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Finding Patterns in the Noise – Clustering and Unsupervised Learning

16 min read

In this article by, Joseph J, author of Mastering Predictive Analytics with Python, we will cover one of the natural questions to ask about a dataset is if it contains groups. For example, if we examine financial markets as a time series of prices over time, are there groups of stocks that behave similarly over time? Likewise, in a set of customer financial transactions from an e-commerce business, are there user accounts distinguished by patterns of similar purchasing activity? By identifying groups using the methods described in this article, we can understand the data as a set of larger patterns rather than just individual points. These patterns can help in making high-level summaries at the outset of a predictive modeling project, or as an ongoing way to report on the shape of the data we are modeling. Likewise, the groupings produced can serve as insights themselves, or they can provide starting points for the models. For example, the group to which a datapoint is assigned can become a feature of this observation, adding additional information beyond its individual values. Additionally, we can potentially calculate statistics (such as mean and standard deviation) for other features within these groups, which may be more robust as model features than individual entries.

(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)

In contrast to the methods, grouping or clustering algorithms are known as unsupervised learning, meaning we have no response, such as a sale price or click-through rate, which is used to determine the optimal parameters of the algorithm. Rather, we identify similar datapoints, and as a secondary analysis might ask whether the clusters we identify share a common pattern in their responses (and thus suggest the cluster is useful in finding groups associated with the outcome we are interested in).

The task of finding these groups, or clusters, has a few common ingredients that vary between algorithms. One is a notion of distance or similarity between items in the dataset, which will allow us to compare them. A second is the number of groups we wish to identify; this can be specified initially using domain knowledge, or determined by running an algorithm with different choices of initial groups to identify the best number of groups that describes a dataset, as judged by numerical variance within the groups. Finally, we need a way to measure the quality of the groups we’ve identified; this can be done either visually or through the statistics that we will cover.

In this article we will dive into:

  • How to normalize data for use in a clustering algorithm and to compute similarity measurements for both categorical and numerical data
  • How to use k-means to identify an optimal number of clusters by examining the loss function
  • How to use agglomerative clustering to identify clusters at different scales
  • Using affinity propagation to automatically identify the number of clusters in a dataset
  • How to use spectral methods to cluster data with nonlinear boundaries

Similarity and distance

The first step in clustering any new dataset is to decide how to compare the similarity (or dissimilarity) between items. Sometimes the choice is dictated by what kinds of similarity we are trying to measure, in others it is restricted by the properties of the dataset. In the following we illustrate several kinds of distance for numerical, categorical, time series, and set-based data—while this list is not exhaustive, it should cover many of the common use cases you will encounter in business analysis. We will also cover normalizations that may be needed for different data types prior to running clustering algorithms.

Numerical distances

Let’s begin by looking at an example contained in the file. It contains a set of chemical measurements that describe the properties of different kinds of wines, and the class of quality (I-III) to which the wine is assigned (Forina, M. et al, PARVUS – An Extendible Package for Data Exploration, Classification and Correlation, Institute of Pharmaceutical and Food Analysis and Technologies, Via Brigata Salerno, 16147 Genoa, Italy.). Open the file in an iPython notebook and look at the first few rows:

Notice that in this dataset we have no column descriptions. We need to parse these from the dataset description file With the following code, we generate a regular expression that will match a header name (we match a pattern where a number followed by a parenthesis has a column name after it, as you can see in the list of column names listed in the file), and add these to an array of column names along with the first column, which is the class label of the wine (whether it belongs to category I-III). We then assign this list to the dataframe column names:

Now that we have appended the column names, we can look at a summary of the dataset:

How can we calculate a similarity between wines based on this data? One option would be to consider each of the wines as a point in a thirteen-dimensional space specified by its dimensions (for example, each of the properties other than the class). Since the resulting space has thirteen dimensions, we can’t directly visualize the datapoints using a scatterplot to see if they are nearby, but we can calculate distances just the same as with a more familiar 2- or 3-dimensional space using the Euclidean distance formula, which is simply the length of the straight line between two points. This formula for this length can be used whether the points are in a 2-dimensional plot or a more complex space such as this example, and is given by:

Here aand bare rows of the dataset and nis the number of columns. One feature of the Euclidean distance is that columns whose scale is much different from others can distort it. In our example, the values describing the magnesium content of each wine are ~100 times greater than the magnitude of features describing the alcohol content or ash percentage.

If we were to calculate the distance between these datapoints, it would largely be determined by the magnesium concentration (as even small differences on this scale overwhelmingly determine the value of the distance calculation), rather than any of its other properties. While this might sometimes be desirable, in most applications we do not favour one feature over another and want to give equal weight to all columns. To get a fair distance comparison between these points, we need to normalize the columns so that they fall into the same numerical range (have similar maxima and minima values). We can do so using the scale()function in scikit-learn:


This function will subtract the mean value of a column from each element and then divide each point by the standard deviation of the column. This normalization centers each column at 0 with variance 1, and in the case of normally distributed data this would make a standard normal distribution. Also note that the scale() function returns a numpy dataframe, which is why we must call dataframe on the output to use the pandas function describe().

Now that we’ve scaled the data, we can calculate Euclidean distances between the points:

We’ve now converted our dataset of 178 rows and 13 columns into a square matrix, giving the distance between each of these rows. In other words, row I, column j in this matrix represents the Euclidean distance between rows I and j in our dataset. This ‘distance matrix’ is the input we will use for clustering inputs in the following section. If we just want to get a visual sense of how the points compare to each other, we could use multidimensional scaling (MDS)—Modern Multidimensional Scaling – Theory and Applications Borg, I., Groenen P., Springer Series in Statistics (1997), Nonmetric multidimensional scaling: a numerical method, Kruskal, J. Psychometrika, 29 (1964), and Multidimensional scaling by optimizing goodness of fit to a nonmetric hypothesis, Kruskal, J. Psychometrika, 29, (1964)—to create a visualization. Multidimensional scaling attempts to find the set of lower dimensional coordinates (here, two dimensions) that best represents the distances in the higher dimensions of a dataset (here, the pairwise Euclidean distances we calculated from the 13 dimensions). It does this by minimizing the coordinates (x, y) according to the strain function:

Strain(x1…..xn) = (1 – Sum(ijdij*<xi,xj>)2/Sum(ij(dij**2)Sumij<xi,x,j>**2))1/2

Where d are the distances we’ve calculated between points. In other words, we find coordinates that best capture the variation in the distance through the variation in dot product the coordinates. We can then plot the resulting coordinates, using the wine class to label points in the diagram. Note that the coordinates themselves have no interpretation (in fact, they could change each time we run the algorithm). Rather, it is the relative position of points that we are interested in:

Given that there are many ways we could have calculated the distance between datapoints, is the Euclidean distance a good choice here? Visually, based on the multidimensional scaling plot, we can see there is separation between the classes based on the features we’ve used to calculate distance, so conceptually it appears that this is a reasonable choice in this case. However, the decision also depends on what we are trying to compare; if we are interested in detecting wines with similar attributes in absolute values, then it is a good metric. However, what if we’re not interested so much in the absolute composition of the wine, but whether its variables follow similar trends among wines with different alcohol contents? In this case, we wouldn’t be interested in the absolute difference in values, but rather the correlationbetween the columns. This sort of comparison is common for time series, which we turn to next.

Correlations and time series

For time series data, we are often concerned with whether the patterns between series exhibit the same variation over time, rather than their absolute differences in value. For example, if we were to compare stocks, we might want to identify groups of stocks whose prices move up and down in similar patterns over time. The absolute price is of less interest than this pattern of increase and decrease. Let’s look at an example of the Dow Jones industrial average over time (Brown, M. S., Pelosi, M., and Dirska, H. (2013). Dynamic-radius Species-conserving Genetic Algorithm for the Financial Forecasting of Dow Jones Index Stocks and Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, 7988, 27-41.):

This data contains the daily stock price (for 6 months) for a set of 30 stocks. Because all of the numerical values (the prices) are on the same scale, we won’t normalize this data as with the wine dimensions.

We notice two things about this data. First, the closing price per week (the variable we will use to calculate correlation) is presented as a string. Second, the date is not in the current format for plotting. We will process both columns to fix this, converting the columns to a float and datetime object, respectively:

With this transformation, we can now make a pivot table to place the closing prices for week as columns and individual stocks as rows:

As we can see, we only need columns 2 and onwards to calculate correlations between rows. Let’s calculate the correlation between these time series of stock prices by selecting the second column to end columns of the data frame, calculating the pairwise correlations distance metric, and visualizing it using MDS, as before:

It is important to note that the Pearson coefficient, which we’ve calculated here, is a measure of linearcorrelation between these time series. In other words, it captures the linear increase (or decrease) of the trend in one price relative to another, but won’t necessarily capture nonlinear trends. We can see this by looking at the formula for the Pearson correlation, which is given by:

P(a,b) = cov(a,b)/sd(a)/sd(b) = Sum(a-mean(b))*Sum(b-mean(b))/Sqrt(Sum(a-mean(a))2* Sqrt(Sum(b-mean(b))

This value varies from 1 (highly correlated) to -1 (inversely correlated), with 0 representing no correlation (such as a cloud of points). You might recognize the numerator of this equation as the covariance, which is a measure of how much two datasets, a and b, vary with one another. You can understand this by considering that the numerator is maximized when corresponding points in both datasets are above or below their mean value. However, whether this accurately captures the similarity in the data depends upon the scale. In data that is distributed in regular intervals between a maximum and minimum, with roughly the same difference between consecutive values (which is essentially how a trend line appears), it captures this pattern well.

However, consider a case in which the data is exponentially distributed, with orders of magnitude differences between the minimum and maximum, and the difference between consecutive datapoints also varyies widely. Here, the Pearson correlation would be numerically dominated by only the largest terms, which might or might not represent the overall similarity in the data. This numerical sensitivity also occurs in the numerator, which represents the product of the standard deviations of both datasets. Thus, the value of the correlation is maximized when the variation in the two datasets is roughly explained by the product of their individual variations; there is no ‘left over’ variation between the datasets that is not explained by their respective standard deviations.

Looking at the first two stocks in this dataset, this assumption of linearity appears to be a valid one for comparing datapoints:

In addition to verifying that these stocks have a roughly linear correlation, this command introduces some new functions in pandas you may find useful. The first is iloc, which allows you to select indexed rows from a dataframe. The second is transpose, which inverts the rows and columns. Here, we select the first two rows, transpose, and then select all rows (prices) after the first (since the first is the Ticker symbol)

Despite the trend we see in this example, we could imagine a nonlinear trend between prices. In these cases, it might be better to measure, not the linear correlation of the prices themselves, but whether the high prices for one stock coincide with another. In other words, the rank of market days by price should be the same, even if the prices are nonlinearly related. We can also calculate this rank correlation, also known as the Spearman’s Rho, using scipy, with the following formula:

Rho(a,b) = 6 * sum(d^2) / n (n2-1)

Where n is the number of datapoints in each of two sets a and b, and d is the difference in ranks between each pair of datapoints ai and bi. Because we only compare the ranks of the data, not their actual values, this measure can capture variations up and down between two datasets, even if they vary over wide numerical ranges.

Let’s see if plotting the results using the Spearman correlation metric generates any differences in the pairwise distance of the stocks:

The Spearman correlation distances, based on the x and y axes, appear closer to each other, suggesting from the perspective of rank correlation that the time series appear more similar.

Though they differ in their assumptions about how the two compared datasets are distributed numerically, Pearson and Spearman correlations share the requirement that the two sets are of the same length. This is usually a reasonable assumption, and will be true of most of the examples we consider in this book. However, for cases where we wish to compare time series of unequal lengths, we can use Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). Conceptually, the idea of DTW is to warp one time series to align with a second, by allowing us to open gaps in either dataset so that it becomes the same size as the second. What the algorithm needs to resolve is where the most similar areas of the two series are, so that gaps can be places in the appropriate locations. In the simplest implementation, DTW consists of the following steps:

  1. For a dataset a of length n and a dataset n of length m, construct a matrix m by n.
  2. Set the top row and the leftmost column of this matrix to both be infinity.
  3. For each point i in set a, and point j in set b, compare their similarity using a cost function. To this cost function, add the minimum of the element (i-1, j-1), (i-1, j), and (j-1, i)—moving up and left, left, or up). These conceptually represent the costs of opening a gap in one of the series, versus aligning the same element in both.
  4. At the end of step 3, we will have traced the minimum cost path to align the two series, and the DTW distance will be represented by the bottommost corner of the matrix, (n.m).

A negative aspect of this algorithm is that step 3 involves computing a value for every element of series a and b. For large time series or large datasets, this can be computationally prohibitive. While a full discussion of algorithmic improvements is beyond the scope of our present examples, we refer interested readers to FastDTW (which we will use in our example) and SparseDTW as examples of improvements that can be evaluated using many fewer calculations (Al-Naymat, G., Chawla, S., & Taheri, J. (2012), SparseDTW: A Novel Approach to Speed up Dynamic Time Warping and Stan Salvador and Philip Chan, FastDTW: Toward Accurate Dynamic Time Warping in Linear Time and Space. KDD Workshop on Mining Temporal and Sequential Data, pages 70-80, 20043).

We can use the FastDTW algorithm to compare the stocks data as well, and to plot the resulting coordinates. First we will compare pairwise each pair of stocks and record their DTW distance in a matrix:

For computational efficiency (because the distance between i and j equals the distance between stocks j and i), we calculate only the upper triangle of this matrix. We then add the transpose (for example, the lower triangle) to this result to get the full distance matrix.

Finally, we can use MDS again to plot the results:

Compared to the distribution of coordinates along the x and y axis for Pearson correlation and rank correlation, the DTW distances appear to span a wider range, picking up more nuanced differences between the time series of stock prices.

Now that we’ve looked at numerical and time series data, as a last example let’s examine calculating similarity in categorical datasets.


In this section, we learned how to identify groups of similar items in a dataset, an exploratory analysis that we might frequently use as a first step in deciphering new datasets. We explored different ways of calculating the similarity between datapoints and described what kinds of data these metrics might best apply to. We examined both divisive clustering algorithms, which split the data into smaller components starting from a single group, and agglomerative methods, where every datapoint starts as its own cluster. Using a number of datasets, we showed examples where these algorithms will perform better or worse, and some ways to optimize them. We also saw our first (small) data pipeline, a clustering application in PySpark using streaming data.

Resources for Article:

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