int,
   override val day:       Int,
   override val loc:       String,
   val winnerStats:       GameStats,
   val loserStats:         GameStats
) extends GameResult(season, day, loc)

FullResult has the year and day of the season, the location where the game was played, and the game statistics of both the winning and losing teams.

Next, we will create a statistics graph of the regular seasons. In this graph, the nodes are the teams, whereas each edge corresponds to a specific game. To create the graph, let’s parse the CSV file called teams.csv into the RDD teams:

val teams: RDD[(VertexId, String)] =
   filter(! _.startsWith("#")).
   map {line =>
       val row = line split ','
       (row(0).toInt, row(1))

We can check the first few teams in this new RDD:

scala> teams.take(3).foreach{println}
(1101,Abilene Chr)
(1102,Air Force)

We do the same thing to obtain an RDD of the game results, which will have a type called RDD[Edge[FullResult]]. We just parse stats.csv, and record the fields that we need:

  • The ID of the winning team
  • The ID of the losing team
  • The game statistics of both the teams
val detailedStats: RDD[Edge[FullResult]] =
   filter(! _.startsWith("#")).
   map {line =>
       val row = line split ','
       Edge(row(2).toInt, row(4).toInt,
               row(0).toInt, row(1).toInt,
                              score = row(3).toInt,
                       fieldGoalMade = row(8).toInt,
                     fieldGoalAttempt = row(9).toInt,
                     threePointerMade = row(10).toInt,
                 threePointerAttempt = row(11).toInt,
                      threeThrowsMade = row(12).toInt,
                   threeThrowsAttempt = row(13).toInt,
                     offensiveRebound = row(14).toInt,
                     defensiveRebound = row(15).toInt,
                               assist = row(16).toInt,
                             turnOver = row(17).toInt,
                               steal = row(18).toInt,
                               block = row(19).toInt,
                         personalFoul = row(20).toInt
                               score = row(5).toInt,
                       fieldGoalMade = row(21).toInt,
                     fieldGoalAttempt = row(22).toInt,
                     threePointerMade = row(23).toInt,
                 threePointerAttempt = row(24).toInt,
                     threeThrowsMade = row(25).toInt,
                   threeThrowsAttempt = row(26).toInt,
                     offensiveRebound = row(27).toInt,
                     defensiveRebound = row(28).toInt,
                               assist = row(20).toInt,
                             turnOver = row(30).toInt,
                               steal = row(31).toInt,
                               block = row(32).toInt,
                         personalFoul = row(33).toInt

We can avoid typing all this by using the nice spark-csv package that reads CSV files into SchemaRDD. Let’s check what we got:

scala> detailedStats.take(3).foreach(println)
Edge(1165,1384,FullResult(2006,8,N,Score: 75-54))
Edge(1393,1126,FullResult(2006,8,H,Score: 68-37))
Edge(1107,1324,FullResult(2006,9,N,Score: 90-73))

We then create our score graph using the collection of teams (of the type called RDD[(VertexId, String)]) as vertices, and the collection called detailedStats (of the type called RDD[(VertexId, String)]) as edges:

scala> val scoreGraph = Graph(teams, detailedStats)

For curiosity, let’s see which team has won against the 2015 NCAA national champ Duke during the regular season. It seems Duke has lost only four games during the regular season:

scala> scoreGraph.triplets.filter(_.dstAttr == "Duke").foreach(println)((1274,Miami FL),(1181,Duke),FullResult(2015,71,A,Score: 90-74))
((1301,NC State),(1181,Duke),FullResult(2015,69,H,Score: 87-75))
((1323,Notre Dame),(1181,Duke),FullResult(2015,86,H,Score: 77-73))
((1323,Notre Dame),(1181,Duke),FullResult(2015,130,N,Score: 74-64))

Aggregating game stats

After we have our graph ready, let’s start aggregating the stats data in scoreGraph. In Spark, aggregateMessages is the operator for such a kind of jobs. For example, let’s find out the average field goals made per game by the winners. In other words, the games that a team has lost will not be counted. To get the average for each team, we first need to have the number of games won by the team, and the total field goals that the team made in these games:

// Aggregate the total field goals made by winning teams
type Msg = (Int, Int)
type Context = EdgeContext[String, FullResult, Msg]
val winningFieldGoalMade: VertexRDD[Msg] = scoreGraph
   // sendMsg
   (ec: Context) => ec.sendToSrc(1,
   // mergeMsg
   (x: Msg, y: Msg) => (x._1 + y._1, x._2+ y._2)

The aggregateMessage operator

There is a lot going on in the previous call to aggregateMessages. So, let’s see it working in slow motion. When we called aggregateMessages on the scoreGraph, we had to pass two functions as arguments.


The first function has a signature called EdgeContext[VD, ED, Msg] => Unit. It takes an EdgeContext as input. Since it does not return anything, its return type is Unit. This function is needed for sending message between the nodes.

Okay, but what is the EdgeContext type? EdgeContext represents an edge along with its neighboring nodes. It can access both the edge attribute, and the source and destination nodes’ attributes. In addition, EdgeContext has two methods to send messages along the edge to its source node, or to its destination node. These methods are called sendToSrc and sendToDst respectively. Then, the type of messages being sent through the graph is defined by Msg. Similar to vertex and edge types, we can define the concrete type that Msg takes as we wish.


In addition to sendMsg, the second function that we need to pass to aggregateMessages is a mergeMsg function with the (Msg, Msg) => Msg signature. As its name implies, mergeMsg is used to merge two messages, received at each node into a new one. Its output must also be of the Msg type. Using these two functions, aggregateMessages returns the aggregated messages inside VertexRDD[Msg].


In our example, we need to aggregate the number of games played and the number of field goals made. Therefore, Msg is simply a pair of Int. Furthermore, each edge context needs to send a message to only its source node, that is, the winning team. This is because we want to compute the total field goals made by each team for only the games that it has won. The actual message sent to each “winner” node is the pair of integers (1, ec.attr.winnerStats.fieldGoalMade). Here, 1 serves as a counter for the number of games won by the source node. The second integer, which is the number of field goals in one game, is extracted from the edge attribute.

As we set out to compute the average field goals per winning game for all teams, we need to apply the mapValues operator to the output of aggregateMessages, which is as follows:

// Average field goals made per Game by the winning teams
val avgWinningFieldGoalMade: VertexRDD[Double] =
   winningFieldGoalMade mapValues (
       (id: VertexId, x: Msg) => x match {
           case (count: Int, total: Int) => total.toDouble/count

Here is the output:

scala> avgWinningFieldGoalMade.take(5).foreach(println)

Abstracting out the aggregation

This was kind of cool! We can surely do the same thing for the average points per game scored by the winning teams:

// Aggregate the points scored by winning teams
val winnerTotalPoints: VertexRDD[(Int, Int)] =
   // sendMsg
   triplet => triplet.sendToSrc(1, triplet.attr.winnerStats.score),
   // mergeMsg
   (x, y) => (x._1 + y._1, x._2+ y._2)

// Average field goals made per Game by winning teams
var winnersPPG: VertexRDD[Double] =
           winnerTotalPoints mapValues (
               (id: VertexId, x: (Int, Int)) => x match {
                   case (count: Int, total: Int) =>

Let’s check the output:

scala> winnersPPG.take(5).foreach(println)

What if the coach wants to know the top five teams with the highest average three pointers made per winning game? By the way, he might also ask about the teams that are the most efficient in three pointers.

Keeping things DRY

We can copy and modify the previous code, but that would be quite repetitive. Instead, let’s abstract out the average aggregation operator so that it can work on any statistics that the coach needs. Luckily, Scala’s higher-order functions are there to help in this task.

Let’s define the functions that take a team’s GameStats as an input, and return specific statistic that we are interested in. For now, we will need the number of three pointer made, and the average three pointer percentage:

// Getting individual stats
def threePointMade(stats: GameStats) = stats.threePointerMade
def threePointPercent(stats: GameStats) = stats.tpPercent

Then, we create a generic function that takes as an input a stats graph, and one of the functions defined previously, which has a signature called GameStats => Double:

// Generic function for stats averaging
def averageWinnerStat(graph: Graph[String, FullResult])(getStat:
GameStats => Double): VertexRDD[Double] = {
   type Msg = (Int, Double)
   val winningScore: VertexRDD[Msg] =
       // sendMsg
       triplet => triplet.sendToSrc(1,
       // mergeMsg
       (x, y) => (x._1 + y._1, x._2+ y._2)
   winningScore mapValues (
       (id: VertexId, x: Msg) => x match {
           case (count: Int, total: Double) => total/count

Now, we can get the average stats by passing the threePointMade and threePointPercent to averageWinnerStat functions:

val winnersThreePointMade =
val winnersThreePointPercent =

With little efforts, we can tell the coach which five winning teams score the highest number of threes per game:

scala> winnersThreePointMade.sortBy(_._2,false).take(5).foreach(println)

While we are at it, let’s find out the five most efficient teams in three pointers:

scala> winnersThreePointPercent.sortBy(_._2,false).take(5).foreach(println)

Interestingly, the teams that made the most three pointers per winning game are not always the one who are the most efficient ones at it. But it is okay because at least they have won these games.

Coach wants more numbers

The coach seems to argue against this argument. He asks us to get the same statistics, but he wants the average over all the games that each team has played.

We then have to aggregate the information at all the nodes, and not only at the destination nodes. To make our previous abstraction more flexible, let’s create the following types:

trait Teams
case class Winners extends Teams
case class Losers extends Teams
case class AllTeams extends Teams

We modify the previous higher-order function to have an extra argument called Teams, which will help us specify those nodes where we want to collect and aggregate the required game stats. The new function becomes as the following:

def averageStat(graph: Graph[String, FullResult])(getStat:
GameStats => Double, tms: Teams): VertexRDD[Double] = {
   type Msg = (Int, Double)
   val aggrStats: VertexRDD[Msg] = graph.aggregateMessages[Msg](
       // sendMsg
       tms match {
           case _ : Winners => t => t.sendToSrc((1,
           case _ : Losers => t => t.sendToDst((1,
           case _       => t => {
               t.sendToSrc((1, getStat(t.attr.winnerStats)))
               t.sendToDst((1, getStat(t.attr.loserStats)))
       // mergeMsg
       (x, y) => (x._1 + y._1, x._2+ y._2)
   aggrStats mapValues (
       (id: VertexId, x: Msg) => x match {
           case (count: Int, total: Double) => total/count

Now, aggregateStat allows us to choose if we want to aggregate the stats for winners only, for losers only, or for the all teams. Since the coach wants the overall stats averaged over all the games played, we aggregate the stats by passing the AllTeams() flag in aggregateStat. In this case, we define the sendMsg argument in aggregateMessages to send the required stats to both source (the winner) and destination (the loser) using the EdgeContext class’s sendToSrc and sendToDst functions respectively. This mechanism is pretty straightforward. We just need to make sure that we send the right information to the right node. In this case, we send winnerStats to the winner, and loserStatsto the loser.

Okay, you get the idea now. So, let’s apply it to please our coach. Here are the teams with the overall highest three pointers per page:

// Average Three Point Made Per Game for All Teams
val allThreePointMade = averageStat(scoreGraph)(threePointMade,
scala> allThreePointMade.sortBy(_._2, false).take(5).foreach(println)

And here are the five most efficient teams overall in three pointers per game:

// Average Three Point Percent for All Teams
val allThreePointPercent = averageStat(scoreGraph)(threePointPercent, AllTeams())

Let’s check the output:

scala> allThreePointPercent.sortBy(_._2,false).take(5).foreach(println)

Actually, there is only a 2 percent difference between the most efficient team and the one in the fiftieth position. Most NCAA teams are therefore pretty efficient behind the line. I bet coach knew this already!

Average points per game

We can also reuse the averageStat function to get the average points per game for the winners. In particular, let’s take a look at the two teams that won games with the highest and lowest scores:

// Winning teams
val winnerAvgPPG = averageStat(scoreGraph)(score, Winners())

Let’s check the output:

scala> winnerAvgPPG.max()(
res36: (org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId, Double) = (1322,90.73333333333333)
scala> winnerAvgPPG.min()(
res39: (org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId, Double) = (1197,60.5)

Apparently, the most defensive team can win game by scoring only 60 points, whereas the most offensive team can score an average of 90 points.

Next, let’s average the points per game for all games played and look at the two teams with the best and worst offense during the 2015 season:

// Average Points Per Game of All Teams
val allAvgPPG = averageStat(scoreGraph)(score, AllTeams())

Let’s see the output:

scala> allAvgPPG.max()(
res42: (org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId, Double) = (1322,83.81481481481481)
scala> allAvgPPG.min()(
res43: (org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId, Double) = (1212,51.111111111111114)

To no one’s surprise, the best offensive team is the same as the one who scores the most in winning games. To win the games, 50 points are not enough in an average for a team to win the games.

Defense stats – the D matters as in direction

Previously, we obtained some statistics such as field goals or a three-point percentage that a team achieves. What if we want to aggregate instead the average points or rebounds that each team concedes to their opponents? To compute this, we define a new higher-order function called averageConcededStat. Compared to averageStat, this function needs to send loserStats to the winning team, and the winnerStats function to the losing team. To make things more interesting, we are going to make the team name as a part of the message Msg:

def averageConcededStat(graph: Graph[String, FullResult])(getStat:
GameStats => Double, rxs: Teams): VertexRDD[(String, Double)] = {
   type Msg = (Int, Double, String)
   val aggrStats: VertexRDD[Msg] = graph.aggregateMessages[Msg](
       // sendMsg
       rxs match {
           case _ : Winners => t => t.sendToSrc((1,
           getStat(t.attr.loserStats), t.srcAttr))
           case _ : Losers => t => t.sendToDst((1,
           getStat(t.attr.winnerStats), t.dstAttr))
           case _       => t => {
       // mergeMsg
       (x, y) => (x._1 + y._1, x._2+ y._2, x._3)
   aggrStats mapValues (
       (id: VertexId, x: Msg) => x match {
           case (count: Int, total: Double, name: String) =>
           (name, total/count)

With this, we can calculate the average points conceded by the winning and losing teams as follows:

val winnersAvgConcededPoints =
averageConcededStat(scoreGraph)(score, Winners())
val losersAvgConcededPoints = averageConcededStat(scoreGraph)(score, Losers())

Let’s check the output:

scala> losersAvgConcededPoints.min()(
res: (VertexId, (String, Double)) = (1101,(Abilene Chr,74.04761904761905))
scala> winnersAvgConcededPoints.min()(
res: (org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId, (String, Double)) = (1101,(Abilene Chr,74.04761904761905))
scala> losersAvgConcededPoints.max()(
res: (VertexId, (String, Double)) = (1464,(Youngstown St,78.85714285714286))
scala> winnersAvgConcededPoints.max()(
res: (VertexId, (String, Double)) = (1464,(Youngstown St,71.125))

The previous tells us that Abilene Christian University is the most defensive team. They concede the least points whether they win a game or not. On the other hand, Youngstown has the worst defense.

Joining aggregated stats into graphs

The previous example shows us how flexible the aggregateMessages operator is. We can define the Msg type of the messages to be aggregated to fit our needs. Moreover, we can select which nodes receive the messages. Finally, we can also define how we want to merge the messages.

As a final example, let’s aggregate many statistics about each team, and join this information into the nodes of the graph. To start, we create its own class for the team stats:

// Average Stats of All Teams
case class TeamStat(
       wins: Int = 0     // Number of wins
     ,losses: Int = 0     // Number of losses
       ,ppg: Int = 0     // Points per game
      ,pcg: Int = 0     // Points conceded per game
       ,fgp: Double = 0   // Field goal percentage
       ,tpp: Double = 0   // Three point percentage
       ,ftp: Double = 0   // Free Throw percentage
   override def toString = wins + "-" + losses

Then, we collect the average stats for all teams using aggregateMessages in the following. For this, we define the type of the message to be an 8-element tuple that holds the counter for games played, wins, losses, and other statistics that will be stored in TeamStat as listed previously:

type Msg = (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Double, Double, Double)
val aggrStats: VertexRDD[Msg] = scoreGraph.aggregateMessages(
       // sendMsg
       t => {
               t.sendToSrc((   1,
                              1, 0,
               t.sendToDst((   1,
                               0, 1,
       // mergeMsg
       (x, y) => ( x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2,
                   x._3 + y._3, x._4 + y._4,
                   x._5 + y._5, x._6 + y._6,
                   x._7 + y._7, x._8 + y._8

Given the aggregate message called aggrStats, we map them into a collection of TeamStat:

val teamStats: VertexRDD[TeamStat] = aggrStats mapValues {
       (id: VertexId, m: Msg) => m match {
           case ( count: Int,
                   wins: Int,
                losses: Int,
                 totPts: Int,
             totConcPts: Int,
                   totFG: Double,
                   totTP: Double,
                   totFT: Double) => TeamStat( wins, losses,

Next, let’s join teamStats into the graph. For this, we first create a class called Team as a new type for the vertex attribute. Team will have a name and TeamStat:

case class Team(name: String, stats: Option[TeamStat]) {
   override def toString = name + ": " + stats

Next, we use the joinVertices operator that we have seen in the previous chapter:

// Joining the average stats to vertex attributes
def addTeamStat(id: VertexId, t: Team, stats: TeamStat) =
Team(, Some(stats))
val statsGraph: Graph[Team, FullResult] =
   scoreGraph.mapVertices((_, name) => Team(name, None)).

We can see that the join has worked well by printing the first three vertices in the new graph called statsGraph:

scala> statsGraph.vertices.take(3).foreach(println)
(1260,Loyola-Chicago: Some(17-13))
(1410,TX Pan American: Some(7-21))
(1426,UT Arlington: Some(15-15))

To conclude this task, let’s find out the top 10 teams in the regular seasons. To do so, we define an ordering for Option[TeamStat] as follows:

import scala.math.Ordering
object winsOrdering extends Ordering[Option[TeamStat]] {
   def compare(x: Option[TeamStat], y: Option[TeamStat]) = (x, y)
   match {
       case (None, None)       => 0
       case (Some(a), None)   => 1
       case (None, Some(b))   => -1
       case (Some(a), Some(b)) => if (a.wins == b.wins) a.losses
       compare b.losses
                                   else a.wins compare b.wins

Finally, we get the following:

import scala.reflect.classTag
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
scala> statsGraph.vertices.sortBy(v =>
v._2.stats,false)(winsOrdering, classTag[Option[TeamStat]]).
     |                             take(10).foreach(println)
(1246,Kentucky: Some(34-0))
(1437,Villanova: Some(32-2))
(1112,Arizona: Some(31-3))
(1458,Wisconsin: Some(31-3))
(1211,Gonzaga: Some(31-2))
(1320,Northern Iowa: Some(30-3))
(1323,Notre Dame: Some(29-5))
(1181,Duke: Some(29-4))
(1438,Virginia: Some(29-3))
(1268,Maryland: Some(27-6))

Note that the ClassTag parameter is required in sortBy to make use of Scala’s reflection. This is why we had the previous imports.

Performance optimization with tripletFields

In addition to sendMsg and mergeMsg, aggregateMessages can also take an optional argument called tripletsFields, which indicates what data is accessed in the EdgeContext. The main reason for explicitly specifying such information is to help optimize the performance of the aggregateMessages operation.

In fact, TripletFields represents a subset of the fields of EdgeTriplet, and it enables GraphX to populate only thse fields when necessary.

The default value is TripletFields. All which means that the sendMsg function may access any of the fields in the EdgeContext. Otherwise, the tripletFields argument is used to tell GraphX that only part of the EdgeContext will be required so that an efficient join strategy can be used. All the possible options for the tripletsFields are listed here:

  • TripletFields.All: Expose all the fields (source, edge, and destination)
  • TripletFields.Dst: Expose the destination and edge fields, but not the source field
  • TripletFields.EdgeOnly: Expose only the edge field.
  • TripletFields.None: None of the triplet fields are exposed
  • TripletFields.Src: Expose the source and edge fields, but not the destination field

Using our previous example, if we are interested in computing the total number of wins and losses for each team, we will not need to access any field of the EdgeContext. In this case, we should use TripletFields. None to indicate so:

// Number of wins of the teams
val numWins: VertexRDD[Int] = scoreGraph.aggregateMessages(
   triplet => {
       triplet.sendToSrc(1)         // No attribute is passed but an integer
   (x, y) => x + y,
// Number of losses of the teams
val numLosses: VertexRDD[Int] = scoreGraph.aggregateMessages(
   triplet => {
       triplet.sendToDst(1)   // No attribute is passed
       but an integer
   (x, y) => x + y,

To see that this works, let’s print the top five and bottom five teams:

scala> numWins.sortBy(_._2,false).take(5).foreach(println)
scala> numLosses.sortBy(_._2, false).take(5).foreach(println)

Should you want the name of the top five teams, you need to access the srcAttr attribute. In this case, we need to set tripletFields to TripletFields.Src:

Kentucky as undefeated team in regular season:

val numWinsOfTeams: VertexRDD[(String, Int)] =
   t => {
       t.sendToSrc(t.srcAttr, 1)         // Pass source
                                         attribute only   },
   (x, y) => (x._1, x._2 + y._2),

Et voila!

scala> numWinsOfTeams.sortBy(_._2._2, false).take(5).foreach(println)
scala> numWinsOfTeams.sortBy(_._2._2).take(5).foreach(println)
(1146,(Cent Arkansas,2))
(1197,(Florida A&M,2))
(1398,(Tennessee St,3))

Kentucky has not lost any of its 34 games during the regular season. Too bad that they could not make it into the championship final.

Warning about the MapReduceTriplets operator

Prior to Spark 1.2, there was no aggregateMessages method in graph. Instead, the now deprecated mapReduceTriplets was the primary aggregation operator. The API for mapReduceTriplets is:

class Graph[VD, ED] {
def mapReduceTriplets[Msg](
      map: EdgeTriplet[VD, ED] => Iterator[(VertexId, Msg)],
     reduce: (Msg, Msg) => Msg)
   : VertexRDD[Msg]

Compared to mapReduceTriplets, the new operator called aggregateMessages is more expressive as it employs the message passing mechanism instead of returning an iterator of messages as mapReduceTriplets does. In addition, aggregateMessages explicitly requires the user to specify the TripletFields object for performance improvement as we explained previously. In addition to the API improvements, aggregateMessages is optimized for performance.

Because mapReduceTriplets is now deprecated, we will not discuss it further. If you have to use it with earlier versions of Spark, you can refer to the Spark programming guide.


In brief, AggregateMessages is a useful and generic operator that provides a functional abstraction for aggregating neighborhood information in the Spark graphs. Its definition is summarized here:

class Graph[VD, ED] {
def aggregateMessages[Msg: ClassTag](
     sendMsg: EdgeContext[VD, ED, Msg] => Unit,
     mergeMsg: (Msg, Msg) => Msg,
     tripletFields: TripletFields = TripletFields.All)
   : VertexRDD[Msg]

This operator applies a user-defined sendMsg function to each edge in the graph using an EdgeContext. Each EdgeContext access the required information about the edge and passes this information to its source node and/or destination node using the sendToSrc and/or sendToDst respectively. After all the messages are received by the nodes, the mergeMsg function is used to aggregate these messages at each node.

Some interesting reads

  • Six keys to sports analytics
  • Moneyball: The Art Of Winning An Unfair Game
  • Golden State Warriors at the forefront of NBA data analysis
  • How Data and Analytics Have Changed ‘The Beautiful Game’
  • NHL, SAP partnership to lead statistical revolution

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