2 min read

With 600 commits and 992 files changed, React Native 0.57 was released yesterday. In this release, major improvements are done in the accessibility APIs, and WKWebView-backed implementation is added just as they announced in August, along with several tooling updates.

What is new in React Native 0.57?

New features

  • Accessibility APIs, used for making apps accessible to people with disabilities, now support accessibility hints, inverted colors, and easier usage of defining the element’s role and states.
  • On iOS, WebView can now use WKWebView internally by passing useWebKit={true}.
  • Loosen platform check to improve support for out-of-tree platforms.
  • An implementation of YogaNodeProperties is added, which accesses style and layout properties using a ByteBuffer rather than JNI calls.
  • FlatList and SectionList are now added to Animated exports.


  • Android tooling has been updated to match newer configuration requirements (SDK 27, gradle 4.4, and support library 27)
  • unbundle is renamed to ram-bundle (a breaking change for OSS)
  • Minimum Node version is changed from 8 to 8.3
  • Flow is upgraded to v0.76.0
  • ESLint is upgraded to 5.1.0
  • Babel is upgraded to v7.0.0
  • The “loading from pre-bundled file” notification won’t show up anymore when not on dev mode
  • StyleSheet.compose is refined so that subtypes of DangerouslyImpreciseStyleProp can flow through the function call without losing their type
  • The use of new Metro configuration is supported in the public react-native CLI
  • react-native-dom is whitelisted in haste/cli config defaults

Bug fixes

  • debugger-ui path of react-native CLI was wrong earlier, which is now fixed.
  • Extreme slowness of <TextInput> is fixed
  • Placeholder of TextInput not completely visible on Android is fixed
  • Horizontal <ScrollView> overflow issue is fixed
  • Added support for connecting to the Packager when running the iOS app on device when using custom Debug configuration
  • Fix crash in RCTImagePicker on iOS

Removed features

  • ScrollView.propTypes is removed. It is recommended to use flow or typescript for verifying correct prop usage instead. (Breaking change)
  • ReactInstancePackage is now deprecated. It is recommended to use @link ReactPackage or @link LazyReactPackage.

To know more about the improvements in React Native 0.57 release, head over to their GitHub repository.

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