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SDN controllers

The decoupled control and data plane architecture of software-defined networking ( SDN ), as depicted in the following figure, and in particular OpenFlow can be compared with an operating system and computer hardware. The OpenFlow controller (similar to the operating system) provides a programmatic interface to the OpenFlow switches (similar to the computer hardware). Using this programmatic interface, network applications, referred to as Net Apps, can be written to perform control and management tasks and offer new functionalities. The control plane in SDN and OpenFlow in particular is logically centralized and Net Apps are written as if the network is a single system.

With a reactive control model, the OpenFlow switches must consult an OpenFlow controller each time a decision must be made, such as when a new packet flow reaches an OpenFlow switch (that is, Packet_in event). In the case of flow-based control granularity, there will be a small performance delay as the first packet of each new flow is forwarded to the controller for decision (for example, forward or drop), after which future traffic within that flow will be forwarded at line rate within the switching hardware. While the first-packet delay is negligible in many cases, it may be a concern if the central OpenFlow controller is geographically remote or if most flows are short-lived (for example, as single-packet flows). An alternative proactive approach is also possible in OpenFlow to push policy rules out from the controller to the switches.

While this simplifies the control, management, and policy enforcement tasks, the bindings must be closely maintained between the controller and OpenFlow switches. The first important concern of this centralized control is the scalability of the system and the second one is the placement of controllers. A recent study of the several OpenFlow controller implementations (NOX-MT, Maestro, and Beacon), conducted on a large emulated network with 100,000 hosts and up to 256 switches, revealed that all OpenFlow controllers were able to handle at least 50,000 new flow requests per second in each of the experimental scenarios. Furthermore, new OpenFlow controllers under development, such as Mc-Nettle (http://haskell.cs.yale.edu/nettle/mcnettle/) target powerful multicore servers and are being designed to scale up to large data center workloads (for example, 20 million flow requests per second and up to 5,000 switches). In packet switching networks, traditionally, each packet contains the required information for a network switch to make individual routing decisions. However, most applications send data as a flow of many individual packets. The control granularity in OpenFlow is in the scale of flows, not packets. When controlling individual flows, the decision made for the first packet of the flow can be applied to all the subsequent packets of the flow within the data plane (OpenFlow switches). The overhead may be further reduced by grouping the flows together, such as all traffic between two hosts, and performing control decisions on the aggregated flows.

The role of controller in SDN approach

Multiple controllers may be used to reduce the latency or increase the scalability and fault tolerance of the OpenFlow (SDN) deployment. OpenFlow allows the connection of multiple controllers to a switch, which would allow backup controllers to take over in the event of a failure. Onix and HyperFlow take the idea further by attempting to maintain a logically centralized, but physically distributed control plane. This decreases the lookup overhead by enabling communication with local controllers, while still allowing applications to be written with a simplified central view of the network. The potential main downside of this approach is maintaining the consistent state in the overall distributed system. This may cause Net Apps, that believe they have an accurate view of the network, to act incorrectly due to inconsistency in the global network state.

Recalling the operating system analogy, an OpenFlow controller acts as a network operating system and should implement at least two interfaces: a southbound interface that allows OpenFlow switches to communicate with the controller, and a northbound interface that presents a programmable application programming interface (API) to network control and management applications (that is, Net Apps). The existing southbound interface is OpenFlow protocol as an early SDN southbound interface implementation. External control and management systems/software or network services may wish to extract information about the underlying network or enforce policies, or control an aspect of the network behavior. Besides, a primary OpenFlow controller may need to share policy information with a backup controller, or to communicate with other controllers across multiple control domains. While the southbound interface (for example, OpenFlow or ForCES, http://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/forces/charter/) is well defined and can be considered as a de facto standard, there is no widely accepted standard for northbound interactions, and they are more likely to be implemented on a use-case basis for particular applications.


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