This article is intended for intermediate-level Unity developers or above.
One of my favorite tools that I learned about while working in the game industry is the in-game console. It’s essentially a bare-bones command-line environment where you can issue text commands to your game and get text output. Unlike Unity’s built-in console (which is really just a log,) it can take input and display output on whatever device the game is running on.
I’m going to walk you through making a console using uGUI, Unity’s built-in GUI framework available in Unity 4.6 and later. I’m assuming you have some familiarity with it already, so if not I’d recommend reading the UI Overview before continuing. I’ll also show how to implement a simple input parser.
I’ve included a unitypackage with an example scene showing the console all set up, as well as a prefab console that you can drop into an existing scene if you’d like. However, I will walk you through setting everything up from scratch below.
If you don’t have a UI Canvas in your scene yet, make one by selecting GameObject > UI > Canvas from the menu bar.
Now, let’s get started by making a parent object for our console view. Right click on the Canvas in the hierarchy and select “Create Empty”.
There will now be an empty GameObject in the Canvas hierarchy, that we can use as the parent for our console. Rename this object to “ConsoleView”.
I personally like to organize my GUI hierarchy a bit to make it easier to do flexible layouts and turn elements of the GUI off and on, so I also made some additional parent objects for “HUD” (GUI elements that are part of a layer that draws over the game, usually while the game is running) and a child of that for “DevHUD”, those HUD elements that are only needed during development. This makes it easier to disable or delete the DevHUD when making a production build of my game. However, this is optional.
Enter 2D selection mode and scale the ConsoleView so it fills the width of the Canvas and most of its height. Then set its anchor mode to “stretch top”.
Now right click on ConsoleView in the hierarchy and select “Create Empty”. Rename this new child “ConsoleViewContainer”. Drag to the same size as its parent, and set its anchor mode to “stretch stretch”. We need this additional container as the console needs the ability to show and hide during gameplay, so we will be enabling and disabling ConsoleViewContainer. But we still need the ConsoleView object to stay enabled so that it can listen for the special gesture/keypress which the user will input to bring up the console.
Next, we’ll create our text input field. Right click on ConsoleViewContainer in the hierarchy and select UI > Input Field. Align the InputField with the upper left corner of ConsoleViewContainer and drag it out to about 80% of the screen width. Then set the anchor mode to “stretch top”.
I prefer a dark console, so I changed the Image Color to dark grey. Open up the children of the InputField and you can edit the placeholder text, I set mine to “Console input”. You may also change the Placeholder and Text color to white if you want to use a dark background.
On some platforms at this time of writing, Unity won’t handle the native enter/submit button correctly, so we’re going to add a fallback enter button next. (If you’re sure this won’t be an issue on your platforms, you can skip this paragraph and resize the console input to fill the width of the container.) Right click on ConsoleViewContainer in the hierarchy and select UI > Button. Align the button to the right of the InputField and set the anchor to “stretch top”. Rename the Button to EnterBtn. Select its text child in the hierarchy and edit the text to say “Ent”.
Next, we’re going to make the view for the console log output. Right click on ConsoleViewContainer in the hierarchy and select UI > Image. Drag the image to fill the area below the InputField and set the anchor to “stretch stretch”. Rename Image to LogView. If you want a dark console (you know you do!) change the image color to black. Now at the bottom of the inspector, click “Add Component” and select UI > Mask. Again, click “Add Component” and select UI > Scroll Rect.
Right click on LogView in the hierarchy and select UI > Text. Scale it to fill the LogView and set the anchor to “stretch bottom”. Rename it to LogText. Set the text to bottom align. If you’re doing a dark console, set the text color to white. To make sure we’ve got everything set up properly, add a few paragraphs of placeholder text (my favorite source for this is the hipster ipsum generator.) Now drag the top way up past the top of the canvas to give room for the log scrollback. If it’s too short, the log rotation code we’ll write later might not work properly.
Now, we’ll make the scrollbar. Right click on ConsoleViewContainer in the hierarchy and select UI > Scrollbar. In the Scrollbar component, set the Direction to “Bottom To Top”, and set the Value to 0. Size it to fit between the LogView and the edge of the container and set the anchor to “stretch stretch”.
Finally, we’ll hook up our complete scroll view. Select LogView and in the Scroll Rect component, drag in LogText to the “Content” property, and Scrollbar into the “Vertical Scrollbar” property. Then, uncheck the “Horizontal” box.
Go ahead and run the game to make sure we’ve set everything up correctly. You should be able to drag the scroll bar and watch the text scroll down. If not, go back through the previous steps and try to figure out if you missed anything.
This concludes part one. Stay tuned for part two of this series where you will learn how to program the behavior of the console.
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Eliot Lash is an independent game developer and consultant with several mobile titles in the works. In the past, he has worked on Tiny Death Star and the Tap Tap Revenge series. You can find him at eliotlash.com.