Expert Python Programming: Interfaces

18 min read

This article by, Michał Jaworski and Tarek Ziadé, the authors of the book, Expert Python Programming – Second Edition, will mainly focus on interfaces.

(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)

An interface is a definition of an API. It describes a list of methods and attributes a class should have to implement with the desired behavior. This description does not implement any code but just defines an explicit contract for any class that wishes to implement the interface. Any class can then implement one or several interfaces in whichever way it wants.

While Python prefers duck-typing over explicit interface definitions, it may be better to use them sometimes. For instance, explicit interface definition makes it easier for a framework to define functionalities over interfaces.

The benefit is that classes are loosely coupled, which is considered as a good practice. For example, to perform a given process, a class A does not depend on a class B, but rather on an interface I. Class B implements I, but it could be any other class.

The support for such a technique is built-in in many statically typed languages such as Java or Go. The interfaces allow the functions or methods to limit the range of acceptable parameter objects that implement a given interface, no matter what kind of class it comes from. This allows for more flexibility than restricting arguments to given types or their subclasses. It is like an explicit version of duck-typing behavior: Java uses interfaces to verify a type safety at compile time rather than use duck-typing to tie things together at run time.

Python has a completely different typing philosophy to Java, so it does not have native support for interfaces. Anyway, if you would like to have more explicit control on application interfaces, there are generally two solutions to choose from:

  • Use some third-party framework that adds a notion of interfaces
  • Use some of the advanced language features to build your methodology for handling interfaces.

Using zope.interface

There are a few frameworks that allow you to build explicit interfaces in Python. The most notable one is a part of the Zope project. It is the zope.interface package. Although, nowadays, Zope is not as popular as it used to be, the zope.interface package is still one of the main components of the Twisted framework.

The core class of the zope.interface package is the Interface class. It allows you to explicitly define a new interface by subclassing. Let’s assume that we want to define the obligatory interface for every implementation of a rectangle:

from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute

class IRectangle(Interface):
    width = Attribute("The width of rectangle")
    height = Attribute("The height of rectangle")

    def area():
        """ Return area of rectangle

    def perimeter():
        """ Return perimeter of rectangle

Some important things to remember when defining interfaces with zope.interface are as follows:

  • The common naming convention for interfaces is to use I as the name suffix.
  • The methods of the interface must not take the self parameter.
  • As the interface does not provide concrete implementation, it should consist only of empty methods. You can use the pass statement, raise NotImplementedError, or provide a docstring (preferred).
  • An interface can also specify the required attributes using the Attribute class.

When you have such a contract defined, you can then define new concrete classes that provide implementation for our IRectangle interface. In order to do that, you need to use the implementer() class decorator and implement all of the defined methods and attributes:

class Square:
    """ Concrete implementation of square with rectangle interface

    def __init__(self, size):
        self.size = size

    def width(self):
        return self.size

    def height(self):
        return self.size

    def area(self):
        return self.size ** 2

    def perimeter(self):
        return 4 * self.size

class Rectangle:
    """ Concrete implementation of rectangle
    def __init__(self, width, height):
        self.width = width
        self.height = height

    def area(self):
        return self.width * self.height

    def perimeter(self):
        return self.width * 2 + self.height * 2

It is common to say that the interface defines a contract that a concrete implementation needs to fulfill. The main benefit of this design pattern is being able to verify consistency between contract and implementation before the object is being used. With the ordinary duck-typing approach, you only find inconsistencies when there is a missing attribute or method at runtime. With zope.interface, you can introspect the actual implementation using two methods from the zope.interface.verify module to find inconsistencies early on:

  • verifyClass(interface, class_object): This verifies the class object for existence of methods and correctness of their signatures without looking for attributes
  • verifyObject(interface, instance): This verifies the methods, their signatures, and also attributes of the actual object instance

Since we have defined our interface and two concrete implementations, let’s verify their contracts in an interactive session:

>>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass, verifyObject
>>> verifyObject(IRectangle, Square(2))
>>> verifyClass(IRectangle, Square)
>>> verifyObject(IRectangle, Rectangle(2, 2))
>>> verifyClass(IRectangle, Rectangle)

Nothing impressive. The Rectangle and Square classes carefully follow the defined contract so there is nothing more to see than a successful verification. But what happens when we make a mistake? Let’s see an example of two classes that fail to provide full IRectangle interface implementation:

class Point:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

class Circle:
    def __init__(self, radius):
        self.radius = radius

    def area(self):
        return math.pi * self.radius ** 2

    def perimeter(self):
        return 2 * math.pi * self.radius

The Point class does not provide any method or attribute of the IRectangle interface, so its verification will show inconsistencies already on the class level:

>>> verifyClass(IRectangle, Point)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "zope/interface/", line 102, in verifyClass
    return _verify(iface, candidate, tentative, vtype='c')
  File "zope/interface/", line 62, in _verify
    raise BrokenImplementation(iface, name)
zope.interface.exceptions.BrokenImplementation: An object has failed to implement interface <InterfaceClass __main__.IRectangle>

        The perimeter attribute was not provided.

The Circle class is a bit more problematic. It has all the interface methods defined but breaks the contract on the instance attribute level. This is the reason why, in most cases, you need to use the verifyObject() function to completely verify the interface implementation:

>>> verifyObject(IRectangle, Circle(2))

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "zope/interface/", line 105, in verifyObject
    return _verify(iface, candidate, tentative, vtype='o')
  File "zope/interface/", line 62, in _verify
    raise BrokenImplementation(iface, name)
zope.interface.exceptions.BrokenImplementation: An object has failed to implement interface <InterfaceClass __main__.IRectangle>

        The width attribute was not provided.

Using zope.inteface is an interesting way to decouple your application. It allows you to enforce proper object interfaces without the need for the overblown complexity of multiple inheritance, and it also allows to catch inconsistencies early. However, the biggest downside of this approach is the requirement that you explicitly define that the given class follows some interface in order to be verified. This is especially troublesome if you need to verify instances coming from external classes of built-in libraries. zope.interface provides some solutions for that problem, and you can of course handle such issues on your own by using the adapter pattern, or even monkey-patching. Anyway, the simplicity of such solutions is at least arguable.

Using function annotations and abstract base classes

Design patterns are meant to make problem solving easier and not to provide you with more layers of complexity. The zope.interface is a great concept and may greatly fit some projects, but it is not a silver bullet. By using it, you may soon find yourself spending more time on fixing issues with incompatible interfaces for third-party classes and providing never-ending layers of adapters instead of writing the actual implementation. If you feel that way, then this is a sign that something went wrong. Fortunately, Python supports for building lightweight alternative to the interfaces. It’s not a full-fledged solution like zope.interface or its alternatives but it generally provides more flexible applications. You may need to write a bit more code, but in the end you will have something that is more extensible, better handles external types, and may be more future proof.

Note that Python in its core does not have explicit notions of interfaces, and probably will never have, but has some of the features that allow you to build something that resembles the functionality of interfaces. The features are:

  • Abstract base classes (ABCs)
  • Function annotations
  • Type annotations

The core of our solution is abstract base classes, so we will feature them first.

As you probably know, the direct type comparison is considered harmful and not pythonic. You should always avoid comparisons as follows:

assert type(instance) == list

Comparing types in functions or methods that way completely breaks the ability to pass a class subtype as an argument to the function. The slightly better approach is to use the isinstance() function that will take the inheritance into account:

assert isinstance(instance, list)

The additional advantage of isinstance() is that you can use a larger range of types to check the type compatibility. For instance, if your function expects to receive some sort of sequence as the argument, you can compare against the list of basic types:

assert isinstance(instance, (list, tuple, range))

Such a way of type compatibility checking is OK in some situations but it is still not perfect. It will work with any subclass of list, tuple, or range, but will fail if the user passes something that behaves exactly the same as one of these sequence types but does not inherit from any of them. For instance, let’s relax our requirements and say that you want to accept any kind of iterable as an argument. What would you do? The list of basic types that are iterable is actually pretty long. You need to cover list, tuple, range, str, bytes, dict, set, generators, and a lot more. The list of applicable built-in types is long, and even if you cover all of them it will still not allow you to check against the custom class that defines the __iter__() method, but will instead inherit directly from object.

And this is the kind of situation where abstract base classes (ABC) are the proper solution. ABC is a class that does not need to provide a concrete implementation but instead defines a blueprint of a class that may be used to check against type compatibility. This concept is very similar to the concept of abstract classes and virtual methods known in the C++ language.

Abstract base classes are used for two purposes:

  • Checking for implementation completeness
  • Checking for implicit interface compatibility

So, let’s assume we want to define an interface which ensures that a class has a push() method. We need to create a new abstract base class using a special ABCMeta metaclass and an abstractmethod() decorator from the standard abc module:

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

class Pushable(metaclass=ABCMeta):

    def push(self, x):
        """ Push argument no matter what it means

The abc module also provides an ABC base class that can be used instead of the metaclass syntax:

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

class Pushable(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def push(self, x):
        """ Push argument no matter what it means

Once it is done, we can use that Pushable class as a base class for concrete implementation and it will guard us from the instantiation of objects that would have incomplete implementation. Let’s define DummyPushable, which implements all interface methods and the IncompletePushable that breaks the expected contract:

class DummyPushable(Pushable):
    def push(self, x):

class IncompletePushable(Pushable):

If you want to obtain the DummyPushable instance, there is no problem because it implements the only required push() method:

>>> DummyPushable()
<__main__.DummyPushable object at 0x10142bef0>

But if you try to instantiate IncompletePushable, you will get TypeError because of missing implementation of the interface() method:

>>> IncompletePushable()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class IncompletePushable with abstract methods push

The preceding approach is a great way to ensure implementation completeness of base classes but is as explicit as the zope.interface alternative. The DummyPushable instances are of course also instances of Pushable because Dummy is a subclass of Pushable. But how about other classes with the same methods but not descendants of Pushable? Let’s create one and see:

>>> class SomethingWithPush:
...     def push(self, x):
...         pass
>>> isinstance(SomethingWithPush(), Pushable)

Something is still missing. The SomethingWithPush class definitely has a compatible interface but is not considered as an instance of Pushable yet. So, what is missing? The answer is the __subclasshook__(subclass) method that allows you to inject your own logic into the procedure that determines whether the object is an instance of a given class. Unfortunately, you need to provide it by yourself, as abc creators did not want to constrain the developers in overriding the whole isinstance() mechanism. We got full power over it, but we are forced to write some boilerplate code.

Although you can do whatever you want to, usually the only reasonable thing to do in the __subclasshook__() method is to follow the common pattern. The standard procedure is to check whether the set of defined methods are available somewhere in the MRO of the given class:

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

class Pushable(metaclass=ABCMeta):

    def push(self, x):
        """ Push argument no matter what it means
    def __subclasshook__(cls, C):
        if cls is Pushable:
            if any("push" in B.__dict__ for B in C.__mro__):
                return True
        return NotImplemented

With the __subclasshook__() method defined that way, you can now confirm that the instances that implement the interface implicitly are also considered instances of the interface:

>>> class SomethingWithPush:
...     def push(self, x):
...         pass
>>> isinstance(SomethingWithPush(), Pushable)

Unfortunately, this approach to the verification of type compatibility and implementation completeness does not take into account the signatures of class methods. So, if the number of expected arguments is different in implementation, it will still be considered compatible. In most cases, this is not an issue, but if you need such fine-grained control over interfaces, the zope.interface package allows for that. As already said, the __subclasshook__() method does not constrain you in adding more complexity to the isinstance() function’s logic to achieve a similar level of control.

The two other features that complement abstract base classes are function annotations and type hints. Function annotation is the syntax element. It allows you to annotate functions and their arguments with arbitrary expressions. This is only a feature stub that does not provide any syntactic meaning. There is no utility in the standard library that uses this feature to enforce any behavior. Anyway, you can use it as a convenient and lightweight way to inform the developer of the expected argument interface. For instance, consider this IRectangle interface rewritten from zope.interface to abstract the base class:

from abc import (

class IRectangle(metaclass=ABCMeta):

    def width(self):

    def height(self):

    def area(self):
        """ Return rectangle area

    def perimeter(self):
        """ Return rectangle perimeter

    def __subclasshook__(cls, C):
        if cls is IRectangle:
            if all([
                any("area" in B.__dict__ for B in C.__mro__),
                any("perimeter" in B.__dict__ for B in C.__mro__),
                any("width" in B.__dict__ for B in C.__mro__),
                any("height" in B.__dict__ for B in C.__mro__),
                return True
        return NotImplemented

If you have a function that works only on rectangles, let’s say draw_rectangle(), you could annotate the interface of the expected argument as follows:

def draw_rectangle(rectangle: IRectange):

This adds nothing more than information for the developer about expected information. And even this is done through an informal contract because, as we know, bare annotations contain no syntactic meaning. However, they are accessible at runtime, so we can do something more. Here is an example implementation of a generic decorator that is able to verify interface from function annotation if it is provided using abstract base classes:

def ensure_interface(function):
    signature = inspect.signature(function)
    parameters = signature.parameters

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        bound = signature.bind(*args, **kwargs)
        for name, value in bound.arguments.items():
            annotation = parameters[name].annotation

            if not isinstance(annotation, ABCMeta):

            if not isinstance(value, annotation):
                raise TypeError(
                    "{} does not implement {} interface"
                    "".format(value, annotation)

        function(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapped

Once it is done, we can create some concrete class that implicitly implements the IRectangle interface (without inheriting from IRectangle) and update the implementation of the draw_rectangle() function to see how the whole solution works:

class ImplicitRectangle:
    def __init__(self, width, height):
        self._width = width
        self._height = height

    def width(self):
        return self._width

    def height(self):
        return self._height

    def area(self):
        return self.width * self.height

    def perimeter(self):
        return self.width * 2 + self.height * 2

def draw_rectangle(rectangle: IRectangle):
        "{} x {} rectangle drawing"
        "".format(rectangle.width, rectangle.height)

If we feed the draw_rectangle() function with an incompatible object, it will now raise TypeError with a meaningful explanation:

>>> draw_rectangle('foo')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<input>", line 101, in wrapped
TypeError: foo does not implement <class 'IRectangle'> interface

But if we use ImplicitRectangle or anything else that resembles the IRectangle interface, the function executes as it should:

>>> draw_rectangle(ImplicitRectangle(2, 10))
2 x 10 rectangle drawing

Our example implementation of ensure_interface() is based on the typechecked() decorator from the typeannotations project that tries to provide run-time checking capabilities (refer to Its source code might give you some interesting ideas about how to process type annotations to ensure run-time interface checking.

The last feature that can be used to complement this interface pattern landscape are type hints. Type hints are described in detail by PEP 484 and were added to the language quite recently. They are exposed in the new typing module and are available from Python 3.5. Type hints are built on top of function annotations and reuse this slightly forgotten syntax feature of Python 3. They are intended to guide type hinting and check for various yet-to-come Python type checkers. The typing module and PEP 484 document aim to provide a standard hierarchy of types and classes that should be used for describing type annotations.

Still, type hints do not seem to be something revolutionary because this feature does not come with any type checker built-in into the standard library. If you want to use type checking or enforce strict interface compatibility in your code, you need to create your own tool because there is none worth recommendation yet. This is why we won’t dig into details of PEP 484. Anyway, type hints and the documents describing them are worth mentioning because if some extraordinary solution emerges in the field of type checking in Python, it is highly probable that it will be based on PEP 484.


Abstract base classes are like small building blocks for creating a higher level of abstraction. They allow you to implement really usable interfaces but are very generic and designed to handle lot more than this single design pattern. You can unleash your creativity and do magical things but building something generic and really usable may require a lot of work. Work that may never pay off.

This is why custom abstract base classes are not used so often. Despite that, the module provides a lot of predefined ABCs that allow to verify interface compatibility of many basic Python types. With base classes provided in this module, you can check, for example, whether a given object is callable, mapping, or if it supports iteration. Using them with the isinstance() function is way better than comparing them against the base python types. You should definitely know how to use these base classes even if you don’t want to define your own custom interfaces with ABCMeta.

The most common abstract base classes from that you will use from time to time are:

  • Container: This interface means that the object supports the in operator and implements the __contains__() method
  • Iterable: This interface means that the object supports the iteration and implements the __iter__() method
  • Callable: This interface means that it can be called like a function and implements the __call__() method
  • Hashable: This interface means that the object is hashable (can be included in sets and as key in dictionaries) and implements the __hash__ method
  • Sized: This interface means that the object has size (can be a subject of the len() function) and implements the __len__() method

A full list of the available abstract base classes from the module is available in the official Python documentation (refer to


Design patterns are reusable, somewhat language-specific solutions to common problems in software design. They are a part of the culture of all developers, no matter what language they use.

We learned a small part of design patterns in this article. We covered what interfaces are and how they can be used in Python.

Resources for Article:

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