Interacting with Databases through the Java Persistence API

16 min read

We will look into:

  • Creating our first JPA entity
  • Interacting with JPA entities with entity manager
  • Generating forms in JSF pages from JPA entities
  • Generating JPA entities from an existing database schema
  • JPA named queries and JPQL
  • Entity relationships
  • Generating complete JSF applications from JPA entities

Creating Our First JPA Entity

JPA entities are Java classes whose fields are persisted to a database by the JPA API. JPA entities are Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs), as such, they don’t need to extend any specific parent class or implement any specific interface. A Java class is designated as a JPA entity by decorating it with the @Entity annotation.

In order to create and test our first JPA entity, we will be creating a new web application using the JavaServer Faces framework. In this example we will name our application jpaweb. As with all of our examples, we will be using the bundled GlassFish application server.

To create a new JPA Entity, we need to right-click on the project and select New | Entity Class.

After doing so, NetBeans presents the New Entity Class wizard.

At this point, we should specify the values for the Class Name and Package fields (Customer and com.ensode.jpaweb in our example), then click on the Create Persistence Unit… button.

The Persistence Unit Name field is used to identify the persistence unit that will be generated by the wizard, it will be defined in a JPA configuration file named persistence.xml that NetBeans will automatically generate from the Create Persistence Unit wizard. The Create Persistence Unit wizard will suggest a name for our persistence unit, in most cases the default can be safely accepted.

JPA is a specification for which several implementations exist. NetBeans supports several JPA implementations including Toplink, Hibernate, KODO, and OpenJPA. Since the bundled GlassFish application server includes Toplink as its default JPA implementation, it makes sense to take this default value for the Persistence Provider field when deploying our application to GlassFish.

Before we can interact with a database from any Java EE 5 application, a database connection pool and data source need to be created in the application server.

A database connection pool contains connection information that allow us to connect to our database, such as the server name, port, and credentials. The advantage of using a connection pool instead of directly opening a JDBC connection to a database is that database connections in a connection pool are never closed, they are simply allocated to applications as they need them. This results in performance improvements, since the operations of opening and closing database connections are expensive in terms of performance.

Data sources allow us to obtain a connection from a connection pool by obtaining an instance of javax.sql.DataSource via JNDI, then invoking its getConnection() method to obtain a database connection from a connection pool. When dealing with JPA, we don’t need to directly obtain a reference to a data source, it is all done automatically by the JPA API, but we still need to indicate the data source to use in the application’s Persistence Unit.

NetBeans comes with a few data sources and connection pools pre-configured. We could use one of these pre-configured resources for our application, however, NetBeans also allows creating these resources “on the fly”, which is what we will be doing in our example.

To create a new data source we need to select the New Data Source… item from the Data Source combo box.

A data source needs to interact with a database connection pool. NetBeans comes pre-configured with a few connection pools out of the box, but just like with data sources, it allows us to create a new connection pool “on demand”. In order to do this, we need to select the New Database Connection… item from the Database Connection combo box.

NetBeans includes JDBC drivers for a few Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) such as JavaDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL “out of the box”. JavaDB is bundled with both GlassFish and NetBeans, therefore we picked JavaDB for our example. This way we avoid having to install an external RDBMS.

For RDBMS systems that are not supported out of the box, we need to obtain a JDBC driver and let NetBeans know of it’s location by selecting New Driver from the Name combo box. We then need to navigate to the location of a JAR file containing the JDBC driver. Consult your RDBMS documentation for details.

JavaDB is installed in our workstation, therefore the server name to use is localhost. By default, JavaDB listens to port 1527, therefore that is the port we specify in the URL. We wish to connect to a database called jpaintro, therefore we specify it as the database name. Since the jpaintro database does not exist yet, we pass the attribute create=true to JavaDB, this attribute is used to create the database if it doesn’t exist yet.

Every JavaDB database contains a schema named APP, since each user by default uses a schema named after his/her own login name. The easiest way to get going is to create a user named “APP” and select a password for this user.

Clicking on the Show JDBC URL checkbox reveals the JDBC URL for the connection we are setting up.

The New Database Connection wizard warns us of potential security risks when choosing to let NetBeans remember the password for the database connection. Database passwords are scrambled (but not encrypted) and stored in an XML file under the .netbeans/[netbeans version]/config/Databases/Connections directory. If we follow common security practices such as locking our workstation when we walk away from it, the risks of having NetBeans remember database passwords will be minimal.

Once we have created our new data source and connection pool, we can continue configuring our persistence unit.

It is a good idea to leave the Use Java Transaction APIs checkbox checked. This will instruct our JPA implementation to use the Java Transaction API (JTA) to allow the application server to manage transactions. If we uncheck this box, we will need to manually write code to manage transactions.

Most JPA implementations allow us to define a table generation strategy. We can instruct our JPA implementation to create tables for our entities when we deploy our application, to drop the tables then regenerate them when our application is deployed, or not create any tables at all. NetBeans allows us to specify the table generation strategy for our application by clicking the appropriate value in the Table Generation Strategy radio button group.

When working with a new application, it is a good idea to select the Drop and Create table generation strategy. This will allow us to add, remove, and rename fields in our JPA entity at will without having to make the same changes in the database schema. When selecting this table generation strategy, tables in the database schema will be dropped and recreated, therefore any data previously persisted will be lost.

Once we have created our new data source, database connection and persistence unit, we are ready to create our new JPA entity.

We can do so by simply clicking on the Finish button. At this point NetBeans generates the source for our JPA entity.

JPA allows the primary field of a JPA entity to map to any column type (VARCHAR, NUMBER). It is best practice to have a numeric surrogate primary key, that is, a primary key that serves only as an identifier and has no business meaning in the application. Selecting the default Primary Key type of long will allow for a wide range of values to be available for the primary keys of our entities.

package com.ensode.jpaweb;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
public class Customer implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Long id;
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
public Long getId() {
return id;
//Other generated methods (hashCode(), equals() and
//toString() omitted for brevity.

As we can see, a JPA entity is a standard Java object. There is no need to extend any special class or implement any special interface. What differentiates a JPA entity from other Java objects are a few JPA-specific annotations.

The @Entity annotation is used to indicate that our class is a JPA entity. Any object we want to persist to a database via JPA must be annotated with this annotation.

The @Id annotation is used to indicate what field in our JPA entity is its primary key. The primary key is a unique identifier for our entity. No two entities may have the same value for their primary key field. This annotation can be placed just above the getter method for the primary key class. This is the strategy that the NetBeans wizard follows. It is also correct to specify the annotation right above the field declaration.

The @Entity and the @Id annotations are the bare minimum two annotations that a class needs in order to be considered a JPA entity. JPA allows primary keys to be automatically generated. In order to take advantage of this functionality, the @GeneratedValue annotation can be used. As we can see, the NetBeans generated JPA entity uses this annotation. This annotation is used to indicate the strategy to use to generate primary keys. All possible primary key generation strategies are listed in the following table:


Primary Key Generation Strategy






Indicates that the persistence provider will automatically select a primary key generation strategy. Used by default if no primary key generation strategy is specified.




Indicates that an identity column in the database table the JPA entity maps to must be used to generate the primary key value.




Indicates that a database sequence should be used to generate the entity’s primary key value.




Indicates that a database table should be used to generate the entity’s primary key value.




In most cases, the GenerationType.AUTO strategy works properly, therefore it is almost always used. For this reason the New Entity Class wizard uses this strategy.

When using the sequence or table generation strategies, we might have to indicate the sequence or table used to generate the primary keys. These can be specified by using the @SequenceGenerator and @TableGenerator annotations, respectively. Consult the Java EE 5 JavaDoc at for details.

For further knowledge on primary key generation strategies you can refer EJB 3 Developer Guide by Michael Sikora, which is another book by Packt Publishing (

Adding Persistent Fields to Our Entity

At this point, our JPA entity contains a single field, its primary key. Admittedly not very useful, we need to add a few fields to be persisted to the database.

package com.ensode.jpaweb;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
public class Customer implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Long id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
public Long getId() {
return id;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
//Additional methods omitted for brevity

In this modified version of our JPA entity, we added two fields to be persisted to the database; firstName will be used to store the user’s first name, lastName will be used to store the user’s last name. JPA entities need to follow standard JavaBean coding conventions. This means that they must have a public constructor that takes no arguments (one is automatically generated by the Java compiler if we don’t specify any other constuctors), and all fields must be private, and accessed through getter and setter methods.

Automatically Generating Getters and Setters
In NetBeans, getter and setter methods can be generated automatically. Simply declare new fields as usual then use the “insert code” keyboard shortcut (default is Alt+Insert), then select Getter and Setter from the resulting pop-up window, then click on the check box next to the class name to select all fields, then click on the Generate button.

Before we can use JPA persist our entity’s fields into our database, we need to write some additional code.

Creating a Data Access Object (DAO)

It is a good idea to follow the DAO design pattern whenever we write code that interacts with a database. The DAO design pattern keeps all database access functionality in DAO classes. This has the benefit of creating a clear separation of concerns, leaving other layers in our application, such as the user interface logic and the business logic, free of any persistence logic.

There is no special procedure in NetBeans to create a DAO. We simply follow the standard procedure to create a new class by selecting File | New, then selecting Java as the category and the Java Class as the file type, then entering a name and a package for the class. In our example, we will name our class CustomerDAO and place it in the com.ensode.jpaweb package.

At this point, NetBeans create a very simple class containing only the package and class declarations.

To take complete advantage of Java EE features such as dependency injection, we need to make our DAO a JSF managed bean. This can be accomplished by simply opening faces-config.xml, clicking its XML tab, then right-clicking on it and selecting JavaServer Faces | Add Managed Bean.

We get the Add Manged Bean dialog as seen here:

We need to enter a name, fully qualified name, and scope for our managed bean (which, in our case, is our DAO), then click on the Add button.

This action results in our DAO being declared as a managed bean in our application’s faces-config.xml configuration file.


We could at this point start writing our JPA code manually, but with NetBeans there is no need to do so, we can simply right-click on our code and select Persistence | Use Entity Manager, and most of the work is automatically done for us.

Here is how our code looks like after doing this trivial procedure:

package com.ensode.jpaweb;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
@PersistenceContext(name = "persistence/LogicalName",
unitName = "jpawebPU")
public class CustomerDAO {
private javax.transaction.UserTransaction utx;
protected void persist(Object object) {
try {
Context ctx =
(Context) new javax.naming.InitialContext().
EntityManager em = (EntityManager)
} catch (Exception e) {
"exception caught", e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);

All highlighted code is automatically generated by NetBeans. The main thing NetBeans does here is add a method that will automatically insert a new row in the database, effectively persisting our entity’s properties.

As we can see, NetBeans automatically generates all necessary import statements. Additionally, our new class is automatically decorated with the @PersistenceContext annotation. This annotation allows us to declare that our class depends on an EntityManager (we’ll discuss EntityManager in more detail shortly). The value of its name attribute is a logical name we can use when doing a JNDI lookup for our EntityManager. NetBeans by default uses persistence/LogicalName as the value for this property.

The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is an API we can use to obtain resources, such as database connections and JMS queues, from a directory service.

The value of the unitName attribute of the @PersistenceContext annotation refers to the name we gave our application’s Persistence Unit.

NetBeans also creates a new instance variable of type javax.transaction.UserTransaction. This variable is needed since all JPA code must be executed in a transaction. UserTransaction is part of the Java Transaction API (JTA). This API allows us to write code that is transactional in nature. Notice that the UserTransaction instance variable is decorated with the @Resource annotation. This annotation is used for dependency injection. in this case an instance of a class of type javax.transaction.UserTransaction will be instantiated automatically at run-time, without having to do a JNDI lookup or explicitly instantiating the class.

Dependency injection is a new feature of Java EE 5 not present in previous versions of J2EE, but that was available and made popular in the Spring framework. With standard J2EE code, it was necessary to write boilerplate JNDI lookup code very frequently in order to obtain resources. To alleviate this situation, Java EE 5 made dependency injection part of the standard.

The next thing we see is that NetBeans added a persist method that will persist a JPA entity, automatically inserting a new row containing our entity’s fields into the database. As we can see, this method takes an instance of java.lang.Object as its single parameter. The reason for this is that the method can be used to persist any JPA entity (although in our example, we will use it to persist only instances of our Customer entity).

The first thing the generated method does is obtain an instance of javax.naming.InitialContext by doing a JNDI lookup on java:comp/env. This JNDI name is the root context for all Java EE 5 components.

The next thing the method does is initiate a transaction by invoking uxt.begin(). Notice that since the value of the utx instance variable was injected via dependency injection (by simply decorating its declaration with the @Resource annotation), there is no need to initialize this variable.

Next, the method does a JNDI lookup to obtain an instance of javax.persistence.EntityManager. This class contains a number of methods to interact with the database. Notice that the JNDI name used to obtain an EntityManager matches the value of the name attribute of the @PersistenceContext annotation.

Once an instance of EntityManager is obtained from the JNDI lookup, we persist our entity’s properties by simply invoking the persist() method on it, passing the entity as a parameter to this method. At this point, the data in our JPA entity is inserted into the database.

In order for our database insert to take effect, we must commit our transaction, which is done by invoking utx.commit().

It is always a good idea to look for exceptions when dealing with JPA code. The generated method does this, and if an exception is caught, it is logged and a RuntimeException is thrown. Throwing a RuntimeException has the effect of rolling back our transaction automatically, while letting the invoking code know that something went wrong in our method. The UserTransaction class has a rollback() method that we can use to roll back our transaction without having to throw a RunTimeException.

At this point we have all the code we need to persist our entity’s properties in the database. Now we need to write some additional code for the user interface part of our application. NetBeans can generate a rudimentary JSF page that will help us with this task.


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