Yesterday, at the ongoing KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2018, RedHat announced its contribution towards etcd, an open source project and its acceptance into the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Red Hat is participating in developing etcd, as a part of the enterprise Kubernetes product, Red Hat OpenShift.
#KubeCon: @BrandonPhilips and @xiangli0227 discuss #etcd's history and etcd now as a @CloudNativeFdn project. Milestones:
469 contributors
21,627 GitHub stars
157 releases
14,825 commits
4,310 forks
9 maintainers representing 8 companies— CoreOS, Inc. (@coreos) December 11, 2018
etcd is an open source, distributed, consistent key-value store for service discovery, shared configuration, and scheduler coordination. It is a core component of software that comes with safer automatic updates and it also sets up overlay networking for containers. The CoreOS team created etcd in 2013 and the Red Hat engineers maintained it by working alongside a team of professionals from across the industry. The etcd project focuses on safely storing critical data of a distributed system and demonstrating its quality. It is also the primary data store for Kubernetes. It uses the Raft consensus algorithm for replicated logs. With etcd, applications can maintain more consistent uptime and work smoothly even when the individual servers are failing.
Etcd is progressing and it already has 157 releases with etcd v3.3.10 being the latest one that got released just two month ago. etcd is designed as a consistency store across environments including public cloud, hybrid cloud and bare metal.
Where is etcd used?
Kubernetes clusters use etcd as their primary data store. Red Hat OpenShift customers and Kubernetes users benefit from the community work on the etcd project. It is also used by communities and users like Uber, Alibaba Cloud, Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services, and Red Hat.
etcd will be under Linux Foundation and the domains and accounts will be managed by CNCF. The community of etcd maintainers, including Red Hat, Alibaba Cloud, Google Cloud, Amazon, etc, won’t be changed. The project will continue to focus on the communities that depend on it.
Red Hat will continue extending etcd with the etcd Operator in order to bring more security and operational ease. It will enable users to easily configure and manage etcd by using a declarative configuration that creates, configures, and manages etcd clusters.
Read more about this news on RedHat’s official blog.
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