Flex 101 with Flash Builder 4: Part 2

6 min read

Using Flash Builder Data Services

In this section, we will write the same application that we have written in part one. However this time we will not write the code ourselves instead we’ll let the Flash Builder generate the code for us. Flash Builder comes with powerful new features that ease integration with external services. It can auto generate client code that can invoke external services for us and bind the results to existing User Interface components.

Let us look at building the same application that we developed in the previous section via the new Data Services and Binding wizardry that Flash Builder provides.

Let us create a new Flex Project as shown below:

Name this Flex Project as YahooNewsWithDataServices as shown below. We will go with the default settings for the other fields. Click on Finish button.

You will get the standard boilerplate code that is produced for the main Application MXML file—YahooNewsWithDataServices.mxml. Switch to the Design View and the Properties tab as shown below. Modify the values for the Layout to spark.layouts.VerticalLayout and the Width and Height to 100%. This means that the main Application window will occupy the maximum area available on your screen and by choosing a Vertical Layout, all visual components dragged to the main Application Canvas will be arranged in a vertical fashion.

Stay in Design view. From the Components Tab shown below select Data Controls → DataGrid

Drag it onto the canvas on the right side. It will appear as shown below:

Keep the DataGrid selected and go to the Properties Tab as shown below. Give it an ID value of dgYahooNews. Set its Width and Height to 100% so that it will occupy the entire parent container like the Application Window. Then click on the Configure Columns button.

Clicking on the Configure Columns button will bring up the current columns that are added by default. The screenshot is shown below. We do not need any of these columns at this point. So select each of the columns and click on the Delete button. Finally click on the OK button.

Save your work at this point through the Ctrl-S key combination.

At this point in time, we will simply create an Application screen with a datagrid on it. Now we need to connect it to the Yahoo News Service and bind the datagrid rows/columns to the data being returned from the Service. In the previous section, we had seen how to do this by writing code. In this case, we will let Flash Builder generate the connectivity code and also do the binding for us.

First step is to select the Connect to Data/Service option from the main menu as shown below:

This will bring up the wizard as shown in the following screenshot. Flash Builder allows us to connect to several types of backend systems. In our case, we wish to connect to the Yahoo Most Emailed News RSS Service that is available at: http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/mostemailed.

So we will choose the HTTP Service as shown below and click on the Next button.

The next step will be a configuration screen, where we will provide the following information:

  1. Service Name: Give the Service a name that you like which u can refer to later. We name it YahooNewsService.
  2. Operations: We give an operation name called getNews. The HTTP Method is GET and in the field for URL, you need to provide the RSS Feed URL http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/mostemailed

You can enter more than one operation name here. Alternately, if you were invoking a HTTP Service using the POST method, you could even specify the Parameters by adding parameters via the Add button.


Click on Finish. This will display a Message window as shown below which tells you that there is still some incomplete work or a few last steps remaining before you can complete the definition of the service and bind it to a UI Component (in our case it is the DataGrid). Click on OK to dismiss the message.

Once again, switch to Design view and click on the button for the Data Provider shown below. What we are going to do is associate/bind the result of the Service invocation to the Data Grid via the data provider.

This will bring up the Bind To Data window as show below. It should be clear to you by now that we can select the Service and the Operation whose result we wish to bind to our data grid. Flash Builder automatically shows us the Service Name and an Operation name. If there are more Services defined, it will allow to select the appropriate Service and its respective operations.

Note that it asks us to Configure Return Type as shown. This is because Flash Builder needs to understand the data that is going to be returned by the Service invocation and also to help it map the result data types to appropriate Action Script Data structures.

Click on the Configure Return Type button. This will bring up the Configure Operation Return Type window. Give a name for the Custom Data Type as we have given below and click on the Next button.

The next step is to specify the kind of data that will be returned. Flash Builder simplifies this by allowing us to give the complete URL so that it can invoke it and determine the structure that is returned. If you already have a sample response, you could even choose the third option. In our case, we will go with the second option of entering a complete URL as shown below. We also specify the RSS Feed url.

Click on the Next button. This will invoke the RSS Feed and retrieve the HTTP Response. Since the response returned is in XML, Flash Builder is able to generically map it to a tree-like structure as shown below. The structure is a typical RSS XML structure. The root node that is rss is shown in the Select Node and all its children nodes are shown in the grid below.

Since we are only interested in the RSS items and extracting out the title and category, we first navigate and choose the item field in the Select Node field. This will show all the children nodes for the item field as shown below:

Delete all the fields except for title and category. To delete a field, select it and click on the Delete button.

Click on the Finish button. This will bring up the original Bind To Data form. Click on the OK button.

We are all set now. Save your work and click on the Run button from the main toolbar. Flash Builder will launch the application. The Data Grid on creation will invoke the HTTP Service and the items will be retrieved. The title and category fields are shown for each news item as shown below:



This article provided an introduction to Flex 4 via its development environment Flash Builder. While the applications that we covered in the article are not too practical, it should give you a glimpse of the power of the Flex framework and its tools and loads of developer productivity that is one of its key strengths. Interested readers are encouraged to use this as a starting point in the world of developing Rich Internet Applications with Flex.


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