1 min read

In this article by Marco Schwartz, author of the book Arduino Networking, we will visualize the data we recorded with Xively.

(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)

Visualizing the recorded data

We are now going to visualize the data we recorded with Xively. You can go over again to the device page on the Xively website. You should see that some data has been recorded in different channels, as shown in the following screenshot:

By clicking on one of these channels, you can also display the data graphically. For example, the following screenshot shows the temperature channel after a few measurements:

After a while, you will have more points for the temperature measurements, as shown in the following screenshot:

You can also do the same for the humidity measurements; the following screenshot shows the humidity measurements:

Note that by clicking on the time icon, you can change the time axis and display a longer or shorter time range.

If you don’t see any data being displayed, you need to go back to the Arduino IDE and make sure that the answer coming from the Xively server is a 200 OK message, like we saw in the previous section.


In this article, we went to the Xively website to visualize the data and learned how to visualize the data graphically, and saw this data arrive in real time.

Resources for Article:

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