Categories: Tutorials

Modelling a RPG in D

7 min read

In this post, I’ll show off some of the cool features of a language called D in the context of creating a game, specifically a RPG.

Character Stats

For our RPG, let’s say there are three categories of stats on every character:

  • Attributes: An int value for each of the classic six (Strength, Dexterity, and so on).
  • Skills: An int value for each of several skills (diplomacy, stealth, and so on).
  • Resistance: An int value for each ‘type’ (physical, fire, and so on) of damage.

In D, we can represent such a character like so:

struct Character {
    // attributes
    int strength;
    int dexterity;
    int constitution;
    int intellect;
    int wisdom;
    int charisma;

    // skills
    int stealth;
    int perception;
    int diplomacy;

    // resistances
    int resistPhysical;
    int resistFire;
    int resistWater;
    int resistAir;
    int resistEarth;

However, it would be nicer if we could have each category (attributes, skills, and resistances) represented as a single group of values.

First, let’s define some enums:

enum Attribute { strength, dexterity, constitution, intellect, wisdom, charisma }
enum Skill { stealth, perception, diplomacy }
enum Element { physical, fire, water, air, earth }

Now we want to map each of these enum members to a value for that particular attribute, skill, or resistance.

One option is an associative array, which would look like this:

struct Character {
    int[Attribute] attributes;
    int[Skill] attributes;
    int[Element] attributes;

int[Attribute] attributes declares that Character.attributes returns an int when indexed by an Attribute, like so:

if (hero.attributes[Attribute.dexterity] < 4) hero.trip();

However, associative arrays are heap allocated and don’t have a default value for each key. It seems like overkill for storing a small bundle of values.

Another option is a static array. Static arrays are stack-allocated value types and will contain exactly the number of values that we need.

struct Character {
    int[6] attributes;
    int[3] skills;
    int[5] resistances;

Our enum values are backed by ints, so we can use them directly as indexes just as we did with the associative array:

if (hero.attributes[Attribute.intellect] > 12) hero.pontificate();

This is more efficient for our needs, but nothing enforces using enums as keys. If we accidentally gave an out-of-bounds index, the compiler wouldn’t catch it and we’d get a runtime error.

Ideally, we want the efficiency of the static array with the syntax of the associative array. Even better, it would be nice if we could say something like attributes.charisma instead of attributes[Attribute.charisma], like you would with a table in Lua. Fortunately, you can achieve this with only a few lines of D code.

The Enumap

import std.traits;

/// Map each member of the enum `K` to a value of type `V`
struct Enumap(K, V) {
    private enum N = EnumMembers!K.length;
    private V[N] _store;

    auto opIndex(K key)                { return _store[key]; }
    auto opIndexAssign(T value, K key) { return _store[key] = value; }

Here’s a line-by-line breakdown:

import std.traits;

We need access to std.traits.EnumMembers, a standard-library function that returns (at compile-time!) the members of an enum.

struct Enumap(K, V)

Here, we declare a templated struct. In many other languages, this would look like Enumap<K, V>. K will be our key type (the enum) and V will be the value.

K and V are known as ‘compile-time parameters’. In this case, they are simply used to create a generic type, but in D, such parameters can be used for much more than just generic types, as we will see later.

private enum N = EnumMembers!K.length;`
private V[N] _store;`

Here we leverage EnumMembers to determine how many entries are in the provided enum. We use this to declare a static array capable of holding exactly NVs.

6: auto opIndex(K key)                { return _store[key]; } 7: auto opIndexAssign(T value, K key) { return _store[key] = value; }

opIndex is a special method that allows us to provide a custom implementation of the indexing ([]) operator. The call skills[Skill.stealth] is translated to sklls.opIndex(Skill.stealth), while the assignment skills[Skill.stealth] = 5 is translated to sklls.opIndexAssign(Skill.stealth, 5).

Let’s use that in our Character struct:

struct Character {
    Enumap!(Attribute, int) attributes;
    Enumap!(Skill    , int) skills;
    Enumap!(Element  , int) resistances;
if (hero.attributes[Attribute.wisdom] < 2) hero.drink(unidentifiedPotion);

There! Now the length of each underlying array is figured out for us, and the values can only be accessed using the enum members as keys. The underlying array _store is statically sized, so it requires no managed-memory allocation.

Here’s the really clever bit:

import std.conv;

struct Enumap(K, V) {
    auto opDispatch(string s)()      { return this[!K]; }
    auto opDispatch(string s)(V val) { return this[!K] = val; }
if (hero.attributes.charisma < 5) hero.makeAwkwardJoke();

if (hero.attributes.charisma < 5) hero.makeAwkwardJoke();

opDispatch essentially overloads the . operator to provide some nice syntactic sugar.

Here’s a quick rundown of what happens for hero.attributes.charisma = 5:

  1. The compiler sees attributes.charisma.
  2. It looks for the charisma symbol in the type Enumap!(Attribute, int).
  3. Failing to find this, it tries attributes.opDispatch!”charisma”.
  4. That call resolves to attributes[“charisma”.to!Attribute].
  5. And further resolves to attributes[Attribute.charisma].

Remember I mentioned that compile-time arguments can be much more than types? Here is a compile-time string argument—in this case, its value is whatever symbol follows the.. Note that the above happens at compile time and is equivalent to using the indexing operator.

So, we get the “charisma” string, but what we actually want is the enum member. Attribute.charisma., makes quick work of this; it can, among other things, translate between strings and enum names.

A Step Further – Enumap Arithmetic

Let’s suppose we add items to the game, and each item can provide some stat bonuses:

struct Item {
    Enumap!(Attribute, int) bonuses;

It would be really nice if we could just add these bonuses to our character’s base stats, like so:

auto totalStats = character.attributes + item.bonuses;

Yet again, D lets us implement this quite concisely, this time by leveraging opBinary.

struct Enumap(K, V) {
    auto opBinary(string op)(typeof(this) other) {
      V[N] result = mixin("_store[] " ~ op ~ " other._store[]");
      return typeof(this)(result);

Breakdown time again!

auto opBinary(string op)(typeof(this) other)

An expression like enumap1 + enumap2 will get translated (at compile time!) to enumap1.opBinary!”+”(enumap2). The operator (in this case, +`) is passed as a compile-time string argument. If passing the operator as a string sounds weird, read on…

V[N] result = mixin("_store[]" ~ op ~ "other._store[]");

mixin is a D keyword that translates a compile-time string into code. Continuing with our + example, we end up with V[N] result = mixin(“_store[]” ~ “+” ~ “other._store[]”), which simplifies to V[N] result = _store[] + other._store[]).

The _store[] + other._store[] expression is called an “array-wise operation”. It’s a concise way of performing an operation between corresponding elements of two arrays, in this case, adding each pair of integers into a resulting array.

return typeof(this)(result);

Here we wrap the resulting array in an Enumap before returning it. typeof(this) resolves to the enclosing type. It is equivalent, but preferable, to Enumap!(K, V), as if we change the name of the class we won’t have to refactor this line.

In many languages, we’d have to separately define opAdd, opSub, opMult, and more, most of which would likely contain similar code. However, thanks to the way opBinary allows us to work with a string representation of the operator at compile time, our single opBinary implementation supports operators like – and * as well.


I hope you enjoyed learning a little about D!

There is a full implementation of Enumap available here:

About the Author

Ryan Roden-Corrent is a software developer by trade and hobby. He is an active contributor to the free/open source software community and has a passion for simple but effective tools. He started gaming at a young age and dabbles in all aspects of game development, from coding to art and music. He’s also an aspiring musician and yoga teacher. You can find his open source work here  and Creative Commons art here.

Ryan Roden-Corrent

Published by
Ryan Roden-Corrent

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