7 min read

This article by Jaynal Abedin and Kishor Kumar Das, authors of the book Data Manipulation with R Second Edition, will discuss factor variables in R. In any data analysis task, the majority of the time is dedicated to data cleaning and preprocessing. Sometimes, it is considered that about 80 percent of the effort is devoted to data cleaning before conducting the actual analysis. Also, in real-world data, we often work with categorical variables. A variable that takes only a limited number of distinct values is usually known as a categorical variable, and in R, it is known as a factor. Working with categorical variables in R is a bit technical, and in this article, we have tried to demystify this process of dealing with categorical variables.

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During data analysis, the factor variable sometimes plays an important role, particularly in studying the relationship between two categorical variables. In this section, we will see some important aspects of factor manipulation. When a factor variable is first created, it stores all its levels along with the factor. But if we take any subset of that factor variable, it inherits all its levels from the original factor levels.

This feature sometimes creates confusion in understanding the results. Numeric variables are convenient during statistical analysis, but sometimes, we need to create categorical (factor) variables from numeric variables. We can create a limited number of categories from a numeric variable using a series of conditional statements, but this is not an efficient way to perform this operation. In R, cut is a generic command to create factor variables from numeric variables.

The split-apply-combine strategy

Data manipulation is an integral part of data cleaning and analysis. For large data, it is always preferable to perform the operation within a subgroup of a dataset to speed up the process. In R, this type of data manipulation can be done with base functionality, but for large-scale data, it requires considerable amount of coding and eventually takes a longer time to process. In the case of big data, we can split the dataset, perform the manipulation or analysis, and then again combine the results into a single output. This type of split using base R is not efficient, and to overcome this limitation, Wickham developed an R package, plyr, where he efficiently implemented the split-apply-combine strategy.

Often, we require similar types of operations in different subgroups of a dataset, such as group-wise summarization, standardization, and statistical modeling. This type of task requires us to break down a big problem into manageable pieces, perform operations on each piece separately, and finally combine the output of each piece into a single piece of output. To understand the split-apply-combine strategy intuitively, we can compare it with the map-reduce strategy for processing large amounts of data, recently popularized by Google. In the map-reduce strategy, the map step corresponds to split and apply and the reduce step consists of combining. The map-reduce approach is primarily designed to deal with a highly parallel environment where the work has been done by several hundreds or thousands of computers independently. The split-apply-combine strategy creates an opportunity to see the similarities of problems across subgroups that were not previously connected. This strategy can be used in many existing tools, such as the GROUP BY operation in SAS, PivotTable in MS Excel, and the SQL GROUP BY operator.

The plyr package works on every type of data structure, whereas the dplyr package is designed to work only on data frames. The dplyr package offers a complete set of functions to perform every kind of data manipulation we would need in the process of analysis. These functions take a data frame as the input and also produce a data frame as the output, hence the name dplyr. There are two different types of functions in the dplyr package: single-table and aggregate. The single-table function takes a data frame as the input and an action such as subsetting a data frame, generating new columns in the data frame, or rearranging a data frame. The aggregate function takes a column as the input and produces a single value as the output, which is mostly used to summarize columns. These functions do not allow us to perform any group-wise operation, but a combination of these functions with the group_by() function allows us to implement the split-apply-combine approach.

Reshaping a dataset

Reshaping data is a common and tedious task in real-life data manipulation and analysis. A dataset might come with different levels of grouping, and we need to implement some reorientation to perform certain types of analyses. A dataset’s layout could be long or wide. In a long layout, multiple rows represent a single subject’s record, whereas in a wide layout, a single row represents a single subject’s record. Statistical analysis sometimes requires wide data and sometimes long data, and in such cases, we need to be able to fluently and fluidly reshape the data to meet the requirements of statistical analysis. Data reshaping is just a rearrangement of the form of the data—it does not change the content of the dataset. In this article, we will show you different layouts of the same dataset and see how they can be transferred from one layout to another. This article mainly highlights the melt and cast paradigm of reshaping datasets, which is implemented in the reshape contributed package. Later on, this same package is reimplemented with a new name, reshape2, which is much more time and memory efficient.

A single dataset can be rearranged in many different ways, but before going into rearrangement, let’s look back at how we usually perceive a dataset. Whenever we think about any dataset, we think of a two-dimensional arrangement where a row represents a subject’s (a subject could be a person and is typically the respondent in a survey) information for all the variables in a dataset, and a column represents the information for each characteristic for all subjects. This means that rows indicate records and columns indicate variables, characteristics, or attributes. This is the typical layout of a dataset. In this arrangement, one or more variables might play a role as an identifier, and others are measured characteristics. For the purpose of reshaping, we can group the variables into two groups: identifier variables and measured variables:

  • The identifier variables: These help us identify the subject from whom we took information on different characteristics. Typically, identifier variables are qualitative in nature and take a limited number of unique values. In database terminology, an identifier is termed as the primary key, and this can be a single variable or a composite of multiple variables.
  • The measured variables: These are those characteristics whose information we took from a subject of interest. These can be qualitative, quantitative, or a mixture of both.

Now, beyond this typical structure of a dataset, we can think differently, where we will have only identification variables and a value. The identification variable identifies a subject along with which the measured variable the value represents. In this new paradigm, each row represents one observation of one variable. In the new paradigm, this is termed as melting and it produces molten data. The difference between this new layout of the data and the typical layout is that it now contains only the ID variable and a new column, value, which represents the value of that observation.

Text processing

Text data is one of the most important areas in the field of data analytics. Nowadays, we are producing a huge amount of text data through various media every day; for example, Twitter posts, blog writing, and Facebook posts are all major sources of text data. Text data can be used to retrieve information, in sentiment analysis and even entity recognition.


This article briefly explained the factor variables, the split-apply-combine strategy, reshaping a dataset in R, and text processing.

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