Categories: Tutorials

How to create a Breakout game with Godot Engine – Part 2

7 min read

In part one of this article you learned how to set up a project and create a basic scene with input and scripting. By now you should grasp the basic concepts of the Godot Engine, such as nodes and scenes. Here we’re going to complete the game up to a playable demo.

Game scene

Let’s create new scene to hold the game itself. Click on the menu Scene > New Scene and add a Node2D as its root. You may feel tempted to resize this node to occupy the scene, but you shouldn’t. If you resize it you’ll be changing the scale and position, which will be reflected on child nodes. We want the position and scale both to be (0, 0). Rename the root node to Game and save the scene as game.tscn. Go to the Project Settings, and in the Application section, set this as the main_scene option. This will make the Game scene run when the game starts.

Drag the paddle.tscn file from the FileSystem dock and drop it over the root Game node. This will create a new instance of the paddle scene. It’s also possible to click on the chain icon on the Scene dock and select a scene to instance. You can then move the instanced paddle to the bottom of the screen where it should stay in the game (use the guides in the editor as reference).

Play the project and you can then move the paddle with your keyboard. If you find the movement too slow or too fast, you can select the Paddle node and adjust the Speed value on the Inspector because it’s an exported script variable. This is a great way to tweak the gameplay without touching the code. It also allows you to put multiple paddles in the game, each with its own speed if you wish. To make this better, you can click the Debug Options button (the last one on the top center bar) and activate Sync Scene Changes. This will reflect the changes on the editor in the running game, so you can set the speed without having to stop and play again.

The ball

Let’s create a moving object to interact with. Make a new scene and add a RigidBody2D as the root. Rename it to Ball and save the scene as ball.tscn. The rigid body can be moved by the physics engine and interact with other physical objects, like the static body of the paddle. Add a Sprite as a child node and set the following image as its texture:


Now add a CollisionShape2D as a child of the Ball. Set its shape to new CircleShape2D and adjust the radius to cover the image.

We need to adjust some of the Ball properties to behave in an appropriate way for this game. Set the Mode property to Character to avoid rotation. Set the Gravity Scale to 0 so it doesn’t fall. Set the Friction to 0 and the Damp Override > Linear to 0 in to avoid the loss of momentum. Finally, set the Bounce property to 1, as we want the ball to completely bounce when touching the paddle.

With that done, add the following script to the ball, so it starts moving when the scene plays:

extends RigidBody2D

# Export the ball speed to be changed in the editor
export var ball_speed = 150.0

func _ready():
    # Apply the initial impulse to the ball so it starts moving
    # It uses a bit of vector math to make the speed consistent
    apply_impulse(Vector2(), Vector2(1, 1).normalized() * ball_speed)


Going back to the Game scene, instance the ball as a child of the root node. We’re going to add the walls so the ball doesn’t get lost in the world.

Add a Node2D as a child of the root and rename it to Walls. This will be the root for the wall nodes, to keep things organized. As a child of that, add four StaticBody2D nodes, each with its own rectangular collision shape to cover the borders of the screen. You’ll end up with something like the following:


By now you can play the game a little bit and use the paddle to deflect the ball or leave it to bounce on the bottom wall.


The last part of this puzzle left is the bricks. Create a new scene, add a StaticBody2D as the root and rename it to Brick. Save the scene as brick.tscn. Add a Sprite as its child and set the texture to the following image:


Add a CollisionShape2D and set its shape to rectangle, making it cover the whole image. Now add the following script to the root to make a little bit of magic:

# Tool keyword makes the script run in editor
# In this case you can see the color change in the editor itself
extends StaticBody2D

# Export the color variable and a setter function to pass it to the sprite
export (Color) var brick_color = Color(1, 1, 1) setget set_color

func _ready():
    # Set the color when first entering the tree

# This is a setter function and will be called whenever the brick_color variable is set
func set_color(color):
    brick_color = color
    # We make sure the node is inside the tree otherwise it cannot access its children
    if is_inside_tree():
        # Change the modulate property of the sprite to change its color

This will allow to set the color of the brick using the Inspector, removing the need to make a scene for each brick color. To make it easier to see, you can click the eye icon besides the CollisionShape2D to hide it.

Hide CollisionShape2D

The last thing to be done is to make the brick disappear when touched by the ball. Using the Node dock, add the group brick to the root Brick node. Then go back to the Ball scene and, again using the Node dock, but this time in the Signals section, double-click the body_enter signal. Click the Connect button with the default values. This will open the script editor with a new function. Replace it with this:

func _on_Ball_body_enter( body ):
    # If the body just touched in member of the "brick" group
    if body.is_in_group("brick"):
        # Mark it for deletion in the next idle frame

Using the Inspector, change the Ball node to enable the Contact Monitor property and increase the Contacts Reported to 1. This will make sure the signal is sent when the ball touches something.


Make a new scene for the level. Add a Node2D as the root, rename it to Level 1 and save the scene as level1.tscn. Now instance a brick in the scene. Position it anywhere, set a color using the Inspector and then duplicate it. You can repeat this process to make the level look the way you want. Using the Edit menu you can set a grid with snapping to make it easier to position the bricks.

Then go back to the Game scene, instance the level there as a child of the root. Play the game and you will finally see the ball bouncing around and destroying the bricks it touches.

Breakout Game

Going further

This is just a basic tutorial showing some of the fundamental aspects of the Godot Engine. The Node and Scene system, physics bodies, scripting, signals, and groups are very useful concepts but not all that Godot has to offer. Once you get acquainted with those, it’s easy to learn other functions of the engine.

The finished game in this tutorial is just bare bones. There are many things you can do, such as adding a start menu, progressing the levels as they are finished and detecting when the player loses. Thankfully, Godot makes all those things very easy and it should not be much effort to make this a complete game.


George Marques is a Brazilian software developer who has been playing with programming in a variety of environments since he was a kid. He works as a freelancer programmer for web technologies based on open source solutions such as WordPress and Open Journal Systems. He’s also one of the regular contributors of the Godot Engine, helping solving bugs and adding new features to the software, while also giving solutions to the community for the questions they have.

George Marques

Published by
George Marques

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