6 min read

Authentication is a process where we establish if someone is who he or she claims to be. The most common way is by a unique username and password. This article by Dirk van der Walt, author of FreeRADIUS Beginner’s Guide, teaches authentication methods and how they work. Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) is covered later in a dedicated article.

In this article we shall:

  • Discuss PAP, CHAP, and MS-CHAP authentication protocols
  • See when and how authentication is done in FreeRADIUS
  • Explore ways to store passwords
  • Look at other authentication methods

(For more resources on this subject, see here.)

Authentication protocols

This section will give you background on three common authentication protocols. These protocols involve the supply of a username and password.

The radtest program uses the Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) by default when testing authentication. PAP is not the only authentication protocol but probably the most generic and widely used. Authentication protocols you should know about are PAP, CHAP, and MS-CHAP. Each of these protocols involves a username and password. The next article on Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) protocol will introduce us to more authentication protocols.

An authentication protocol is typically used on the data link layer that connects the client with the NAS. The network layer will only be established after the authentication is successful. The NAS acts as a broker to forward the requests from the user to the RADIUS server.

The data link layer and network layer are layers inside the Open Systems Interconnect model (OSI model). The discussion of this model is almost guaranteed to be found in any book on networking:


PAP was one of the first protocols used to facilitate the supply of a username and password when making point-to-point connections. With PAP the NAS takes the PAP ID and password and sends them in an Access-Request packet as the User-Name and User-Password. PAP is simpler compared to CHAP and MS-CHAP because the NAS simply hands the RADIUS server a username and password, which are then checked. This username and password come directly from the user through the NAS to the server in a single action.

Although PAP transmits passwords in clear text, using it should not always be frowned upon. This password is only in clear text between the user and the NAS. The user’s password will be encrypted when the NAS forwards the request to the RADIUS server.

If PAP is used inside a secure tunnel it is as secure as the tunnel. This is similar to when your credit card details are tunnelled inside an HTTPS connection and delivered to a secure web server.

HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure and is a web standard that uses Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) to create a secure channel over an insecure network. Once this secure channel is established, we can transfer sensitive data, like credit card details, through it. HTTPS is used daily to secure many millions of transactions over the Internet.

See the following schematic of a typical captive portal configuration.

FreeRADIUS Beginner's Guide

The following table shows the RADIUS AVPs involved in a PAP request:

FreeRADIUS Beginner's Guide

As you can see the value of User-Password is encrypted between the NAS and the RADIUS server. Transporting the user’s password from the user to the NAS may be a security risk if it can be captured by a third party.


CHAP stands for Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol and was designed as an improvement to PAP. It prevents you from transmitting a cleartext password.

CHAP was created in the days when dial-up modems were popular and the concern about PAP’s cleartext passwords was high.

After a link is established to the NAS, the NAS generates a random challenge and sends it to the user. The user then responds to this challenge by returning a one-way hash calculated on an identifier (sent along with the challenge), the challenge, and the user’s password. The user’s response is then used by the NAS to create an Access-Request packet, which is sent to the RADIUS server. Depending on the reply from the RADIUS server, the NAS will return CHAP Success or CHAP Failure to the user.

The NAS can also request at random intervals that the authentication process be repeated by sending a new challenge to the user. This is another reason why it is considered more secure than PAP.

One major drawback of CHAP is that although the password is transmitted encrypted, the password source has to be in clear text for FreeRADIUS to perform password verification.

The FreeRADIUS FAQ discuss the dangers of transmitting a cleartext password compared to storing all the passwords in clear text on the server.

The following table shows the RADIUS AVPs involved in a CHAP request:

FreeRADIUS Beginner's Guide


MS-CHAP is a challenge-handshake authentication protocol created by Microsoft. There are two versions, MS-CHAP version 1 and MS-CHAP version 2.

The challenge sent by the NAS is identical in format to the standard CHAP challenge packet. This includes an identifier and arbitrary challenge. The response from the user is also identical in format to the standard CHAP response packet. The only difference is the format of the Value field. The Value field is sub-formatted to contain MS-CHAP-specific fields. One of the fields (NT-Response) contains the username and password in a very specific encrypted format. The reply from the user will be used by the NAS to create an Access-Request packet, which is sent to the RADIUS server. Depending on the reply from the RADIUS server, the NAS will return Success Packet or Failure Packet to the user.

The RADIUS server is not involved with the sending out of the challenge. If you sniff the RADIUS traffic between an NAS and a RADIUS server you can confirm that there is only an Access-Request followed by an Access-Accept or Access-Reject. The sending out of a challenge to the user and receiving a response from her or him is between the NAS and the user.

MS-CHAP also has some enhancements that are not part of CHAP, like the user’s ability to change his or her password or inclusion of more descriptive error messages.

The protocol is tightly integrated with the LAN Manager and NT Password hashes. FreeRADIUS will convert a user’s cleartext password to an LM-Password and an NT-Password in order to determine if the password hash that came out of the MS-CHAP request is correct. Although there are known weaknesses with MS-CHAP, it remains widely used and very popular.

Never say never. If your current requirement for the RADIUS deployment does not include the use of MS-CHAP, rather cater for the possibility that one day you may use it. The most popular EAP protocol makes use of MS-CHAP. EAP is crucial in Wi-Fi authentication.

Because MS-CHAP is vendor specific, VSAs instead of AVPs are part of the Access-Request between the NAS and RADIUS server. This is used together with the User-Name AVP.

FreeRADIUS Beginner's Guide

Now that we know more about the authentication protocols, let’s see how FreeRADIUS handles them.


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