3 min read

Maintaining a log of data changes

The system will show the history of our data changes only if we have already activated the Maintain Change Log feature. There are two ways of activating this feature:

  • Role-based: This feature can be set up in the Role, which is associated with the user, upon login to the ADempiere client. To activate this auditing feature, navigate to the Menu | System Admin | General Rules | Security | Role window. Set the active tab to Role, and select your targeted role. Find and select the Maintain Change Log checkbox, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Exploring ADempiere Client and Performing Tasks: Part 2

  • Table based: You can activate this feature based on the Table. The Table is a place where you save information in your databases. Activate this feature by logging in with the System user ID and System Administrator as the role. Open the Menu | Application Dictionary | Table and Column window. Find your table, and select the Maintain Change Log checkbox

Standard window fields

When you enter or view information in part C of the ADempiere window, there will be a couple of standard fields available.

Client and Organization fields

ADempiere has a feature to set up both multi-client and multi-organizational transactions. You can set up as many clients and organizations as you need. We will discuss how to set up clients and organizations later.

To segregate information, the Client and Organization fields are used to save both the client (or company) and the organization (or division) information in each ADempiere information or data.

The following screenshot shows us an example of the client and organization fields in the Business Partner window:

Exploring ADempiere Client and Performing Tasks: Part 2


Active checkbox fields

Within certain windows, there is another standard field available. This is known as the Active checkbox. Generally, this checkbox should be available in a window that is used to enter some data that is being repeatedly used within applications as references (something similar to master data).

Some examples of windows that contain Active checkboxes are Warehouse,Business Partner, Price List, and so on. Although this master data will not to be used in your further transactions, you are advised to not remove or delete this information for data integrity purposes. Instead, mark these information records as inactive by deselecting the Active checkbox.

Performing tasks

The ADempiere window has editing features, similar to other applications that run on operating systems such as Linux and Microsoft Windows. However, it has several additional features that are unique to ADempiere itself.

Data management

Take a look at the main menu (part A) and toolbar (part B) area of your window. A list of icons related to data and record management is as follows:




Exploring ADempiere Client and Performing Tasks: Part 2

New: Click on this button when you want to add some information or data.


Exploring ADempiere Client and Performing Tasks: Part 2

Save: After you finish entering or updating your data, click on this button to save the information to the database.


Exploring ADempiere Client and Performing Tasks: Part 2

Cancel: Use this button to cancel or ignore your changes.


Exploring ADempiere Client and Performing Tasks: Part 2

Copy Record: Duplicate the value of existing records to new records


Exploring ADempiere Client and Performing Tasks: Part 2

Delete: Delete active records. For some data, you cannot delete the records. This is intended for auditing purposes. Instead, you can set their status to inactive.


Exploring ADempiere Client and Performing Tasks: Part 2

Delete multiple: Delete selected records or items. You will be prompted with a Delete Selected Items window, which contains a list of record IDs and document numbers, before proceeding with the deletion.


Exploring ADempiere Client and Performing Tasks: Part 2

ReQuery: Get the latest data, for the active records, from the databases.


Exploring ADempiere Client and Performing Tasks: Part 2

Grid Toggle: Show detailed information of one record only. This is suitable for adding (entering) or editing data.


Exploring ADempiere Client and Performing Tasks: Part 2

Grid Toggle: Shows the list of data or records in a grid mode.



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