4 min read

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How to do it…

The steps to handle events raised by different controls are as follows:

  1. Open the Pack.Ext2.Examples solution

  2. Press F5 or click on the Start button to run the solution.

  3. Click on the Direct Methods & Events hyperlink. This will run the example code for this recipe.

  4. Familiarize yourself with the code behind and the client-side markup.

How it works…

Applying the [DirectMethod(namespace=”ExtNetExample”)] attribute to the server-side method GetDateTime(int timeDiff) has exposed this method to our client-side code with the namespace of ExtNetExample, which we append to the method name call on the client side.

As we can see in the example code, we call this server method in the markup using the Ext.NET button btnDateTime and the code ExtNetExamples.GetDateTime(3). When the call hits the server, we update the Ext.NET control lblDateTime text property, which updates the control related to the property.

Adding namespace=”ExtNetExample” allows us to neatly group server-side methods and the JavaScript calls in our code. A good notation is CompanyName.ProjectName. BusinessDomain.MethodName. Without applying the namespace attribute, we would access our server-side method using the default namespace of App.direct. So, to call the GetDateTime method without the namespace attribute, we would use App.direct. GetDateTime(3).

We can also see how to return a response from Direct Method to the client-side JavaScript. If a Direct Method returns a value, it is sent back to the success function defined in a configuration object. This configuration object contains a number of functions, properties, and objects. We have dealt with the two most common functions in our example, the success and failure responses.

The server-side method GetCar()returns a custom object called Car. If the btnReturnResponse button is clicked on and GetCar() successfully returns a response, we can access the value when Ext.NET calls the JavaScript function named in the success configuration object CarResponseSuccess. This JavaScript function accepts the response parameter from the method and we can process it accordingly. The response parameter is serialized into JSON, and so object values can be accessed using the JavaScript object notation of object.propertyValue. Note that we alert the FirstRegistered property of the Car object returned.

Likewise, if a failure response is received, we call the client-side method CarResponseFailure alerting the response, which is a string value.

There are a number of other properties that form a part of the configuration object, which can be accessed as part of the callback, for example, failure to return a response. Please refer to the Direct Methods Overview Ext.NET examples website (http://examples.ext.net/#/ Events/DirectMethods/Overview/ ).

To demonstrate DirectEvent in action, we’ve declared a button called btnFireEvent and secondly, a checkbox called chkFireEvent. Note that each control points to the same DirectEvent method called WhoFiredMe.

You’ll notice that in the markup we declare the WhoFiredMe method using the OnEvent property of the controls.

This means that when the Click event is fired on the btnFireEvent button and the Change event is fired on the chkFireEvent checkbox, a request to the server is made where we call the WhoFiredMe method. From this, we can get the control that invoked the request via the object sender parameter and the arguments of the event using the DirectEventArgs e method.

Note that we don’t have to decorate the DirectEvent method, WhoFiredMe, with any attributes. Ext.NET takes care of all the plumbing. We just need to specify the method, which needs to be called on the server.

There’s more…

Raising DirectMethods is far more flexible in terms of being able to specify the parameters you want to send to the server. You also have the ability to send the control objects to the server or to client-side functions using the #{controlId} notation. It is generally not a good idea though to send the whole control to the server from a Direct Method, as Ext.NET controls can contain references to themselves. Therefore, when Ext.NET encodes the control, it can end up in an infinite loop, and you will end up breaking your code.

With a DirectEvent method, you can send extra parameters to the server using the ExtraParams property inside the controls event element. This can then be accessed using the e parameter on the server.


In this article we discussed about how to connect client-side and server-side code.

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