15 min read

Using C object files in Delphi is hard but possible. Linking to C++ object files is, however, nearly impossible. The problem does not lie within the object files themselves but in C++.

While C is hardly more than an assembler with improved syntax, C++ represents a sophisticated high-level language with runtime support for strings, objects, exceptions, and more. All these features are part of almost any C++ program and are as such compiled into (almost) any object file produced by C++.

In this tutorial, we will leverage various C++ libraries that enable high-performance with Delphi. It starts with memory management, which is an important program for any high performance applications.

The article is an excerpt from a book written by Primož Gabrijelčič, titled Delphi High Performance.

The problem here is that Delphi has no idea how to deal with any of that. C++ object is not equal to a Delphi object. Delphi has no idea how to call functions of a C++ object, how to deal with its inheritance chain, how to create and destroy such objects, and so on. The same holds for strings, exceptions, streams, and other C++ concepts.

If you can compile the C++ source with C++Builder then you can create a package (.bpl) that can be used from a Delphi program. Most of the time, however, you will not be dealing with a source project. Instead, you’ll want to use a commercial library that only gives you a bunch of C++ header files (.h) and one or more static libraries (.lib). Most of the time, the only Windows version of that library will be compiled with Microsoft’s Visual Studio.

A more general approach to this problem is to introduce a proxy DLL created in C++. You will have to create it in the same development environment as was used to create the library you are trying to link into the project. On Windows, that will in most cases be Visual Studio. That will enable us to include the library without any problems.

To allow Delphi to use this DLL (and as such use the library), the DLL should expose a simple interface in the Windows API style. Instead of exposing C++ objects, the API must expose methods implemented by the objects as normal (non-object) functions and procedures. As the objects cannot cross the API boundary we must find some other way to represent them on the Delphi side.

Instead of showing how to write a DLL wrapper for an existing (and probably quite complicated) C++ library, I have decided to write a very simple C++ library that exposes a single class, implementing only two methods. As compiling this library requires Microsoft’s Visual Studio, which not all of you have installed, I have also included the compiled version (DllLib1.dll) in the code archive.

The Visual Studio solution is stored in the StaticLib1 folder and contains two projects. StaticLib1 is the project used to create the library while the Dll1 project implements the proxy DLL.

The static library implements the CppClass class, which is defined in the header file, CppClass.h. Whenever you are dealing with a C++ library, the distribution will also contain one or more header files. They are needed if you want to use a library in a C++ project—such as in the proxy DLL Dll1.

The header file for the demo library StaticLib1 is shown in the following. We can see that the code implements a single CppClass class, which implements a constructor (CppClass()), destructor (~CppClass()), a method accepting an integer parameter (void setData(int)), and a function returning an integer (int getSquare()). The class also contains one integer private field, data:

#pragma once
class CppClass
  int data;
  void setData(int);
  int getSquare();

The implementation of the CppClass class is stored in the CppClass.cpp file. You don’t need this file when implementing the proxy DLL. When we are using a C++ library, we are strictly coding to the interface—and the interface is stored in the header file.

In our case, we have the full source so we can look inside the implementation too. The constructor and destructor don’t do anything and so I’m not showing them here. The other two methods are as follows. The setData method stores its parameter in the internal field and the getSquare function returns the squared value of the internal field:

void CppClass::setData(int value)
  data = value;
int CppClass::getSquare()
return data * data;

This code doesn’t contain anything that we couldn’t write in 60 seconds in Delphi. It does, however, serve as a perfect simple example for writing a proxy DLL.

Creating such a DLL in Visual Studio is easy. You just have to select File | New | Project, and select the Dynamic-Link Library (DLL) project type from the Visual C++ | Windows Desktop branch.

The Dll1 project from the code archive has only two source files. The file, dllmain.cpp was created automatically by Visual Studio and contains the standard DllMain method. You can change this file if you have to run project-specific code when a program and/or a thread attaches to, or detaches from, the DLL. In my example, this file was left just as the Visual Studio created it.

The second file, StaticLibWrapper.cpp fully implements the proxy DLL. It starts with two include lines (shown in the following) which bring in the required RTL header stdafx.h and the header definition for our C++ class, CppClass.h:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CppClass.h"

The proxy has to be able to find our header file. There are two ways to do that. We could simply copy it to the folder containing the source files for the DLL project, or we can add it to the project’s search path. The second approach can be configured in Project | Properties | Configuration Properties | C/C++ | General | Additional Include Directories. This is also the approach used by the demonstration program.

The DLL project must be able to find the static library that implements the CppClass object. The path to the library file should be set in project options, in the Configuration Properties Linker General Additional Library Directories settings. You should put the name of the library (StaticLib1.lib) in the Linker | Input | Additional Dependencies settings.

The next line in the source file defines a macro called EXPORT, which will be used later in the program to mark a function as exported. We have to do that for every DLL function that we want to use from the Delphi code. Later, we’ll see how this macro is used:

#define EXPORT comment(linker, "/EXPORT:" __FUNCTION__ "=" __FUNCDNAME__)

The next part of the StaticLibWrapper.cpp file implements an IndexAllocator class, which is used internally to cache C++ objects. It associates C++ objects with simple integer identifiers, which are then used outside the DLL to represent the object. I will not show this class in the book as the implementation is not that important. You only have to know how to use it.

This class is implemented as a simple static array of pointers and contains at most MAXOBJECTS objects. The constant MAXOBJECTS is set to 100 in the current code, which limits the number of C++ objects created by the Delphi code to 100. Feel free to modify the code if you need to create more objects.

The following code fragment shows three public functions implemented by the IndexAllocator class. The Allocate function takes a pointer obj, stores it in the cache, and returns its index in the deviceIndex parameter. The result of the function is FALSE if the cache is full and TRUE otherwise.

The Release function accepts an index (which was previously returned from Allocate) and marks the cache slot at that index as empty. This function returns FALSE if the index is invalid (does not represent a value returned from Allocate) or if the cache slot for that index is already empty.

The last function, Get, also accepts an index and returns the pointer associated with that index. It returns NULL if the index is invalid or if the cache slot for that index is empty:

bool Allocate(int& deviceIndex, void* obj)
bool Release(int deviceIndex)
void* Get(int deviceIndex)

Let’s move now to functions that are exported from the DLL. The first two—Initialize and Finalize—are used to initialize internal structures, namely the GAllocator of type IndexAllocator and to clean up before the DLL is unloaded. Instead of looking into them, I’d rather show you the more interesting stuff, namely functions that deal with CppClass.

The CreateCppClass function creates an instance of CppClass, stores it in the cache, and returns its index. The important three parts of the declaration are: extern "C", WINAPI, and #pragma EXPORT.

extern "C" is there to guarantee that CreateCppClass name will not be changed when it is stored in the library. The C++ compiler tends to mangle (change) function names to support method overloading (the same thing happens in Delphi) and this declaration prevents that.

WINAPI changes the calling convention from cdecl, which is standard for C programs, to stdcall, which is commonly used in DLLs. Later, we’ll see that we also have to specify the correct calling convention on the Delphi side.

The last important part, #pragma EXPORT, uses the previously defined EXPORT macro to mark this function as exported.

The CreateCppClass returns 0 if the operation was successful and -1 if it failed. The same approach is used in all functions exported from the demo DLL:

extern "C" int WINAPI CreateCppClass (int& index)
#pragma EXPORT
  CppClass* instance = new CppClass;
  if (!GAllocator->Allocate(index, (void*)instance)) {
    delete instance;
    return -1;
    return 0;

Similarly, the DestroyCppClass function (not shown here) accepts an index parameter, fetches the object from the cache, and destroys it.

The DLL also exports two functions that allow the DLL user to operate on an object. The first one, CppClass_setValue, accepts an index of the object and a value. It fetches the CppClass instance from the cache (given the index) and calls its setData method, passing it the value:

extern "C" int WINAPI CppClass_setValue(int index, int value)
#pragma EXPORT
  CppClass* instance = (CppClass*)GAllocator->Get(index);
  if (instance == NULL)
    return -1;
  else {
    return 0;

The second function, CppClass_getSquare also accepts an object index and uses it to access the CppClass object. After that, it calls the object’s getSquare function and stores the result in the output parameter, value:

extern "C" int WINAPI CppClass_getSquare(int index, int& value)
#pragma EXPORT
  CppClass* instance = (CppClass*)GAllocator->Get(index);
  if (instance == NULL)
    return -1;
  else {
    value = instance->getSquare();
    return 0;

A proxy DLL that uses a mapping table is a bit complicated and requires some work. We could also approach the problem in a much simpler manner—by treating an address of an object as its external identifier. In other words, the CreateCppClass function would create an object and then return its address as an untyped pointer type. A CppClass_getSquare, for example, would accept this pointer, cast it to a CppClass instance, and execute an operation on it. An alternative version of these two methods is shown in the following:

extern "C" int WINAPI CreateCppClass2(void*& ptr)
#pragma EXPORT
  ptr = new CppClass;
  return 0;
extern "C" int WINAPI CppClass_getSquare2(void* index, int& value)
#pragma EXPORT
value = ((CppClass*)index)->getSquare();
return 0;

This approach is simpler but offers far less security in the form of error checking. The table-based approach can check whether the index represents a valid value, while the latter version cannot know if the pointer parameter is valid or not. If we make a mistake on the Delphi side and pass in an invalid pointer, the code would treat it as an instance of a class, do some operations on it, possibly corrupt some memory, and maybe crash.

Finding the source of such errors is very hard. That’s why I prefer to write more verbose code that implements some safety checks on the code that returns pointers.

Using a proxy DLL in Delphi

To use any DLL from a Delphi program, we must firstly import functions from the DLL. There are different ways to do this—we could use static linking, dynamic linking, and static linking with delayed loading. There’s plenty of information on the internet about the art of DLL writing in Delphi so I won’t dig into this topic. I’ll just stick with the most modern approach—delay loading.

The code archive for this book includes two demo programs, which demonstrate how to use the DllLib1.dll library. The simpler one, CppClassImportDemo uses the DLL functions directly, while CppClassWrapperDemo wraps them in an easy-to-use class.

Both projects use the CppClassImport unit to import the DLL functions into the Delphi program. The following code fragment shows the interface part of that unit which tells the Delphi compiler which functions from the DLL should be imported, and what parameters they have.

As with the C++ part, there are three important parts to each declaration. Firstly, the stdcall specifies that the function call should use the stdcall (or what is known in C as  WINAPI) calling convention. Secondly, the name after the name specifier should match the exported function name from the C++ source. And thirdly, the delayed keyword specifies that the program should not try to find this function in the DLL when it is started but only when the code calls the function. This allows us to check whether the DLL is present at all before we call any of the functions:

  CPP_CLASS_LIB = 'DllLib1.dll';
function Initialize: integer;
stdcall; external CPP_CLASS_LIB name 'Initialize' delayed;
function Finalize: integer;
stdcall; external CPP_CLASS_LIB name 'Finalize' delayed;
function CreateCppClass(var index: integer): integer;
stdcall; external CPP_CLASS_LIB name 'CreateCppClass' delayed;
function DestroyCppClass(index: integer): integer;
stdcall; external CPP_CLASS_LIB name 'DestroyCppClass' delayed;
function CppClass_setValue(index: integer; value: integer): integer;
stdcall; external CPP_CLASS_LIB name 'CppClass_setValue' delayed;
function CppClass_getSquare(index: integer; var value: integer): integer;
stdcall; external CPP_CLASS_LIB name 'CppClass_getSquare' delayed;

The implementation part of this unit (not shown here) shows how to catch errors that occur during delayed loading—that is, when the code that calls any of the imported functions tries to find that function in the DLL.

If you get an External exception C06D007F  exception when you try to call a delay-loaded function, you have probably mistyped a name—either in C++ or in Delphi. You can use the tdump utility that comes with Delphi to check which names are exported from the DLL. The syntax is tdump -d <dll_name.dll>.

If the code crashes when you call a DLL function, check whether both sides correctly define the calling convention. Also check if all the parameters have correct types on both sides and if the var parameters are marked as such on both sides.

To use the DLL, the code in the CppClassMain unit firstly calls the exported Initialize function from the form’s OnCreate handler to initialize the DLL. The cleanup function, Finalize is called from the OnDestroy handler to clean up the DLL. All parts of the code check whether the DLL functions return the OK status (value 0):

procedure TfrmCppClassDemo.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  if Initialize <> 0 then
    ListBox1.Items.Add('Initialize failed')
procedure TfrmCppClassDemo.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
if Finalize <> 0 then
ListBox1.Items.Add('Finalize failed');

When you click on the Use import library button, the following code executes. It uses the DLL to create a CppClass object by calling the CreateCppClass function. This function puts an integer value into the idxClass value. This value is used as an identifier that identifies a CppClass object when calling other functions.

The code then calls CppClass_setValue to set the internal field of the CppClass object and CppClass_getSquare to call the getSquare method and to return the calculated value. At the end, DestroyCppClass destroys the CppClass object:

procedure TfrmCppClassDemo.btnImportLibClick(Sender: TObject);
  idxClass: Integer;
  value: Integer;
  if CreateCppClass(idxClass) <> 0 then
    ListBox1.Items.Add('CreateCppClass failed')
  else if CppClass_setValue(idxClass, SpinEdit1.Value) <> 0 then
    ListBox1.Items.Add('CppClass_setValue failed')
  else if CppClass_getSquare(idxClass, value) <> 0 then
    ListBox1.Items.Add('CppClass_getSquare failed')
  else begin
    ListBox1.Items.Add(Format('square(%d) = %d', 
      [SpinEdit1.Value, value]));
    if DestroyCppClass(idxClass) <> 0 then
      ListBox1.Items.Add('DestroyCppClass failed')

This approach is relatively simple but long-winded and error-prone. A better way is to write a wrapper Delphi class that implements the same public interface as the corresponding C++ class. The second demo, CppClassWrapperDemo contains a unit CppClassWrapper which does just that.

This unit implements a TCppClass class, which maps to its C++ counterpart. It only has one internal field, which stores the index of the C++ object as returned from the CreateCppClass function:

  TCppClass = class
  strict private
    FIndex: integer;
    class procedure InitializeWrapper;
    class procedure FinalizeWrapper;
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    procedure SetValue(value: integer);
    function GetSquare: integer;

I won’t show all of the functions here as they are all equally simple. One—or maybe two— will suffice.

The constructor just calls the CreateCppClass function, checks the result, and stores the resulting index in the internal field:

constructor TCppClass.Create;
  inherited Create;
  if CreateCppClass(FIndex) <> 0 then
    raise Exception.Create('CreateCppClass failed');

Similarly, GetSquare just forwards its job to the CppClass_getSquare function:

function TCppClass.GetSquare: integer;
  if CppClass_getSquare(FIndex, Result) <> 0 then
    raise Exception.Create('CppClass_getSquare failed');

When we have this wrapper, the code in the main unit becomes very simple—and very Delphi-like. Once the initialization in the OnCreate event handler is done, we can just create an instance of the TCppClass and work with it:

procedure TfrmCppClassDemo.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure TfrmCppClassDemo.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);

procedure TfrmCppClassDemo.btnWrapClick(Sender: TObject);
cpp: TCppClass;
cpp := TCppClass.Create;
ListBox1.Items.Add(Format('square(%d) = %d', 
[SpinEdit1.Value, cpp.GetSquare]));

To summarize, we learned about the C/C++ library that provides a solution for high-performance computing working with Delphi as the primary language.

If you found this post useful, do check out the book Delphi High Performance to learn more about the intricacies of how to perform High-performance programming with Delphi.

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