21 min read

This Spark machine learning tutorial is by Krishna Sankar, the author of Fast Data Processing with Spark Second Edition. One of the major attractions of Spark is the ability to scale computation massively, and that is exactly what you need for machine learning algorithms. But the caveat is that all machine learning algorithms cannot be effectively parallelized. Each algorithm has its own challenges for parallelization, whether it is task parallelism or data parallelism. Having said that, Spark is becoming the de-facto platform for building machine learning algorithms and applications. For example, Apache Mahout is moving away from Hadoop MapReduce and implementing the algorithms in Spark (see the first reference at the end of this article). The developers working on the Spark MLlib are implementing more and more machine algorithms in a scalable and concise manner in the Spark framework. For the latest information on this, you can refer to the Spark site at https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/mllib-guide.html, which is the authoritative source.

This article covers the following machine learning algorithms:

  • Basic statistics
  • Linear regression
  • Classification
  • Clustering
  • Recommendations

The Spark machine learning algorithm table

The Spark machine learning algorithms implemented in Spark 1.1.0 org.apache.spark.mllib for Scala and Java, and in pyspark.mllib for Python is shown in the following table:




Basic statistics

Summary statistics

Mean, variance, count, max, min, and numNonZeros



Spearman and Pearson correlation


Stratified sampling

sampleBykey, sampleByKeyExact—With and without replacement


Hypothesis testing

Pearson’s chi-squared goodness of fit test


Random data generation


Normal, Poisson, and so on


Linear models

Linear regression—least square, Lasso, and ridge regression


Binary classification

Logistic regression, SVM, decision trees, and naïve Bayes


Multi-class classification

Decision trees, naïve Bayes, and so on


Collaborative filtering

Alternating least squares




Dimensionality reduction




Feature extraction










Spark MLlib examples

Now, let’s look at how to use the algorithms. Naturally, we need interesting datasets to implement the algorithms; we will use appropriate datasets for the algorithms shown in the next section.

The code and data files are available in the GitHub repository at https://github.com/xsankar/fdps-vii. We’ll keep it updated with corrections.

Basic statistics

Let’s read the car mileage data into an RDD and then compute some basic statistics. We will use a simple parse class to parse a line of data. This will work if you know the type and the structure of your CSV file. We will use this technique for the examples in this article:

import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.mllib.stat. {MultivariateStatisticalSummary, Statistics}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
object MLlib01 {
def getCurrentDirectory = new java.io.File( "." ).getCanonicalPath
def parseCarData(inpLine : String) : Array[Double] = {
   val values = inpLine.split(',')
   val mpg = values(0).toDouble
   val displacement = values(1).toDouble
   val hp = values(2).toInt
   val torque = values(3).toInt
   val CRatio = values(4).toDouble
   val RARatio = values(5).toDouble
   val CarbBarrells = values(6).toInt
   val NoOfSpeed = values(7).toInt
   val length = values(8).toDouble
   val width = values(9).toDouble
   val weight = values(10).toDouble
   val automatic = values(11).toInt
   return Array(mpg,displacement,hp,
def main(args: Array[String]) {
   val sc = new SparkContext("local","Chapter 9")
   println(s"Running Spark Version ${sc.version}")
   val dataFile = sc.textFile("/Users/ksankar/fdps-vii/data/car-     milage-no-hdr.csv")
   val carRDD = dataFile.map(line => parseCarData(line))
   // Let us find summary statistics
   val vectors: RDD[Vector] = carRDD.map(v => Vectors.dense(v))
   val summary = Statistics.colStats(vectors)
   carRDD.foreach(ln=> {ln.foreach(no => print("%6.2f | "     .format(no))); println()})
   print("Max :");summary.max.toArray.foreach(m => print("%5.1f |     ".format(m)));println
   print("Min :");summary.min.toArray.foreach(m => print("%5.1f |     ".format(m)));println
   print("Mean :");summary.mean.toArray.foreach(m => print("%5.1f     | ".format(m)));println

This program will produce the following output:

Fast Data Processing with Spark - Second Edition

Let’s also run some correlations, as shown here:

// correlations
val hp = vectors.map(x => x(2))
val weight = vectors.map(x => x(10))
var corP = Statistics.corr(hp,weight,"pearson") // default
println("hp to weight : Pearson Correlation = %2.4f".format(corP))
var corS = Statistics.corr(hp,weight,"spearman") // Need to   specify
println("hp to weight : Spearman Correlation = %2.4f" .format(corS))
val raRatio = vectors.map(x => x(5))
val width = vectors.map(x => x(9))
corP = Statistics.corr(raRatio,width,"pearson") // default
println("raRatio to width : Pearson Correlation = %2.4f" .format(corP))
corS = Statistics.corr(raRatio,width,"spearman") // Need to   specify
println("raRatio to width : Spearman Correlation = %2.4f" .format(corS))

This will produce interesting results as shown in the next screenshot:

Fast Data Processing with Spark - Second Edition

While this might seem too much work to calculate the correlation of a tiny dataset, remember that this will scale to datasets consisting of 1,000,000 rows or even a billion rows!

Linear regression

Linear regression takes a little more work than statistics. We need the LabeledPoint class as well as a few more parameters such as the learning rate, that is, the step size. We will also split the dataset into training and test, as shown here:

def carDataToLP(inpArray : Array[Double]) : LabeledPoint = {
   return new LabeledPoint( inpArray(0),Vectors.dense (       inpArray(1), inpArray(2), inpArray(3),       inpArray(4), inpArray(5), inpArray(6), inpArray(7),       inpArray(8), inpArray(9), inpArray(10), inpArray(11) ) )
// Linear Regression
   val carRDDLP = carRDD.map(x => carDataToLP(x)) // create a     labeled point RDD
   // Let us split the data set into training & test set using a     very simple filter
   val carRDDLPTrain = carRDDLP.filter( x => x.features(9) <=     4000)
   val carRDDLPTest = carRDDLP.filter( x => x.features(9) > 4000)
   println("Training Set : " + "%3d".format     (carRDDLPTrain.count()))
   println("Training Set : " + "%3d".format(carRDDLPTest.count()))
   // Train a Linear Regression Model
   // numIterations = 100, stepsize = 0.000000001
   // without such a small step size the algorithm will diverge
   val mdlLR = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train     (carRDDLPTrain,100,0.000000001)
   println(mdlLR.intercept) // Intercept is turned off when using     LinearRegressionSGD object, so intercept will always be 0 for     this code
   // Now let us use the model to predict our test set
   val valuesAndPreds = carRDDLPTest.map(p => (p.label,     mdlLR.predict(p.features)))
   val mse = valuesAndPreds.map( vp => math.pow( (vp._1 - vp._2),2     ) ).
       reduce(_+_) / valuesAndPreds.count()
   println("Mean Squared Error     = " + "%6.3f".format(mse))
   println("Root Mean Squared Error = " + "%6.3f"     .format(math.sqrt(mse)))
   // Let us print what the model predicted
   valuesAndPreds.take(20).foreach(m => println("%5.1f | %5.1f |"     .format(m._1,m._2)))

The run result will be as expected, as shown in the next screenshot:

Fast Data Processing with Spark - Second Edition

The prediction is not that impressive. There are a couple of reasons for this. There might be quadratic effects; some of the variables might be correlated (for example, length, width, and weight, and so we might not need all three to predict the mpg value). Finally, we might not need all the 10 features anyways. I leave it to you to try with different combinations of features. (In the parseCarData function, take only a subset of the variables; for example take hp, weight, and number of speed and see which combination minimizes the mse value.)


Classification is very similar to linear regression. The algorithms take labeled points, and the train process has various parameters to tweak the algorithm to fit the needs of an application. The returned model can be used to predict the class of a labeled point. Here is a quick example using the titanic dataset:

For our example, we will keep the same structure as the linear regression example. First, we will parse the full dataset line and then later keep it simple by creating a labeled point with a set of selected features, as shown in the following code:

import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors
import org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.DecisionTree
object Chapter0802 {
def getCurrentDirectory = new java.io.File( "."     ).getCanonicalPath
// 0 pclass,1 survived,2 l.name,3.f.name, 4 sex,5 age,6 sibsp,7       parch,8 ticket,9 fare,10 cabin,
// 11 embarked,12 boat,13 body,14 home.dest
def str2Double(x: String) : Double = {
   try {
   } catch {
     case e: Exception => 0.0
def parsePassengerDataToLP(inpLine : String) : LabeledPoint = {
   val values = inpLine.split(',')
   val pclass = str2Double(values(0))
   val survived = str2Double(values(1))
   // skip last name, first name
   var sex = 0
   if (values(4) == "male") {
     sex = 1
   var age = 0.0 // a better choice would be the average of all       ages
   age = str2Double(values(5))
   var sibsp = 0.0
   age = str2Double(values(6))
   var parch = 0.0
   age = str2Double(values(7))
   var fare = 0.0
   fare = str2Double(values(9))
   return new LabeledPoint(survived,Vectors.dense     (pclass,sex,age,sibsp,parch,fare))

Now that we have setup the routines to parse the data, let’s dive into the main program:

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
   val sc = new SparkContext("local","Chapter 8")
   println(s"Running Spark Version ${sc.version}")
   val dataFile = sc.textFile("/Users/ksankar/bdtc-2014     /titanic/titanic3_01.csv")
   val titanicRDDLP = dataFile.map(_.trim).filter( _.length > 1).
     map(line => parsePassengerDataToLP(line))
   val categoricalFeaturesInfo = Map[Int, Int]()
   val mdlTree = DecisionTree.trainClassifier(titanicRDDLP, 2, //       numClasses
       categoricalFeaturesInfo, // all features are continuous
       "gini", // impurity
       5, // Maxdepth
       32) //maxBins

The tree is interesting to inspect. Check it out here:

   // Let us predict on the dataset and see how well it works.
   // In the real world, we should split the data to train & test       and then predict the test data:
   val predictions = mdlTree.predict(titanicRDDLP.     map(x=>x.features))
   val labelsAndPreds = titanicRDDLP.     map(x=>x.label).zip(predictions)
   val mse = labelsAndPreds.map( vp => math.pow( (vp._1 -       vp._2),2 ) ).
       reduce(_+_) / labelsAndPreds.count()
   println("Mean Squared Error = " + "%6f".format(mse))
   // labelsAndPreds.foreach(println)
   val correctVals = labelsAndPreds.aggregate(0.0)((x, rec) => x       + (rec._1 == rec._2).compare(false), _ + _)
   val accuracy = correctVals/labelsAndPreds.count()
   println("Accuracy = " + "%3.2f%%".format(accuracy*100))
   println("*** Done ***")

The result obtained when you run the program is as expected. The printout of the tree is interesting, as shown here:

Running Spark Version 1.1.1
14/11/28 18:41:27 INFO MemoryStore: ensureFreeSpace(163705) called with curMem=0, maxMem=2061647216
14/11/28 18:41:27 INFO SparkContext: Job finished: count at Chapter0802.scala:56, took 0.260993 s
14/11/28 18:41:27 INFO SparkContext: Starting job: first at Chapter0802.scala:59
14/11/28 18:41:27 INFO SparkContext: Job finished: first at Chapter0802.scala:59, took 0.016479 s
14/11/28 18:41:27 INFO SparkContext: Starting job: first at Chapter0802.scala:60
14/11/28 18:41:27 INFO SparkContext: Job finished: first at Chapter0802.scala:60, took 0.014408 s
14/11/28 18:41:27 INFO SparkContext: Starting job: take at DecisionTreeMetadata.scala:66
14/11/28 18:41:28 INFO DecisionTree: Internal timing for DecisionTree:
14/11/28 18:41:28 INFO DecisionTree:   init: 0.36408
 total: 0.95518
 extractNodeInfo: 7.3E-4
 findSplitsBins: 0.249814
 extractInfoForLowerLevels: 7.74E-4
 findBestSplits: 0.565394
 chooseSplits: 0.201012
 aggregation: 0.362411
DecisionTreeModel classifier
 If (feature 1 <= 0.0)
   If (feature 0 <= 2.0)
   If (feature 5 <= 26.0)
     If (feature 2 <= 1.0)
     If (feature 0 <= 1.0)
       Predict: 1.0
     Else (feature 0 > 1.0)
       Predict: 1.0
     Else (feature 2 > 1.0)
     Predict: 1.0
   Else (feature 5 > 26.0)
     If (feature 2 <= 1.0)
     If (feature 5 <= 38.0021)
       Predict: 1.0
     Else (feature 5 > 38.0021)
       Predict: 1.0
     Else (feature 2 > 1.0)
     If (feature 5 <= 79.42500000000001)
       Predict: 1.0
     Else (feature 5 > 79.42500000000001)
       Predict: 1.0
   Else (feature 0 > 2.0)
   If (feature 5 <= 25.4667)
     If (feature 5 <= 7.2292)
     If (feature 5 <= 7.05)
       Predict: 1.0
     Else (feature 5 > 7.05)
       Predict: 1.0
     Else (feature 5 > 7.2292)
     If (feature 5 <= 15.5646)
       Predict: 0.0
     Else (feature 5 > 15.5646)
       Predict: 1.0
   Else (feature 5 > 25.4667)
     If (feature 5 <= 38.0021)
     If (feature 5 <= 30.6958)
       Predict: 0.0
     Else (feature 5 > 30.6958)
       Predict: 0.0
     Else (feature 5 > 38.0021)
     Predict: 0.0
 Else (feature 1 > 0.0)
   If (feature 0 <= 1.0)
   If (feature 5 <= 26.0)
     If (feature 5 <= 7.05)
     If (feature 5 <= 0.0)
       Predict: 0.0
     Else (feature 5 > 0.0)
       Predict: 0.0
     Else (feature 5 > 7.05)
     Predict: 0.0
   Else (feature 5 > 26.0)
     If (feature 5 <= 30.6958)
     If (feature 2 <= 0.0)
       Predict: 0.0
     Else (feature 2 > 0.0)
       Predict: 0.0
     Else (feature 5 > 30.6958)
     If (feature 2 <= 1.0)
       Predict: 0.0
     Else (feature 2 > 1.0)
       Predict: 1.0
   Else (feature 0 > 1.0)
   If (feature 2 <= 0.0)
     If (feature 5 <= 38.0021)
     If (feature 5 <= 14.4583)
       Predict: 0.0
     Else (feature 5 > 14.4583)
       Predict: 0.0
     Else (feature 5 > 38.0021)
     If (feature 0 <= 2.0)
       Predict: 0.0
     Else (feature 0 > 2.0)
       Predict: 1.0
   Else (feature 2 > 0.0)
     If (feature 5 <= 26.0)
     If (feature 2 <= 1.0)
       Predict: 0.0
     Else (feature 2 > 1.0)
       Predict: 0.0
     Else (feature 5 > 26.0)
     If (feature 0 <= 2.0)
       Predict: 0.0
     Else (feature 0 > 2.0)
       Predict: 0.0
14/11/28 18:41:28 INFO SparkContext: Starting job: reduce at Chapter0802.scala:79
14/11/28 18:41:28 INFO SparkContext: Job finished: count at Chapter0802.scala:79, took 0.077973 s
Mean Squared Error = 0.200153
14/11/28 18:41:28 INFO SparkContext: Starting job: aggregate at Chapter0802.scala:84
14/11/28 18:41:28 INFO SparkContext: Job finished: count at Chapter0802.scala:85, took 0.042592 s
Accuracy = 79.98%
*** Done ***

In the real world, one would create a training and a test dataset and train the model on the training dataset and then predict on the test dataset. Then we can calculate the mse and minimize it on various feature combinations, some of which could also be engineered features.


Spark MLlib has implemented the k-means clustering algorithm. The model training and prediction interfaces are similar to other machine learning algorithms. Let’s see how it works by going through an example.

Let’s use a sample data that has two dimensions x and y. The plot of the points would look like the following screenshot:

Fast Data Processing with Spark - Second Edition

From the preceding graph, we can see that four clusters form one solution. Let’s try with k=2 and k=4. Let’s see how the Spark clustering algorithm handles this dataset and the groupings:

import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vector,Vectors}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.KMeans
object Chapter0803 {
def parsePoints(inpLine : String) : Vector = {
   val values = inpLine.split(',')
   val x = values(0).toInt
   val y = values(1).toInt
   return Vectors.dense(x,y)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
   val sc = new SparkContext("local","Chapter 8")
   println(s"Running Spark Version ${sc.version}")
   val dataFile = sc.textFile("/Users/ksankar/bdtc-2014/cluster-     points/cluster-points.csv")
   val points = dataFile.map(_.trim).filter( _.length > 1).     map(line => parsePoints(line))
   var numClusters = 2
   val numIterations = 20
   var mdlKMeans = KMeans.train(points, numClusters,       numIterations)
   var clusterPred = points.map(x=>mdlKMeans.predict(x))
   var clusterMap = points.zip(clusterPred)
   clusterMap.saveAsTextFile("/Users/ksankar/bdtc-2014/cluster-     points/2-cluster.csv")
   // Now let us try 4 centers:
   numClusters = 4
   mdlKMeans = KMeans.train(points, numClusters, numIterations)
   clusterPred = points.map(x=>mdlKMeans.predict(x))
   clusterMap = points.zip(clusterPred)
   clusterMap.saveAsTextFile("/Users/ksankar/bdtc-2014/cluster-     points/4-cluster.csv")

The results of the run would be as shown in the next screenshot (your run could give slightly different results):

Fast Data Processing with Spark - Second Edition

The k=2 graph shown in the next screenshot looks as expected:

Fast Data Processing with Spark - Second Edition

With k=4 the results are as shown in the following screenshot:

Fast Data Processing with Spark - Second Edition

The plot shown in the following screenshot confirms that the clusters are obtained as expected. Spark does understand clustering!

Fast Data Processing with Spark - Second Edition

Bear in mind that the results could vary a little between runs because the clustering algorithm picks the centers randomly and grows from there. With k=4, the results are stable; but with k=2, there is room for partitioning the points in different ways. Try it out a few times and see the results.


The recommendation algorithms fall under five general mechanisms, namely, knowledge-based, demographic-based, content-based, collaborative filtering (item-based or user-based), and latent factor-based. Usually, the collaborative filtering is computationally intensive—Spark implements the Alternating Least Square (ALS) algorithm authored by Yehuda Koren, available at http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1608614. It is user-based collaborative filtering using the method of learning latent factors, which can scale to a large dataset. Let’s quickly use the movielens medium dataset to implement a recommendation using Spark.

There are some interesting RDD transformations. Apart from that, the code is not that complex, as shown next:

import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._ // for implicit   conversations
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.Rating
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.ALS
object Chapter0804 {
def parseRating1(line : String) : (Int,Int,Double,Int) = {
   val x = line.split("::")
   val userId = x(0).toInt
   val movieId = x(1).toInt
   val rating = x(2).toDouble
   val timeStamp = x(3).toInt/10
   return (userId,movieId,rating,timeStamp)
def parseRating(x : (Int,Int,Double,Int)) : Rating = {
   val userId = x._1
   val movieId = x._2
   val rating = x._3
   val timeStamp = x._4 // ignore
   return new Rating(userId,movieId,rating)

Now that we have the parsers in place, let’s focus on the main program, as shown next:

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
   val sc = new SparkContext("local","Chapter 8")
   println(s"Running Spark Version ${sc.version}")
   val moviesFile = sc.textFile("/Users/ksankar/bdtc-     2014/movielens/medium/movies.dat")
   val moviesRDD = moviesFile.map(line => line.split("::"))
   val ratingsFile = sc.textFile("/Users/ksankar/bdtc-     2014/movielens/medium/ratings.dat")
   val ratingsRDD = ratingsFile.map(line => parseRating1(line))
   ratingsRDD.take(5).foreach(println) // always check the RDD
   val numRatings = ratingsRDD.count()
   val numUsers = ratingsRDD.map(r => r._1).distinct().count()
   val numMovies = ratingsRDD.map(r => r._2).distinct().count()
   println("Got %d ratings from %d users on %d movies.".
         format(numRatings, numUsers, numMovies))

Split the dataset into training, validation, and test. We can use any random dataset. But here we will use the last digit of the timestamp:

val trainSet = ratingsRDD.filter(x => (x._4 % 10) < 6) .map(x=>parseRating(x))
   val validationSet = ratingsRDD.filter(x => (x._4 % 10) >= 6 &       (x._4 % 10) < 8).map(x=>parseRating(x))
   val testSet = ratingsRDD.filter(x => (x._4 % 10) >= 8)     .map(x=>parseRating(x))
   println("Training: "+ "%d".format(trainSet.count()) +
     ", validation: " + "%d".format(validationSet.count()) + ",         test: " + "%d".format(testSet.count()) + ".")
   // Now train the model using the training set:
   val rank = 10
   val numIterations = 20
   val mdlALS = ALS.train(trainSet,rank,numIterations)
   // prepare validation set for prediction
   val userMovie = validationSet.map {
     case Rating(user, movie, rate) =>(user, movie)
   // Predict and convert to Key-Value PairRDD
   val predictions = mdlALS.predict(userMovie).map {
     case Rating(user, movie, rate) => ((user, movie), rate)
   // Now convert the validation set to PairRDD:
   val validationPairRDD = validationSet.map(r => ((r.user,       r.product), r.rating))
   // Now join the validation set with predictions.
   // Then we can figure out how good our recommendations are.
   // Tip:
   //   Need to import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
   //   Then MappedRDD would be converted implicitly to PairRDD
   val ratingsAndPreds = validationPairRDD.join(predictions)
   val mse = ratingsAndPreds.map(r => {
     math.pow((r._2._1 - r._2._2),2)
   }).reduce(_+_) / ratingsAndPreds.count()
   val rmse = math.sqrt(mse)
   println("MSE = %2.5f".format(mse) + " RMSE = %2.5f"     .format(rmse))
   println("** Done **")

The run results, as shown in the next screenshot, are obtained as expected:

Fast Data Processing with Spark - Second Edition

Check the following screenshot as well:

Fast Data Processing with Spark - Second Edition

Some more information is available at:


In this article, we looked at the most common machine learning algorithms. Naturally, ML is a vast subject and requires lot more study, experimentation, and practical experience on interesting data science problems. Two books that are relevant to Spark Machine Learning are Packt’s own books Machine Learning with Spark, Nick Pentreath, and O’Reilly’s Advanced Analytics with Spark, Sandy Ryza, Uri Laserson, Sean Owen, and Josh Wills. Both are excellent books that you can refer to.

Resources for Article:

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