8 min read

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Unfortunately, C++ isn’t an easy language at all. Sometimes, you can think that it is a limitless language that cannot be learned and understood entirely, but you don’t need to worry about that. It is not important to know everything; it is important to use the parts that are required in specific situations correctly. Practice is the best teacher, so it’s better to understand how to use as many of the features as needed.

In examples to come, we will use author Charles Simonyi’s Hungarian notation. In his PhD in 1977, he used Meta-Programming – A software production method to make a standard for notation in programming, which says that the first letter of type or variable should represent the data type. For the example class that we want to call, a Test data type should be CTest, where the first letter says that Test is a class. This is good practice because a programmer who is not familiar with the Test data type will immediately know that Test is a class. The same standard stands for primitive types, such as int or double. For example, iCount stands for an integer variable Count, while dValue stands for a double variable Value. Using the given prefixes, it is easy to read code even if you are not so familiar with it.

Getting ready

Make sure Visual Studio is up and running.

How to do it…

Now, let’s create our first program by performing the following steps and explaining its structure:

  1. Create a new C++ console application named TestDemo.
  2. Open TestDemo.cpp.
  3. Add the following code:

    #include “stdafx.h” #include <iostream> using namespace std; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { cout << “Hello world” << endl; return 0; }

How it works…

The structure of the C++ program varies due to different programming techniques. What most programs must have is the #include or preprocessor directives.

The #include <iostream> header tells the compiler to include the iostream.h header file where the available function prototypes reside. It also means that libraries with the functions’ implementations should be built into executables. So, if we want to use some API or function, we need to include an appropriate header file, and maybe we will have to add an additional input library that contains the function/API implementation. One more important difference when including files is <header> versus “header”. The first (<>) targets solution-configured project paths, while the other (“”) targets folders relative to the C++ project.

The using command instructs the compiler to use the std namespace. Namespaces are packages with object declarations and function implementations. Namespaces have a very important usage. They are used to minimize ambiguity while including third-party libraries when the same function name is used in two different packages.

We need to implement a program entry point—the main function. As we said before, we can use main for an ANSI signature, wmain for a Unicode signature, or _tmain where the compiler will resolve its signature depending on the preprocessor definitions in the project property pages. For a console application, the main function can have the following four different prototypes:

  • int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[])
  • void _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[])
  • int _tmain(void)
  • void _tmain(void)

The first prototype has two arguments, argc and argv. The first argument, argc, or the argument count, says how many arguments are present in the second argument, argv, or the argument values. The argv parameter is an array of strings, where each string represents one command-line argument. The first string in argv is always the current program name. The second prototype is the same as the first one, except the return type. This means that the main function may or may not return a value. This value is returned to the OS. The third prototype has no arguments and returns an integer value, while the fourth prototype neither has arguments nor returns a value. It is good practice to use the first format.

The next command uses the cout object. The cout object is the name of the standard output stream in C++, and the meaning of the entire statement is to insert a sequence of characters (in this case, the Hello world sequence of characters) into the standard output stream (usually corresponds to the screen).

The cout object is declared in the iostream standard file within the std namespace. This is why we need to include the specific file and declare that we will use this specific namespace earlier in our code.

In our usual selection of the (int _tmain(int,_TCHAR**)) prototype, _tmain returns an integer. We must specify some int value after the return command, in this case 0. When returning a value to the operating system, 0 usually means success, but this is operating system dependent.

This simple program is very easy to create. We use this simple example to demonstrate the basic program structure and usage of the main routine as the entry point for every C++ program.

Programs with one thread are executed sequentially line-by-line. This is why our program is not user friendly if we place all code into one thread.

After the user gives the input, control is returned to the application. Only now can the application continue the execution. In order to overcome such an issue, we can create concurrent threads that will handle the user input. In this way, the application does not stall and is responsive all the time. After a thread handles its task, it can signal that a user has performed the requested operation to the application.

There’s more…

Every time we have an operation that needs to be executed separately from the main execution flow, we have to think about a separate thread. The simplest example is when we have some calculations, and we want to have a progress bar where the calculation progress will be shown. If the same thread was responsible for calculation as well as to update the progress bar, probably it wouldn’t work. This occurs because, if both work and a UI update are performed from a single thread, such threads can’t interact with OS painting adequately; so almost always, the UI thread is separate from the working threads.

Let’s review the following example. Assume that we have created a function where we will calculate something, for example, sines or cosines of some angle, and we want to display progress in every step of the calculation:

void CalculateSomething(int iCount) { int iCounter = 0; while (iCounter++ < iCount) { //make calculation //update progress bar } }

As commands are executed one after another inside each iteration of the while loop, the operating system doesn’t have the required time to properly update the user interface (in this case, the progress bar), so we would see an empty progress bar. After the function returns, a fully filled progress bar appears. The solution for this is to create a progress bar on the main thread. A separate thread should execute the CalculateSomething function; in each step of iteration, it should somehow signal the main thread to update the progress bar step by step. As we said before, threads are switched extremely fast on the CPU, so we can get the impression that the progress bar is updated at the same time at the calculation is performed.

To conclude, each time we have to make a parallel task, wait for some kind of user input, or wait for an external dependency such as some response from a remote server, we will create a separate thread so that our program won’t hang and be unresponsive.

In our future examples, we will discuss static and dynamic libraries, so let’s say a few words about both. A static library (*.lib) is usually some code placed in separate files and already compiled for future use. We will add it to the project when we want to use some of its features. When we wrote #include <iostream> earlier, we instructed the compiler to include a static library where implementations of input-output stream functions reside. A static library is built into the executable in compile time before we actually run the program. A dynamic library (*.dll) is similar to a static library, but the difference is that it is not resolved during compilation; it is linked later when we start the program, in another words—at runtime. Dynamic libraries are very useful when we have functions that a lot of programs will use. So, we don’t need to include these functions into every program; we will simply link every program at runtime with one dynamic library. A good example is User32.dll, where the Windows OS placed a majority of GUI functions. So, if we create two programs where both have a window (GUI form), we do not need to include CreateWindow in both programs. We will simply link User32.dll at runtime, and the CreateWindow API will be available.


Thus the article covers the four main paradigms: imperative, declarative, functional (or structural), and object-oriented.

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